Chapter One | Biram
It was a cold night in Daeho as winter started to set in. The mages at Cheonbugwan are now working with little time on their hands after the sudden death of their senior mage, Cho Chung. It's been 3 days since his soul shifted and 2 days since the Gwanju had left for a personal reason. Left behind to take care of any matters that would happen, Jin Mu has been assigned as the Assistant Gwanju by Jang Kang himself without knowing of his pupil's secret plans.
"Twins? You say?" Jin Mu asked after taking a sip from his cup of tea.
"Yes, sir," one of the mages of Cheonbugwan replied back, "One male and one female."
The young Assistant Gwanju placed his cup of tea back on the table and said, "Since both of them had their gate of energy closed... We can just take his daughter. It'd be a hassle if we took Jang Kang's son as he is the Jang Clan's eldest child."
"When should I bring her to you, sir?"
"It'd be better if this happens tonight. Make sure no one sees you, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
The mage then bowed his head before leaving his master. Jin Mu looked away from his cup of tea and stared into the distance. He then smirked to himself as his plan of taking one of the late King's children and working alongside Shaman Choi is turning out well.
"Songrim won't know what is coming their way," he muttered under his breath before letting out a short laugh.
"This is Jang Kang's daughter," Jin Mu spoke up with the baby girl in his arms.
Shaman Choi took a quick look at the little thing and grinned. "No one saw your man take her?" She asked, making sure that their plan won't fail at its first stage.
The Assistant Gwanju shook his head, earning a relieved sigh from his ally. Then he asked, "Where should I bring her?"
"For now... Raise her in Danhyanggok," the female shaman answered.
Jin Mu raised an eyebrow, surprised. "With Naksu?"
"I believe these two will help us with our future plans..." the young woman replied back, looking at the baby again, "My, my... She does look like her mother. Too bad, she won't be staying here to be adored and admired by everyone."
Then she added, "What was her birth name?"
Jin Mu thought about it and remembered. "I heard she was named after the word 'thunder'."
"Hmm... Noyi. Jang Noyi. And her brother?"
"It's Wook."
"Meaning sunrise... Tsk, Jang Kang surely has a way with names," Shaman Choi pointed out. "Because of the King's Star, he named the late King's child with the meaning of a brand new day. But for the daughter, he named her as if she's her twin brother's downfall."
"We chose the right baby then," Jin Mu exclaimed with a smile. "We can train her just like Naksu-"
"No," the woman in front of him said, cutting him off with a harsh tone. "Cho Chung's daughter will be the only one you're going to train. As for this little one here... After 12 years of staying at Danhyanggok, bring her to the palace. I'll make her become the Crown Prince's personal maid. She needs to stay by my side as much as possible so that in case the plans with Naksu fail, we can use her when the right time comes."
Jin Mu got the message so he nodded his head and told her, "I understand, my Lady."
- 7 years later -
"Unnie! Unnie!" a young girl called out while running down the rocky path.
An older girl turned her head away from the dinner she was cooking and looked at the younger one with a worried face. "Biram! Don't run! You'll trip!" She called back as she placed the spoon that she used for tasting the stew she made on the nearby table.
The young girl whose name is Biram giggled and waved at the older girl, not listening to the advice given to her. She then stood in front of the older girl and smiled. "Unnie! Guess what I saw earlier today!"
"Hmm... A deer?" Biram shook her head after hearing the wrong answer. Then the older girl sighed and guess again. "A bird?"
Biram then smiled again while nodding her head quickly. "It was sooo cute! I wanted to bring it to you but... I had a feeling you'd cook it," she said earning a scowl from the older girl.
"Aish! Yah, Biram! Not funny!"
The seven-year-old giggled again and then a man with a hood came out of the house with a sword in his hand. He looked at the two girls and smiled to himself before walking over to them. "Girls, I won't be able to eat dinner with you both as I'll be heading back," he spoke up, earning their attention right away.
Biram pouted and ran over to the hooded man while saying, "Danju, why do I have a feeling that you're skipping meals?"
The older girl bit her bottom lip from laughing while the hooded man who goes by the name Danju chuckled at the younger one's words.
