→ chapter four
Ji Mina's POV
It was Saturday morning, and Mingyu and I were sat at the dinner table patiently waiting for the breakfast mum was cooking for us.
"How's the investigators club coming along Mingyu?" Mum asked, glancing over only for a second as she was concentrating on the frying pan.
"It's really interesting actually." His face lit up. "We were discussing the different ways to kidnap people, and then trying to see how to cover it up so no traces were left behind."
"Are you sure they're not just teaching you how to kidnap people and get away with it?" I butted in. "It sounds creepy."
"No!" He yelled back at me. "We're trying to solve the recent case, remember? The girls all went missing without a trace, so we're trying to think of how he did it."
"How do you know it's a He?" I asked him, skeptical. "It could be a She."
"Well, based off the fact that the victims we're all young, pretty women who were single and on dating apps, we're assuming the kidnapper is taking advantage of their willingness to date and using them for his own creepy reaso-"
"Mingyu!" Mum interrupted him. "Come on, we don't need that much detail!"
"Sorry." He sighed. "But yeah. One thing we came up with was a creepy guy catfishing these girls and asking them to come over to his house."
"Catfishing?" Mum questioned.
"Where you use someone else's photo online and trick them into thinking it's you." I told her. "You know that guy I met the other day? I first met him online and I actually thought he was some catfish, but he just happened to be a real person who walked into our restaurant. How crazy is that?"
"Ooh, speaking of." She smirked at me. "What time is your date today?"
"You're going on a date?" Mingyu asked, surprised.
"It's not a date." I sighed. "We're just going for coffee."
"Sounds like a date to me." Mum giggled.
"Oooooo Mina's going on a date~" Mingyu laughed.
It's not a date!" I cried out, sighing as my brother chuckled at me. I just ate my food, then left to go get ready.
Third Person POV
Taeyong's mum left earlier this morning. He was glad she did, since he hadn't fed the girls in a few days, and the last thing he wanted was rotting corpses in the basement. He whipped up some food in the kitchen, plated it up and made his way down the dark stairs to the basement.
The smell down there was indeed atrocious, and Taeyong decided he'd need to clean it up at some point. Especially if things go well with Mina.
'I can't have someone like her who won't just like me for my looks see such awful conditions.' He thought to himself, smiling.
His smile faded, however, upon hearing the girls in the basement. They were screaming, crying, in pain. He didn't want them to be in pain.
'How are they supposed to love me if they're not happy?' He thought.
"I brought food." He chimed, holding the large tray with three small plates balanced on it. Hyejin and Haneul took the food without complaints, wolfing it down as if it were their last. Yoona, however, stared at the plate as if it were poison. She hadn't eaten anything for the two weeks she'd been here, and her body was starting to take on a skeletal form. She was thin to begin with, but now she represented someone on their death bed.
"Eat." Taeyong ordered, glaring down at the girl curled up in the corner. She didn't say a word, and simply pushed the plate away from her. He pushed it back, infuriated that she refused to eat the food he cooked himself. "Eat the food." He ordered again, kneeling down in front of her.
He watched as she looked down at the plate, and reached out a shaky hand to grab the porcelain dish. She tried picking it up, but was too weak to do so with one hand, and picked it up with two. 'Finally' Taeyong thought 'She's finally eating.'
However, he was gravely mistaken. Yoona raised the plate up, then smashed it down on the floor with all the force she could manage. The brittle porcelain smashed into a hundred pieces, splashing almost like water upon contact with the concrete floor and cutting through all skin in its path. Taeyong's included.
The place was a mess. Rice covered the floor, as well as the meat and vegetables Yoona had refused to eat, mixed in with tiny shards of plate and droplets of blood where Yoona and Taeyong had been cut by the jagged edges.
Taeyong was speechless. He'd taken the time out of his day to cook her a meal, and she'd literally just thrown it back in his face. He could feel the anger building up inside of him. This wasn't love. Why couldn't she appreciate his work and eat the meal like the other two? Why did she have to be rude and disrespect him like this when he was just trying his hardest to win her over?
These thoughts swirled round his head, angering him more and more until he felt like ripping his hair out. He couldn't hold anything in anymore. He needed to hit something. He needed to hit her.
A few hours had passed and Taeyong was getting ready to meet Mina. He had to put a plaster on his cheek and a few more on his hands because of the cuts from the plate. His hands were also red raw but he could just blame that on the cold. He put his clothes in the wash since they were bloodstained and dirty, deciding that he'll leave the washing machine on whilst he's out. It also makes a lot of noise, which was handy.
Before leaving he checked the basement one last time, and walking down he could hear the cries of Hyejin and Haneul.
"I'm leaving." He told them. "If anyone tries anything," he paused. "I will not hesitate to repeat what happened this morning."
The girls fell silent.
Taeyong turned to walk away, when one of the girls cried out.
"Y-yo-you killed her!" She cried, tears streaming down her face in fear. Taeyong turned to look in the corner of the room, where Yoona lay still. Blood was splattered up the wall and over the floor, and her leg sat in a foreign position on her body.
"She's not dead you idiot." He scoffed. "Look, she's still breathing."
She wasn't. Did he know that? Who knows?
"So be quiet." He ordered, walking up the stairs and closing the door, leaving them in complete darkness once again.
Word Count: 1132
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