| Chapter One |
New York, 2022
Fingers pushed through shoulder-blade length coils and umber eyes roamed over the new hairstyle that sprouted around an ebony head of hair. Different variations of curls pushed for the overwhelming attention of the onlooker, as they drank in the fresh sight of what lay before them. It was a beautiful sight to behold and the onlooker couldn't help beaming at the way her fresh curls framed her face, enhancing her new look. Her new start, and even brighter future.
A knock at the door disrupted the moment.
"Ruth? Babe, are you almost ready?" the voice of Emily Bautista slipped through the door. Ruth could already imagine the worried way her eyebrows were probably pushing together and the frown that adorn her pouty lips.
"You can come in," Ruth called out, her fingers still finding strands of curls that needed a bit more "umph" and wrapping them up into a spiral.
The door wasted no time in opening up, revealing Emily dressed in a beautiful cream dress that hugged her curves snuggly. Her hair was slicked back to show off a thin neck, wrapped in a delicate Tiffany's necklace, and accentuating the beauty of her natural features. Round, almond-shaped eyes regard Ruth lovingly, her rose petal lipstick drawing Ruth's attention in easily, as she watched her mouth tug up into a teasing grin.
"Is there ever a day you don't make us late?" Emily questioned, raising a plucked brow. Her eyeliner was sharp and perfect above a shimmer of pale pink sparkle.
"Nope," Ruth winked. "My hair can't do herself."
"What do you mean? It always looks perfect."
"You're my girlfriend. You have to say that," Ruth pointed out, playfully rolling her eyes. She eyed Em out of the corner of her eye and watched her click her heels closer to where she stood.
"Not true." Emily smiled. "But we really have to go. The Peters are waiting for us downstairs already."
Ruth doesn't have to look at the time on her phone to know that they were, in fact, running further behind schedule than she thought. She hadn't planned on fixing up her curls in the hotel mirror, but they needed a little TLC after the day she just had. So, after picking out her hair, and running a shimmery lip gloss over her crimson lips, she was ready to go.
Instead of wearing a dress like Emily, she decided to go for a black pantsuit that outlined her figure and flared out around her fiery red heels. It wasn't her ususal look, but she had to dress the part if she wanted to have a good dinner with her boss and his wife. That night could be a big step in Emily's career, and Ruth was more than willing to do anything to make her happy.
Emily had always been there for Ruth, and she wanted to continue returning the favor. It took a lot of willpower to be able to hold the person you loved as they cried for another, or learning not to take each recoil away from comfort personally. They were in a good place, and what better way to show that than to have a dinner with their boss at an extravegant hotel in Manhattan?
Blowing out a soft breath, Ruth turned away from her reflection and shut off the bathroom light. Time to turn on professional Ruth.
By the time they both made it downstairs, the Peters, a charming couple with matching black curls and grinning brown eyes, were drinking martinis at the bar like it was the thing to do. Their ease dropped Ruth's shoulders down comfortably, and she suddenly remembered why she loved Dr. Peters so much.
Dr. Peters was a remarkable woman who used to be in charge of both Ruth and Emily before Ruth moved floors. Her grin was always genuine, her instructions clear, and her love for her job infinite.
"Emily, Ruth," Dr. Peters greeted, her grin dripping with a daze only vodka could bring. "This is my husband, Marc."
Marc held out a sober hand for the two of them to shake, which they both do firmly and with warmth. His honey-brown gaze was friendly, comfortable. Just like his wife's.
"Nice to meet you both," he said, the martini still gripped in his other hand. Ruth held in her giggle at that.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Marc," Emily said.
"Wonderful to meet you," Ruth agreed.
"Well, now that we're all together, let's go get some dinner!" Dr. Peters exclaimed, pointing over to their restaurant. The woman gracefully maneuvered herself off the bar stool and Emily shared another smile with Ruth secretly. Dr. Peters definitely was a lightweight.
It didn't take them long to be seated after Marc gave the seater their reservation name. The waiter, a young woman with pristine blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, was quick ask for their drink order, which Emily did put in for both her and Ruth, and left to grab it. Emily knew exactly what Ruth loved, and it had taken awhile to get used to her girlfriend ordering for her. She fought it in the beginning of their relationship, having hated that it made her feel like a child, but after realizing it was something . . . someone, never did for her, she allowed it. Anything opposite of him, she now welcomed.