"If it helps you from worrying, I'll make sure to eat when I head back," he told Biram with a gentle voice. Then he looked at the older girl and added, "Naksu... Make sure your sister eats her vegetables."
"Ew... Vegetables..." Biram whispered to herself while Naksu nodded her head as her answer.
Then the man started to leave but he stopped and took one more look at the two girls that he brought to Danhyanggok. "Just a few more years left..." He thought quietly, "And you two will be separated from each other. Take advantage of the time you have and I hope to see you both strong and healthy when the time comes. Because you'll be needing it."
"Unnie... I still remember what you first called me..." Biram whispered as she and Naksu laid down on their shared bed.
Naksu turned her head to face her and asked, "Oh, really? What did I call you back then?"
The younger girl smiled before answering, "Bibaram. That's what you used to call me. You kept calling me that until the day the Danju came to visit us, he said he had a name for me but all I could think of was the nickname you gave. Because it got stuck, the Danju decided to shorten it to Biram."
Naksu remembered the memory and softly laughed to herself. Then she said, "You were quite stubborn about keeping the nickname and the Danju was trying his best to get you to change your mind. But you really wanted to be called Bibaram."
Silence fell between the two but soon Biram spoke up again.
"Unnie?" she whispered as she looked at the older girl who was like an older sister to her.
"Hmm?" Naksu hummed back as she stared at Biram.
"Why did you call me Bibaram before?" the seven-year-old asked with curious eyes.
The 10-year-old blinked a couple of times before replying back. "Well... I remembered on the day you came to Danhyanggok, there was a thunderstorm. I used to hate it. Hearing the sound of thunder. But when the Danju came with you in his arms, I was relieved that I wouldn't be all alone here. That day reminded me of you and so I thought of calling you Bibaram which means thunderstorm. You've brought me comfort and kept me company every day for the past 7 years. We may not be blood-related but I've always thought of you as my own, little sister," she said with a warm smile.
Biram smiled at her words and hugged Naksu real tight, surprising the older girl by the sudden action. "I also think of you as family, unnie. I'm glad that we both have each other," she said as Naksu hugged her back and patted her head.
"I'm glad, too, Bibaram."
- 5 years later -
"Wh-what do you mean you're taking her away?" Naksu asked after hearing what the Danju just told her.
"It has been planned since the day I brought her here," the Danju explained as calmly as he could but Naksu was shaking her head totally against the idea of being separated from the person she grew up with. "There is nothing you can do."
"Unnie!" Biram's voice echoed from outside the cave while waiving her hands in the air. "Unnie! I want to show you that bird I saw yesterday!"
Naksu forced a smile at the younger girl and replied back, "Okay! I'll be there in a few, Biram!"
The 12-year-old then looked away from Naksu as she went back to eating the honey biscuits that the Danju brought for his visit.
"For how long?" Naksu asked her eyes still on Biram.
The Danju sighed and shook his head. "She won't be coming back as she'll be working in the palace as a maid," he answered, making Naksu quickly look at him in disbelief.
"You brought her here... Only to send her off into the palace?"
"That's right."
"Why didn't you just have her train with me? Why are you making her live the life you want? She didn't lose her real family like I did, didn't she?"
"Naksu, there are things I can't tell you. But all I know is that there will be a day that you and Biram will reunite."
Naksu gritted her teeth as she looked away from the Danju and over at Biram who had no idea of their conversation. "Alright, fine... But whatever you'll make her do in the future... Don't make her kill anyone. She's... She's not born for that."
The Danju faked a smile and nodded his head. "Of course. I took Biram to protect her, and not for her to get her hands bloody," he lied with ease.
The 15-year-old then asked, "Can we spend one more hour to ourselves?"
"You two only have 30 minutes," the hooded man said as Naksu took a shaky breath in and walked over to Biram with another forced smile on her face.
"Bibaram..." She called out softly
"Yaz, ohnie?" Biram replied back after turning around, showing her stuffed face with honey biscuits.
Naksu half-heartedly laughed at how cute Biram was and then she said, "I'd like to see that bird you talked about."
- 8 years later -
"What are you thinking about?" The Crown Prince asked after noticing that his personal maid has been distracted ever since they left the palace.
