Where It Began
(y/n)'s P.O.V.
I gotta keep running! I have to or they'll catch me and lock me up forever. Father, first you kill mother and say it was an accident that she fell down the stairs, you abuse me and put me in chains, and now.... now you tell me that it's all my fault, for making you like this and do all those devilish things! You run with torn up clothes and bare feet trying to run away as fast you can. They would've found you already with the hound dogs if it wasn't raining. You thought to yourself that this was a blessing, a gift from god. You knew you had to use this gift and run. You knew you had to make it, so that this gift wasn't wasted. As you run through the woods you see ninja walking on a path.
"Help!" You yell. They stopped and turn around. You recognize their headband and they're from the leaf village. You run to them as they waited for you. You made it to them and collapse from weariness.
. . .
You suddenly wake up realizing you're in a hospital bed.
"Ah you're awake." Says a boy about your age, 12-13, with long brown hair and big clear eyes the shade of very light lavender.
"That's good." Says a girl with brown eyes and brown hair pulled up into two buns.
"Hey! What's your name?" Yells another boy with a black hair that has a perfect bowl haircut, big eyebrows, and very circular eyes.
"My name is (y/n) (l/n)." You say with a dull voice and face.
"Where's your home? We can take you back there." Asks the girl.
"My home........ is a prison....." You say with tears streaming down your face.
"YOU'RE A CRIMINAL!?!?!?" Yells the big brow boy.
"No, I was comparing my home to a prison. I was chained there left to be abused," You say with tears still streaming down your face.
"What?" Says the girl. You laid back down and explained what had gone on in your life, all the tears shed, the torture, and the fear.
"I'm sorry." Says the big brow boy.
"There's no need for a sorry, it is my life." I say wiping the tears away looking out the window to see a rainbow. "Bad luck comes near."
"Huh?" Says the big brow boy as everyone looks out the window.
"All I see is a pretty rainbow." Says the girl.
"A rainbow can also mean bad luck." Says the boy with long hair.
"Oh, well we haven't introduced ourselves yet, so I'm Rock Lee!" Says Rock Lee as he points his thumb at himself giving my a wink and smiling.
"I'm Tenten." Says Tenten excitedly.
"And I'm Neji." Says Neji will a flat dull voice.
"I cannot ever go back to that place again." You say with fear.
"(y/n)! You have a visitor!" Says a lady that comes in.
"Hey lady Tsunade!" Says Tenten. A man follows Tsunade. Fear surges within your body when you realized who it was, your father.
"Hey (y/n)! Let's go home!" Smiles your father. you knew it was fake.
"No!" You yelled.
"Oh my poor (y/n), she has mental problems and goes crazy sometimes." Says your lying father as he grabs your arm pulling you out of the bed. "Come on sweetie."
"NO!" You cry as you struggle to get out of his grip. You had decided to punch him as hard as you could in the face.
"You damn whore!" He shouts as he motions to hit you. You close your eyes ready for pain and when you didn't feel anything you opened you eyes to see that Rock Lee had block your father's hit.
"I don't like people who hurt girls." Says Rock Lee as he forced your father's grip on you to loosen. Neji then grabs you and jumps out the window as he held you bridal style. You hear a bunch of commotion going on back at the hospital room and soon it fades away as Neji brings you elsewhere.
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