"(Y/n)? Hey come on out." Says Hinata. You slip a note under the door.
It says, "No, I'm too depressed."
"But you haven't eaten for about three days." Says Hinata You slip another note under the door.
It says, "I've survived a month without food before. I'll be alright."
"But, (y/n)....." Hinata starts, but she just left. You heard the front door open and close. You go in Neji's bed and lay curled up under the covers.Then twenty minutes later you here it reopen but you also hear Naruto, Kiba, and Akamaru with Hinata this time. You here a little bit of some talking.
"She won't come out, she's been in there gor three days." You hear from Hinata.
"Don't worry, I'll get in there!" You hear Naruto yell.
"Naruto you'll just scare her." You hear yell Kiba.
"Then I want you to get her out." You hear Naruto say.
"Fine I will!" You hear Kiba say. Then you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Then you hear a knock at the door. "Hey....(y/n)....can you please come out?"
~A minute of silence~
"I'm sorry, but I'm coming in." Says Kiba. You locked the door so you thought he would never get in. You wait for about five minutes and you hear the window seal open.
"What the!? It's a two story house." You thought to yourself.
"I told you I'd get in (y/n)." Says Kiba. You can hear him approaching your bed, then he finally sits next to your curled up body. "(y/n), can you please come out of the covers?"
"I could pop my head out a little." You thought to yourself. You pop your head out a little, only showing your eyes and above.
"Could you sit up please? I know I'm asking for a lot of things but.....eh...I don't know..." Asks Kiba. You sit up while showing your whole face. "(Y/n), I'm sorry about your loss..."
"It's fine." You thought to yourself. Your face held a frown and hazy eyes.
"(Y/n)......" Mumbles Kiba. You turn to face him. Before you knew it, he kisses you quickly. Your eyes go wide, you were surprised. "Oh man, I'm sorry (y/n)! I couldn't help myself, I've always had a crush on you. Now I sound pathetic. I'm sorry, I knew you were still suffering from losing Neji. I'm sorry (y/n)." Kiba gets off your bed, unlocks the door, and runs out quickly. You get up too following him.
"Kiba? Where are you going?" You hear Naruto say.
"I missed up badly." You hear Kiba say. "Come on Akamaru!" You ran downstairs and saw Kiba go out the door, you catch the door before it closes but you didn't catch Kiba.
"What happened (y/n)?" Asks Naruto. You ignore his question, grab your coat and shoes and run out the door looking for Kiba. You decided to go to his house first. You got there in about ten minutes and knock at the door. Kiba's sister answers the door.
"Oh hey (y/n). I'm guessing your after Kiba?" She says. You nod your head yes. "Alright, Kiba's upstairs in his room. It's the one at the end if the hallway on the right." You nod and walk upstairs going to Kiba's room. You knock on his door.
"Go away sis, I missed up!" Yells Kiba. You open the door to see Kiba sitting on his bed. You both stare at each other. You decide to sit next to him.
"Hey, (y/n), I'm sorry." Mumbles Kiba while turning away. You knew how he felt, honestly, you did have a soft spot for Kiba. You nudge him. "Ye-" Kiba turns around and you kiss him while putting your arms around his neck. You stop kissing him.
"K-Kiba, I always had a soft spot for you too. It probably means nothing but sh*t but.... I love you too." You say turning away frowning a little. Those were the first words you had said. Your vocals have healed.
"Then I hope our love can prosper and grow." Says Kiba as he kisses you while putting his arms around your waist. You fall back bringing Kiba with you.
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