i've been summoned
cescii I'm the most boring person in the world why would you do this
1. Height
I'm 5'5" and three quarters. Give me the benefit of doubt and consider it 5'6" thanks so much.
2. Shoe size
This is so random what- *laughs*
I'm a 5
3. Do you drink
Bleach, on a daily basis. *holds up bottle with a drunken smile*
4. Do you smoke
I'd probably die after a single drag bc I hate it and it makes me choke okay-
5. Do you take drugs
I can't even chug down a single can of soda without someone finding out and you expect me to run into drug dealers handing out stuff round the corner smh
6. Age you were mistaken for
Fun fact but we had guests over and they thought I was the elder one and advised me to study well for the medical school entrance exam and not stress too much while my elder sister (who is twenty) muffled her laughter so yeah
7. Do you have tattoos
I wish I did but no
8. Do you want tattoos
I want something tattooed on the inside of my wrist (for some unknown reason) but I don't know what I should get just yet okay don't judge me
9. Do you have piercings
I have my ears pierced
10. Do you want piercings
A belly button piercing pLEASE that is hot as fuck oh god
11. Relationship status
Good lord I'm a married woman with two pizza children why would you ask that
12. Biggest turn on
Guys running their hands through their hair
13. Biggest turn off
Guys running their hands through their hair
14. Favourite movie
Why are Mulan and Monsters Inc the only movies I can suddenly think of wtf
15. I'll love you forever if—
You cuddle me and make me feel super small and squish? Idk man I'm a sappy and hopelessly romantic idiot don't judge me
16. Facts about myself
I don't even think anyone would read this haha but okay here we go—
• I'm horribly insecure and I constantly feel like I'm annoying the living daylights out of you which might be true but idek anymore
• I've got a birthmark on the inside of my left elbow and it irritates me a lot even though it's not even visible most of the time
• I lick my lips a lot and I practically chewed them off during my finals I'm not even joking
• I have an amazing metabolism so I can eat a whole lot and not gain weight muahaha
• My glare can kill you and I'm being honest
• I have a very clear voice and I was in the school choir for years. I've conducted a lot of shows and I'm quite proud(?) of it idk
• If I feel horrid about something, I never ever let it show and I usually bottle it up so I can cry about it angrily later
• I have dark hair that has a massive volume so I experiment way too much with it. So far, I've chopped off my waist length hair thrice to get hair that hung down to my chin. Presently, I have hair that falls a little down my shoulders and I'm debating chopping them off again
• I'm also absolutely horrible at thinking up facts about myself please never make me do this again
17. The thing you hate most about yourself
When it comes to other people, I'm the most supportive person ever that will hype you up even when you're feeling low. But when it comes to my own self, I'm the worst possible critic and I'm never okay with what I write. I could write for hours, look at it for a few minutes and then literally delete the entire chapter. I've done this and I'm very sure I'll keep doing it for however long it is that I'm alive. I'm miserably pessimistic and downright RUDE when it comes to judging my own self in any way hELP
18. The thing you love most about yourself
Uh, it's my partly my brains and partly my ability to be incredibly polite? I'm a very kind person and I'm also kinda smart in academics so yeah
19. What I want to be in the future
A writer who is also the most badass and amazing English teacher in the whole world pLEASE
20. My idea of the perfect date
Visiting bookstores, eating pizza, lying under the stars and just cUDDLING. IF YOU DO THIS, I WILL MARRY YOU I PROMISE
21. Brief description of the person I like
The Leo to my Calypso :')
22. What I find attractive in women
Umm idk? Probably their smile?
23. What I find attractive in men
24. What I find attractive in people regardless of whether they conform to the gender binary or not
The little smile people have when they're talking about something they're passionate about and it makes me so happy
25. Who I would like to be
I admire a lot of qualities in a lot of different people so unless someone has created a way to mould it all into one person I don't think I'll be able to narrow down my list
26. My childhood career choice
I wanted to be a theatre artist lmao. When I grew up to be around six or seven I realised I ain't got the face or the talent for that so I squashed my own dreams under my tiny shoes hAHAHA
27. Where I would like to live
Right in the bustling heart of some old English town where I can sit in picturesque cafés (and hopefully bump into attractive strangers like in the movies) or just stay at home with my three cats
28. My favourite ice cream flavour
Honestly, I'm good with whatever but I have a soft spot for Belgian chocolate for the slightly bitter taste okay
29. Where I wish I could be
In an alternate universe where I don't have to shift schools in a month haha kill me please
30. The last thing I ate
Fried rice from a stupid restaurant near my house it wasn't good and I regret eating it
31. Kinks?
I'm a pure child and I have absolutely no idea *awkward smile* eventhoughthereisthatthingguysdowhentheybitetheirlipswhilemakingeyecontact sorry it's nothing I don't know just yet hAHAHA
I'm tagging the following people to continue this chain of weird and awkward questions to answer and I'll skin you alive if you don't do this okay—
ApologiesInAdvance Fluffy_Taeger BLUSHJJK STARMYG MandyJFT ThatOneBtsFanboy15
*waves shyly and bolts for the door*
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