"So," Dr. Peters began, after taking a sip of her drink. "You're looking to move up, Emily? Does that mean you both finally decided on staying in New York?"
Emily nodded eagerly. Ruth glanced away and took a sip of her Flirtini.
"Yes. We decided New York is the perfect place for us to grow our careers and we both want to stay at Floyd's Hospital a bit longer," Emily responded.
"Ah," Dr. Peters nodded, pleased.
"You guys been in New York long?" Marc asked curiously.
"Three-and-a-half years," Ruth confessed, clearing her throat.
Three-and-a-half years of Emily's comforting hugs, warm smiles that challenged the stars in the night skies, and her fierce loyalty in making sure Ruth was always okay in any situation. Even now, with the uncomfortable talk about pasts and futures, Emily's hand slid over Ruth's left thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze. Any tenseness left Ruth's body and she slid her fingers over Em's, giving it a squeeze back.
"Us New Yorkers haven't scared you off yet?" he teased.
"Not yet. Maybe we'll give you guys one more year to gather the pitchforks," Ruth winked, and the couple laughed.
For the next hour, after the four of them ordered their hearty meals, they talked about Emily's responsibilities if she were to agree to the position and the tough choice that laid ahead of her. It was a great position with great money, they just needed someone who was in it for the long haul. And Emily was ready for that. Hell, she deserved that. And Ruth wanted to be there to see her take the big win.
They hadn't been working for Floyd's Hospital long, but Emily was already working her way up the latter with her determination. It made those 12 hour shifts worth it, and made the time Emily and Ruth spent together that much sweeter. She loved to see Emily succeed, even if it left her exausted at the end of the day.
And by the way Dr. Peters was looking at Emily, she knew Emily was finally getting the career she always dreamt of. The one that kept the both of them up at night for the first year, as Emily painted the picture of her future. It happened before that first touch on Ruth's hand after she finally started to relax about six months into their living arrangement, and seven months before they shared their first kiss in their kitchen. Ruth had been leaning against the sink, watching Emily cook some ramen like it was a fascination to her when she was really just mesmorized by the motions of moving day-to-day without grief weighing one's shoulders down. To be free of memory and loss was a dream Emily possessed, and it both fascinated Ruth, and repulsed her.
And then Emily was coming closer.
Slowly, as if Ruth were a frightened doe rather than a confused girl, she came towards her, wrapped her cheeks in her palms, and kissed Ruth's lips.
The rest was history.
Kissing eventually led to touching, touching led to forgetting, and forgetting led to moving on.
And now there they were. Discussing their future that would forever be on the East Coast. New York was where their stories were leading them. It was where they'd probably marry, have children, and go old in a home outside of the city.
On that note, Ruth's phone began to buzz excessivley in her pocket.
At first, she tried to ignore it. Her meal was almost finished and she was getting to her favorite part of the steak, and Dr. Peters had just toasted to Emily's acceptance of the job. Whoever was calling could wait.
Only they couldn't, for the phone buzzed again.
Ruth frowned to herself and dug into her pocket to grab the damn thing. When she looked at the caller I.D., she almost choked on the chunk of meat that went down her throat.
"I have to take this call," Ruth murmured quietly to Emily, whose gaze was sharp on her in confusion. Ruth didn't take any time explaining what was going on as she flashed the Peters a pretty smile and stood up from her seat. The name flashing on her screen was alarming, but she had to stand cool and collected, even if she felt everything but that. "Would you all excuse me?"
Dr. Peters and Marc waved her off with a smile.
It was an important night for Emily's career and she hoped the phone call wouldn't ruin it.
Ruth didn't even knock on the bathroom door like she ususally did before pushing open the door and closing it harder than necessary. She hadn't meant to, but her phone was on its fourth ring and she needed to answer as soon as possible.
"Hello?" Ruth answered, trying her best to control the anxiousness in her voice but failing.
"Ruth, honey," the voice on the other end breathed out in relief, her voice hitching on a sob.
Something inside Ruth crumbled, her heart racing despite it.
"What's going on?" she demanded. "What's wrong?"
"You need to come quick, baby. He doesn't have a whole lot of time left."
That one statement tore Ruth's heart to pieces for two different reasons, as she flopped her body against the bathroom wall, tears collecting around the rim of her eyes. Her lips quivered and a strangled cry tore from her lips in anguish.
The first reason was obvious.
One of the people she loved more than life itself was succuming to his sickness.
And two . . . she had to return to the one place she had avoided for the last three years.
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