The 20-year-old looked away from the birds she saw flying over to the tree that they were about to pass. Then she turned her head, facing the Crown Prince who is up on his horse, and answered, "I'm just happy to be out here, Your Highness."
Go Won stared at her, unsure of what to say because not once has he ever heard that Biram was happy with anything. Not even with the gifts he gave to her on her 'birthday' which was the day she came to the palace. If going out is what makes his personal maid happy then he should find other ways to bring her with him whenever he leaves the palace.
"Well, if it makes you that happy," he spoke up again, "Maybe I should have you join me whenever I go out instead of Eunuch Oh."
Eunuch Oh heard his name and he faked a cough, making Biram smile to herself. "That is too kind of you, Your Highness, but if I take Eunuch Oh's job... It might not be good in the eyes of your people," Biram replied back to which the eunuch sighed in relief.
Then the Crown Prince chuckled. "What's the difference? You both serve me. If someone is against it then they'll hear from me," he boasted, earning an eye roll from Biram.
"Your Highness, if I may," Biram's tone changed as they are reaching their destination, "I grew up by your side for the past 8 years, and honestly, I never complained but I've always given you my advice. "
"And I'm guessing you have some advice now?" Won asked as he stopped his horse.
"Please try not to show off too much in front of the Gwanju's son. Act nice and don't offend him," Biram bluntly said as she stopped walking and stood to the side to give way for Won to get off his horse.
Eunuch Oh wasn't surprised by the change of topic between the two as he knew of their friendship. But the guards who came with them were shocked at how Biram talked to the prince.
Won sighed at Biram's boldness but he got off his horse instead of replying back to his friend's advice. Instead, he gave her a smile and then looked over at Eunuch Oh. "Is this the Jang Residence?" he asked after checking the entrance of someone else's home.
"Yes, Your Highness," Eunuch Oh answered while bowing his head, "This is where the Gwanju's son lives."
Won nodded his head as he looked back at his personal maid. "Do you prefer to stay here with the horses or join me inside?" He asked since it was the first time Biram came out with him.
The royal maid honestly wanted to stay outside but she didn't want to mess it up. She missed the days when she was free to roam around Danhyanggok with Naksu but she was no longer that little girl anymore. Also... She heard about why the Crown Prince wanted to visit the Gwanju's son. Won is taking back the sword of Naksu. It's been years since she last saw her older sister and she misses her deeply. When she heard that Naksu was in Songrim days ago and was caught by the mages, she had hoped that she'll be able to see her again. But when news broke out that the Assistant Gwanju of Cheonbugwan had burnt Naksu's body, every memory that Biram had with Naksu came rushing back to her and the 20-year-old couldn't believe that the person she called as her family is gone now.
So she answered the Crown Prince's question.
"I'll join you, Your Highness," she said which surprised Won.
Then the Crown Prince ordered his eunuch, "Announce my arrival."
Biram gritted her teeth as she watched Eunuch Oh enter the Jang Residence. In a few moments, she'll be able to see the sword that belonged to Naksu. Even if it's not her sister that she'll see, at least something that was owned by Naksu would bring a small bit of comfort to Biram.
"Your Highness, they are ready for you," Eunuch Oh said as he came back.
Biram breathed out shakily the second Won started walking to the entrance. She followed right after him with Eunuch Oh and the guards behind them. Biram prepared herself since she left the palace but something made her stop out of nowhere. No, it was someone.
Biram looked away from the ground and her eyes landed on a tall man who looked to be the same age as her. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she felt a weird pull toward him. The stranger's eyes met hers and he, too, gave her a confused look. For a second, Biram thought something was stirring up inside of her but Won caught her attention.
"Biram-ah, stop zoning out," he whispered to her, making her quietly apologize to him.
Then they were sent to a private room in the Jang Residence where Biram was the only one who can join the Crown Prince as she was his personal maid. It was quiet for a few minutes as they waited for the Gwanju's son. After a while, the tall man that caught Biram's eyes entered the private room with his own personal maid, who was surprised to see Biram.
It was awkward for Biram out of nowhere. She then figured out who the tall man was and the Crown Prince confirmed it by addressing the other as Jang Wook. But aside from the uncomfortable tension in the room, the eyes of Wook's personal maid were still on her.
