Chapter 12
After their date, it was like a dam broke.
They stumbled in the door — at Dick's place this time — laughing at some stupid joke Dick had made, and then suddenly they were kissing and Jason was dropping his stupid crutches and pulling Dick hard against him. And then they were really kissing, the line of their bodies pressed tightly together from chest to hip, one of Dick's thighs pushed between Jason's, pressing him back against the door.
Jason lost time entirely, only able to think, fuck, and yes, and more, just kissing and grinding against each other for however many endless, beautiful minutes or hours — days? Eternities? Jason didn't know and he didn't care. Until Dick pulled back.
Jason chased his mouth and Dick gave him another kiss before pulling away again, panting and red-lipped. "We should take this to the bedroom." He paused. "I mean. If you want?"
"Yes, oh god yes," Jason rushed out.
Dick shifted back, and Jason reluctantly let go of his hair and dropped the hand on his face, already mourning the loss. Fuck, they needed to be in the bedroom now; he couldn't stand not having Dick right up against him, all around him, now that he knew what it was like.
Jason put his arm over Dick's shoulders and started to limp toward Dick's bedroom. Dick pushed him gently down onto the bed when they got there and climbed into his lap, straddling him. He cradled Jason's face in his hands, starting to kiss him again before sliding his hands down his chest and then under his shirt, pushing it up. He broke away again for a moment and pulled Jason's shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor and kissing him once more before pulling back and taking off his own shirt, pushing Jason back against the bed with a hand on his chest.
"I think we should be naked," he said, leaning over him with a hand braced by either side of Jason's head.
Jason managed to get out a dazed, "Yeah," and then Dick was abandoning him again, but oh Jason couldn't be too upset about it when Dick was kneeling between his legs and his hand was going straight for Jason's zipper, yanking his jeans down and off, and then rubbing a hand over his cock through his underwear.
"This good?"
Jason put his hand over Dick's, pressing it harder against him and grinding up against it.
"Mm you're big, aren't you?" Dick said, squeezing his hand. Jason gave a small moan and let up the pressure on Dick's hand, and Dick immediately moved to pull his underwear off. "Oh fuck, you are."
Jason laughed. "Don't flatter me, I'm already putting out."
"I'm not," Dick said, stroking over Jason's cock and staring at it.
Jason blushed. "Am I the only one getting naked here?"
"You're right. A horrible state of affairs I'll have to immediately fix," Dick said, standing up and stripping the rest of his clothes off.
Jason got all the way onto the bed the right way around and Dick immediately climbed on top of him, straddling his hips and grinding their cocks together as he leaned down to kiss him.
They got lost in kissing and frotting for a while until Jason started kissing down Dick's neck, and Dick reached over and pulled the drawer to his bedside table open, his hand pausing as he reached inside. "Do we need a condom?"
Jason pulled away from his neck. "I'm clean. I've gotten checked since I last had sex."
"Okay, awesome, me too. None is fine with you then?"
Jason nodded and skimmed his hands over Dick's hips.
Dick grabbed the lube and pushed the drawer shut. He opened the bottle and started to pour some onto his fingers, when Jason stopped him with a hand.
"Are you— How…" he started. "What are we doing?" he asked finally.
"Oh, uh, I'm— I was gonna ride you. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, can I open you up?"
Dick handed him the lube. "Go ahead."
Jason slicked his fingers up and then urged Dick up a bit so he could reach between his legs and press one finger into him. He pulled Dick's head down with his other hand and kissed him while he fingered him open.
When Dick finally, finally sank down on his cock, Jason's brain fuzzed out a bit because holy shit holy shit, he was inside Dick Grayson, the Dick Grayson — oh my god Dick Grayson was riding his cock — he was fucking Dick Grayson.
Dick rose up on his knees, thighs flexing under Jason's hands, and sank back down, rolling his hips, and then Jason couldn't overthink it anymore because it was all he could do to gasp out, "Fuck yeah, baby," and push his hips up to meet Dick's.
Dick rode him steadily, barely even panting, like he could do this all fucking night, and he did it with a fucking smile on his face, and Jason— Jason just stared up at how fucking gorgeous he was. How could one man be so much, so fucking perfect?
"Oh, listen to you, Jay." Dick ran a hand over his cheek, cupping it. "You're so fucking beautiful," he murmured, leaning down to kiss him, and Jason's heart felt like it was about to beat straight out of his chest. God, nobody ever called him beautiful, and it sounded almost comical coming from someone as devastatingly fucking pretty as Dick, but— but fuck, the way Dick had said it, it was hard not to believe he meant it.
