(y/n)'s First Mission!
"Alright your first mission is a D rank. It's not too hard. I need you guys to go to the beach in Konoha (A/N: I don't give a crap if Konoha doesn't have a beach. Deal with it 😎!) and sell food and drinks at the concession stand (A/N: I think that's what it's called........)." Says Tsunade as Neji and (y/n) make their way to the beach.
"So are you ready for your first mission?" Asks Neji.
"Yeah." Replies (y/n).
*Time Skip because the Author can't think of anything.*
"Hello, how may I help you?" Ask (y/n).
"Wow she's handling things like a pro, she's not even afraid of the millions and millions of people at the beach." Thinks Neji.
"I would like a Strawberry Swirl Slurpie please." Says Random Dude.
"Okay coming right up! Neji! One Strawberry Swirl Slurpie!" Yells (y/n).
"Finished." Says Neji as he places the Slurpie on the counter.
"That'll be $5.00 please." Says (y/n). The Random Dude paid for his Slurpie and left. Then a Random Women orders.
"I would like a Cheeseburger with a side of Fries, plus a water please." Says The Random Women.
"Neji! One Cheeseburger with a side of Fries and a water bottle please!" Yells (y/n).
"Here you go mam." Says Neji placing the order on the counter.
"That'll be $12.50 please." Says (y/n) as The Random Women pays and leaves.
"Hey (y/n), it's been 5 hours so let's take a break." Says Neji.
"Alright." Says (y/n) as she puts a "Out for Break" sign out.
"Aww, I'm a second too late." Pouts a little boy.
"Hello little dude, you want something?" Asks (y/n) smiling while looking down at the boy.
"Uh-huh! I want a Green Freezy Pop!" Excitingly says the the little boy.
"Alright. Here you go little man, that'll be $2.00 please." Says (y/n) as she gets a Green Freezy Pop.
"Here you go!" Excitingly yells the little boy as he smiles licking his Green Freezy Pop and giving (y/n) $2.00.
"Alright I'm ready Neji." Says (y/n).
"Let's go walk along the beach." Says Neji.
"Sure!" Yells (y/n). Neji and (y/n) start to walk along the beach holding their shoes.
"So how do you like Konoha so far?" Ask Neji looking at (y/n).
"It's okay. I think I'm getting use to people now." Says (y/n).
"That's great." Replies Neji.
"Neji......" Says (y/n) stopping and looking up at Neji. Neji stops and looks at (y/n)'s eyes.
"Yes?...." Replies Neji. (It's that special moment when you both stare. XD)
"I......." Pauses (y/n). Neji stares at (y/n). (Y/n) was about to finish until they heard a scream.
"HE-BBLEBLEB-LP BLEB-HELP!" Yells a little boy flailing his arms drowning. The boy was too far out for anyone to swim to. (Y/n) dropped her shoes and without thinking, (y/n) ran through the water and swam to the little boy. It was the same little boy from the concession stand.
"(Y/n)!" Yells Neji concerned. Soon the little boy gives up and starts to sink. (Y/n) dove under water for the little boy. Everyone on the beach are looking for both of them. Then they all see bubbles and soon enough (y/n)'s head pops out of the water. (Y/n) swims to the shore. As soon as she was in a shallow enough part she stood up and held the little boy. (Y/n) brought the little boy on shore and began to do CPR. Soon the little boy started breathing again.
"Yay!" Cheers the crowd. The little boy thanked (y/n) and went home with his grateful parents.
"Grateful parents my butt. This wouldn't have happened if they had actually watched their child." Irritatingly says (y/n).
"That is true I suppose." Replies Neji. Neji and (y/n) are walking back to Tsunade's office to report back with her.
"Hey Neji." Says (y/n) looking at Neji while walking.
"Yeah?" Replies Neji.
"Can I call you Neji-Kun?" Asks (y/n) awkwardly.
"Yeah, I really like that nickname." Says Neji looking at (y/n) while smiling.
"Don't get use to it. I bet I'll stop calling you that when we're older." Says (y/n) chuckling.
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