"No, no, no." Theo jerked up from his seat immediately. "Emilia, go home at once."
Lord Trotten jumped up as well, fixing a glare upon Andrew instead. "You go too far, Weston. Send the lady home at once," he said, his voice much darker than Addie had heard it before.
Lady Emilia Shepard stood in the entrance to the room, shimmering in a dress of dark burgundy, her golden hair swept back to display dazzling pendants at her ears. And in all her feminine glory, she had no time for the men in front of her.
"You," she pointed at Lord Trotten, "have absolutely no business where I am concerned. You may kindly sit down and shut up. And you," she rounded on Theo, "were honestly not going to tell me that we were harboring the Queen of England?"
"Merely a princess," Addie couldn't help but correct.
"Oh, please." Emilia waved her aside, "You are the rightful Queen of England, and we all know it." Then, as if remembering her manners, she dipped into a low curtsy toward Addie. "Your Highness, Your Majesty, please let me offer my service and my apologies for having to change my linens for the past weeks."
Addie giggled and nodded in acceptance of her words.
"Go home, Emilia," Theo repeated, gritting his teeth. "This does not concern you."
"How does the future of this country not concern me? Am I not a part of this, too?" Emilia shot back.
"This is serious, little sister," Theo warned.
"I am not so little anymore, Theo." Emilia narrowed her eyes at her brother. "I am a grown woman who refuses to hide in the countryside any longer."
"I have never said that you must stay in the country. Emilia, I would love for you to be in London more often. Just not here, not now," Theo begged.
"That is not what I mean, Theo. I mean that I am free to do what I wish. My ruination ensured that." She glared pointedly at Lord Trotten, who couldn't seem to look away from the woman he was once supposed to marry. "For once in my life, I am making my own decision. I am supporting Her Highness, and there isn't anything you can do about it," Emilia finished boldly.
Theo appeared as if he was about to tell her every little thing he could do about it, so Addie swiftly cut in.
"Lady Emilia stays," she commanded. "She wishes to be here, so she stays."
It was possible that Theodore Shepard had never looked so murderous.
But there was nothing else he could do for now, and Lady Emilia sat down to join them. Andrew addressed the lords and ladies. "Thank you all for coming to meet at such a late hour. Before we go any further, I'd like to allow Her Royal Highness to begin by sharing a few words that she has written in an effort to aid our cause."
Addie couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Of course, Andrew wouldn't waste any time in pushing her into the limelight. But Addie was ready, and she didn't falter when she moved to stand before them all.
When Addie lifted the piece of parchment up before her in resolution, shimmering in her rose gold gown, Theo was stunned into disbelief at her beauty. She glowed, regal beyond question. He'd been attracted to her when she was covered in mud wearing a grubby servant's uniform, and to see her now, like this, was a shock to his soul. How could he have ever thought she was anything other than royalty? And how could he go on resisting her, ignoring her, forgetting her, after this?
Addie cleared her throat lightly.
"In this public announcement, I would like to address His Majesty King Ernest and Her Majesty Queen Frederica.
"My heartfelt felicitations to you on your ascension to the throne. I have been watching your reign from here in the shadows and have been living as your subject for the past two years after the tragic carriage accident that killed my family. Surely you must have wondered about me when my body was not found in the wreckage. Let me assure you that I am quite well.
"After having given myself time to grieve the passing of all those who I held dear, I have come to the realization that I now must address the realities of this current society that they would have surely aimed to change.
"Let it be known that I have no intent or desire to claim my rightful place upon the throne, for let us not pretend that I do not have that ability. No, instead I wish to bring forth several proposals that I believe will enhance the welfare of this nation and your reign as monarchs. I wish to integrate my knowledge as a member of the previous royal family and subject of the current one. I wish to aid in unifying the beliefs that the people carry, as I am one of them.
"Rise up to meet my words so that the people do not rise up to meet you. As monarch, you have been given the power and responsibility to address their needs. It is not an easy feat to accomplish as society forever molds and changes, but you must not fear progression. Only then can you redeem our country and reclaim the power it once held.
"I pray for you to heed my words and suggest you await my counsel.
"Her Royal Highness, Princess Adelaide."