Dick slid his tongue against Jason's and sped his hips, kissing him hard before it slowly turned into just panting against each other's mouths.
"Ohhh god, yeah, Jay," Dick moaned.
All Jason could do was let out small groans and harsh breaths as he hitched his hips up to meet Dick's. He slid his hand between their bodies and started to jerk Dick off, and Dick let out a small cry.
"Oh fuck, are you gonna come?" Dick panted.
Jason nodded. "Nngh— Can— Can I—" he cut off with a whine, grabbing Dick's hips and clinging for dear life.
"You can come in me."
Jason's back arched off the bed as he came with a long, throaty moan, his nails digging into Dick's hips, raking red lines down the sides of his thighs.
"Fuck, oh god, that's so hot, you're so fucking sexy," Dick said, his voice a high whine as he jerked himself off quickly.
Jason managed to wrench his eyes open with a small moan to watch Dick, still riding the aftershocks.
"Oh fuck, your eyes." Dick came over Jason's stomach and chest with a sob, his head falling back.
Jason smoothed his hands up Dick's thighs, over his hips, his waist, and then back down, repeating it over and over until Dick came back to himself.
"Mmmh," Dick finally said, picking his head back up and looking down at Jason. "You okay?"
"So much better than okay," Jason said, his eyes heavy-lidded. He stroked his thumbs across the marks he'd left on Dick's thighs. "Sorry, didn't mean to scratch you."
"No, it's okay, it's hot. I like it a little rough."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm," Dick hummed, leaning forward to kiss Jason's lips once before burying his face in the crook of his neck and slumping forward onto his chest.
Jason's arms came up around his back, holding him tightly and stroking over his shoulder with his thumb.
After that night, the dam was smashed to smithereens and rest of the week passed in a haze of sex. And Jason really couldn't find it in himself to regret it — in fact he was rather pleased with the way things were going. It was keeping him off his ankle mostly, so, like, in the name of health, really, this was the reasonable course of action. Okay maybe it was a bit excessive, but they were a new couple; they were allowed to fuck like bunnies for a while until the new shine wore off.
• ◇ •
Dick managed to keep his clothes on long enough before patrol to actually go to the Cave. It might not have sounded like much, but these past few days, that had been a task, okay.
He was just going to the Cave to check in and ask Bruce a few questions about a case he'd been working that Dick thought might be related to one of his, however, when he got there Bruce was nowhere in sight, it was just Tim again.
"What are you doing here?"
Tim mumbled something unintelligible, not taking his eyes off the computer.
"When is the last time you slept?"
Tim waved his hand vaguely. "Ehhh."
"That's not a promising answer."
Tim finally looked over. "Oh it's you, I've been meaning to ask you some shit about this case because I'm pretty sure you've dealt with some of these exact people before but they wormed their way out of prison."
"You could've asked me earlier. You know, days before the sleep deprivation."
"Well I did stop by," Tim said, "but you had Jay bent over the table and it, uh, did not look like yoga."
Dick felt himself blush and covered his face with his hands.
"So much for not having the hots for him," Tim added.
Dick's shoulders began to shake as he fought to keep his laughter in. Oh this was so not funny, it was fucking mortifying, but the way Tim had said it.
"What's so funny?"
As soon as Dick opened his mouth, his laughter came spilling out. "It's not," he said through his laughter. "It's not funny at all and I'm going to be very embarrassed about this later, but— like yoga— 'please—'" he laughed again, "'please move to dick in ass pose'." He collapsed into laughter.
Tim stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter as well. "Dick in ass pose?" he wheezed.
They both completely lost it. Every time one of them would start to calm down, the other one would set them off again.
Bruce started to come down into the Cave several minutes in, got halfway down the stairs, paused, watching his two sons in hysterics, and then — apparently deciding he wanted nothing to do with whatever that was about — turned right back around and went back upstairs, which only made both of them laugh harder.
Eventually their laughter tapered off and they both sat there wheezing — Tim in the computer chair and Dick now on the floor.
"Yeah we've been together for about a week now," Dick said eventually. "I don't care if you tell other people, it's not a secret or anything. We're actually like dating, we're not just hooking up."
"Oh. Congrats?"
Dick snorted. "Thanks." He was silent for a moment and picked at his thumb nail. "I, uh, realized you were right like...right after we talked. So guess you really did call it first."
"Huh," Tim said. "And Stephanie says I can't read people."
"Shove this in her face with a big fat 'told ya so'."
"I will." The monitor went black, going to sleep after such a long stretch of inactivity, and Tim turned back to it, shaking the mouse. "And I still need to talk to you about this case."
"Right. Ask away."
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