"Why is she still staring at me like that?" Biram asked herself as she avoided the eyes on her.
Then the short talk between the Crown Prince and Gwangju's son ended once Wook asked, "You are here for Naksu's sword?"
Biram looked at him when she heard her older sister's name but ended up gritting her teeth from crying on the spot.
"The King has entrusted Cheonbugwan with it," Won answered simply, "Jin Mu, the Assistant Gwanju, should take it since the Gwanju is absent."
"Since you came here yourself, I will hand it over to you. You can take it." Wook exclaimed, making Biram mentally sigh in relief.
Then he looked over at his personal maid and told her, "Bring it here."
But then the Crown Prince spoke up, "Ah, one more thing."
Biram looked away from the other maid in the room and over at Won, wondering what he is about to say next.
"There is another sword here that you can't unsheathe," he said, tilting his head.
If it was just Won and Biram in the room, he would have been scolded heavily by her for saying such things. Biram didn't care if Won was the Crown Prince the second he would say something offensive to another person. That isn't how the Crown Prince should be. Not unless it was needed that is.
"The late King has bestowed it upon Gwanju Jang Kang," Won added, making Wook glare at him. "I would like to take that as well."
"But that belongs to his father! He has the right to keep it," the head maid of the household exclaimed after hearing what the Crown Prince just said.
For some unknown reason, Biram ended up nodding her head and telling the prince. "Your Highness, we only came here for Naksu's sword, didn't we?" she asked, hinting at the hidden message in her tone.
Won caught on but he pushed forward with his other plan. "He was never entrusted with it," He spoke up. "I heard Songrim kept it this whole time. You only took it after being kicked out, did you not?"
Biram clenched her fists as Won didn't follow through with her advice anymore.
"The royal palace will keep it until a new Gwanju is instated," the Crown Prince said with authority in his voice, "Bring it to me."
The tension in the room grew larger with every second that passed by. Then Wook replied back, not even giving it a second thought. "I cannot."
This was the first time someone has said those two words to the Crown Prince. No one dared to go up against him. Well aside from Biram but this situation was different. It was as if Jang Wook is mocking the Crown Prince's position in the room.
"As you already know, no one acknowledges him as my father," Wook continued which made Biram's heartache. "It will not bode well for me if I lose that sword as well. I will keep it, even if it means using it as decoration."
Go Won scoffed at this and Biram knew where this was going. She wanted to stop it from happening as she suddenly started to worry more about the boy on the other side of the room and not about the Crown Prince.
"I must take it with me, but if you refused. It cannot be helped. Whoever wins shall take the sword."
The tension in the room became much worse with the sudden implementation of a duel.
"Your Highness..." Biram called out with a nervous voice.
But Won ignored her and stood up while saying, "Tell Eunuch Oh to get my sword."
The two personal maids looked at their masters before looking at each other with worried eyes. Biram then walked out of the private room after taking one more glance at the Crown Prince and Jang Wook. With every step away from them, her heart felt heavy. She no longer has control of the Crown Prince's choices and wondered if there's a way to avoid this unofficial duel. But the more she thought about it it just became impossible.
Her thoughts were then halted when she heard someone calling her from behind. Her breathing hitched in her throat when she heard the familiar nickname that only Nakus called her by. The royal maid then turned around from where she was and she saw Wook's personal maid standing a couple of feet away from her.
"Bibaram," she called out again.
"U-unnie?" Biram called back with teary eyes.
[ end of chapter one ]
word count: 3365
- not yet edited -
🌼 a/n:
Originally, this was two chapters lol. I just put them together as one chapter. 😂✋🏻 I also, uh, kinda wrote this in a hurry as I was busy packing. 💀 But I wanted to publish this before I move this weekend or next Monday- SOOOOO I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOYED IT! 🧡🧡🧡 If you're new here, don't forget to check my first AOS fanfic. It's called Runes of Daeho! I'll try to finish the ninth chapter of ROD before this weekend sets in. 😄
Anyways, I gotta yeet and edit my short films for class-
Have a good day/night! Stay hydrated and don't skip a meal. 🧡
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