Addie's words rang through the room, unwavering in their meaning and intensity. Gazing up from the parchment, her expression matched the tone of her voice, determined and fierce. Theo was stunned into silence. Unable to speak, he began to clap slowly in support of her, of this, of the future.
And finally, when he spoke, he said, "It's brilliant, Andrew."
Around him, the others nodded in agreement.
Addie swept from the front of the room to her seat, her head down. When she took her place next to Andrew, the older duke spoke, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"No, Theodore," Andrew said, peering at him over his spectacles. "Those were Addie's words alone."
"I thought that much was rather clear," Emilia said pointedly.
Theo ignored his sister, though he did feel a little foolish, and checked over at Addie instead. He hoped he had not hurt her pride. But the princess had a lopsided grin on her face when she stared back. Theo opened his mouth to make amends, but Emilia spoke first.
"I do think that should be the first of your articles, or whatever it is you are all calling them, Andrew. It seems to stand alone, do you not think?"
Andrew tilted his head, thinking. Theo knew that he'd likely had every single word of those commentaries planned out, and now Emilia had waltzed in, asking him to make changes. Andrew had never appreciated last minute changes to plans.
Another reason why his sister should have just gone home.
But the older duke surprised Theo. "Yes, Lady Emilia, I do agree."
His sister beamed.
Theo frowned.
"Should we put it to a vote?" Andrew asked, regarding the other members in the room.
Everyone nodded, and so they did. It was unanimous, and not a single one of them appeared shocked.
With their opening statement decided on, their assemblage then decided on the rest of the articles. The second one was to focus on how King Ernest had strong-armed parliament into passing the tax act in 1835, the detrimental effects that followed, and how it should be reversed. Then the third article would detail how King Ernest had strong-armed parliament, full stop. The fourth was on the modernization of politics in England, and the fifth was a continuation of all four, stating how the monarch could do more to support the public and making note of how to support its diverse populations.
George's upcoming nuptials were not explicitly stated, however. Addie only hoped that Ernest was sharp enough to realize he needed to read between the lines.
It was invigorating, to think of what they were doing. Though Theo had never thought of following Andrew into politics, he could appreciate that feeling of using one's time to try to make something good. Or at least something better than before.
Addie's penned note was set to publish within the week, bait and hook. Now they merely had to wait.
As predicted, chaos ensued throughout London.
Or at least, that was what Addie heard. She had remained hidden within Kingfield House. Thank God for Emilia, or she would never have known that anything had been published. The gracious woman kept her well-supplied in gossip rags and newspapers alike, ensuring that Addie was informed on the scuttlebutt of London.
No word had come from the monarch as of yet, but the ton was aflutter with talk of the mysterious princess who had returned from the dead. Rumors began floating around. Some had merit, like the one that suggested she was living with her Aunt Sophia, just as Theo had thought. Others, however, were laughable.
Mischief in Mayfair, for example, had indicated that the princess had organized a ring of insurgent spies to meet weekly on the banks of the Thames, the stench serving to keep away unwanted onlookers. It even said that the princess was last seen to be wearing men's clothing, her hair braided with beads down her back.
Addie wondered if she should try the look out.
It was with the second article of Andrew's that the fluttering talk grew into fervent whispers. Even those who were not convinced that Princess Adelaide was alive could not deny the plain facts that the material presented; England's economy was being pushed to ruins by the high-handed rule of a singular man.
And the public outcry only increased as each new commentary was published. People harped at the gates of Buckingham Palace, expecting a statement from the king, only to be disappointed. Or rather, further enraged. Two weeks had now passed without a single word.
Addie began to worry, fearing retaliation. The unknown was eating at her. That and being unable to talk to anyone about it. Emilia and Theo were under strict orders to ignore her, and so Addie fell deeper into loneliness. Surrounded by everyone, seen by no one.
Perhaps traveling around London, dressed as a man with a group of insurgent spies, had its merits after all. It would be better than this.
And when they finally did hear from the king, it was an announcement they'd hoped to hear. George would not be marrying his princess. And while Addie was beside herself with relief, she was surprised that such a statement was the king's only response.
But then Andrew summoned them, and Addie understood.
She understood all too well.
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