→ chapter two
Lee Taeyong's POV
"Mum?" I questioned upon opening my front door, revealing the woman stood there looking rather impatient. "It's like eight o'clock, what are you doing here?"
"Oh it's nice to see you too." She retorted, inviting herself in. "I came to see how you were settling in to your new home."
"At night?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Okay so it took a while to find this place," she huffed, taking off her coat and placing it on the empty but spotless coat hanger. "I originally planned to arrive at dinner time." At this I chuckled to myself, leading her into the living room.
"I would've thought you'd know where the house is since you're the one that bought it for me." I laughed, gesturing for her to take a seat on the sofa, which she did.
"Well it is quite a remote little village." She mumbled.
"That's true." I smiled. "I'm glad you remembered I don't like busy places."
"Plus," She continued. "It has been about seven weeks since you moved in," She told me. "That's a long time for a busy mum like me to forget things."
"Seven weeks!?" I gasped, taking a seat opposite her. "Has it really been that long?"
"It has." My mum replied. "Seven weeks. That's a whole 49 days you've lived without seeing me."
"49 days..." I sighed. "I've done a lot in that time."
"I can see." My mum smiled whilst glancing around at the furniture. "Your allowance has been spent well."
"Well I learnt from the best." I replied, sending a warming glance to my mum.
"So, are you going to show me round?" She asked, suddenly standing up out of her seat. "Or am I going to show myself around?"
"Why don't you go and have a wander whilst I make tea?" I offered, receiving a small smile and a nod in reply. With that the woman scuttled off into the various other rooms in the house, and I rushed off into the kitchen to make tea.
I wouldn't call this place a mansion. It's big, guaranteed, but it's not a really big place. My mum was scared that I'd get lonely if I had a big place to myself. Little did she know that was something she didn't need to worry about.
This house is located near the coast, so it can get windy at times. The street consists mainly of elderly people who in the day all congregate at the docks to go fishing or catch up on what Mr. Tiddles the cat caught in the garden last night, or their latest embarkment in knitting techniques. In other words, these clueless folk won't suspect a thing.
Of course on my first day I went round and introduced myself as the new, kind, friendly young boy who just moved in and was willing to help out if there was ever a problem. This friendly introduction, paired with my handsome looks, made the elders completely fall for me, and thus my work there was done.
Grabbing the two cups of tea, I made my way back into the living room, placing them on the table.
"Mum?" I called, glancing round.
"I'm over here." She called, and for a second I could've sworn she came from the direction of-
"MUM!" I yelled, bursting around the corner and blocking the door she was about to enter, the one opposite the dining room.
"What?" She giggled. "Can I not see in the basement?"
"Absolutely not." I replied, the panic in my eyes slowly dying down. Until..
"Oh don't be silly." She smiled. "I don't mind if it's messy down there, I just want to see."
"But you can't mum." I told her, staring her in the eye with a panicked look. She too, looked back at me, but her look was judgemental and filled with thought.
"I get it." She smirked. "You're hiding something down there."
And I thought my eyes couldn't get any wider.
"I knEW IT!" She called out, laughing. "Let me guess... is it.." She gasped suddenly, and my interior panic alarm was deafening me. "Of course, your father was just the same."
"W-w-what..." I asked, and she meant forward and whispered in my ear.
"You keep your racy magazines down there, don't you."
I remember one time I dyed my hair red. I was going through quite a rebellious stage at that point, and I thought that the colour red was something really cool to have on my head. Little did I know that my face was pretty much that colour right now, and it was far from cool. Yet here I was, in a situation where all I can do is accept the false statement and laugh it off, receiving my mother's dirty judgement.
"Mum!" I exclaimed, looking away embarrassed.
"Haha! You cheeky thing!" She giggled. "Alright, I won't look." The woman then turned away and huffed, "You dirty boy."
This is your own fault. I told myself. You absolute idiot. Letting her walk round by herself.
"The tea is on the table in the living room." I told her. "Shall we go in there?"
"So," my mum sighed as she sat herself back down on the sofa. "Whilst we're on the topic of women... are you dating anyone?"
"No." I bluntly replied. "I've had a few things here and there, but nothing special." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, nervously gripping onto the cup of tea in my hands.
"Oh Taeyongie," my mum sighed, clearly mistaking my uncomfortable nature for some kind of heartbreak, so let's roll with that. "You'll find someone special one day, I promise you."
"I don't know if I want someone special mum." I replied.
"Of course you do silly!" She exclaimed, smiling a little. "I've told you countless times that the right woman will come along one day, but you just have to keep looking." I stayed quiet, nodding my head.
"A woman will come along one day and she'll love you for more than your looks. She'll want to stay by your side and love you for who you are." She took a sip of her tea before placing the cup down. Here it comes. The speech.
"I know I've told you this before," She began. "But you must treasure the girls you come across, like a true gentleman. If there's someone you truly like, don't give up and let her escape from you, but keep her close and look after her, like a precious doll."
"I'll try my best mum." I smiled warmly. "I really will."
"Thank you." She smiled. "Ever since you were born it has been my wish to see you get married and be happy."
"I know mum." I smiled. "I'll find her soon."
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