So this is what I think that Earth should look like. She will be featured in this chapter and AnimeWriter___ is the one who made her personality, so shout out to them! And sorry for taking forever to update! I haven't been here for a while, but I'm back again and will probably update some of my other books while I'm here.
Lucy groaned and pulled herself up from the sand, not fully awake yet. At some point she had fallen asleep on the beach and somehow ended up on top of Natsu, she now realized. She scrambled off of the sleeping pink-haired wonder and looked up at the sky. The sun was high in the sky, meaning it was about noon. She wasn't really one to sleep in, so she immediately dusted off the sand from her clothes. She looked back at the sleeping Natsu and decided to wake him up before she headed back for the house.
"Natsu, wake up." She said softly in his ear, causing him to groan. "But it's only noon." He answered, rolling onto his side. "You can't sleep in till noon. That's not healthy. And you fell asleep on the beach. Wouldn't you rather go back to the house? To the comfy bed inside?" She chided. He sleepily sat up. "Fine." He answered getting up and dusting himself off. Lucy suddenly felt a tingle up her spine. A definite sign of magic. A strong type. Stronger than Venus' magic or even Mars' magic. "Natsu? Do you feel that?" Lucy asked, looking around the beach. "Uhm, no?" He said, also looking around for a clue at what Lucy was talking about. "Some magic force. Let's find it!" She started heading up the beach, pulling Natsu along. She kept walking forward until she found herself in front of Mavis' grave. Now she felt the tingle most in her toes.
She started digging in the ground. "Lucy, what are you doing?" Natsu asked. "The magic is coming from below ground. Help me dig." She ordered and Natsu helped her dig. Lucy pulled something out of the dirt, chipping one of her nails in the process. It was a shiny Platinum Key. "How did that get here?" He asked, rubbing the dirt off his hands and onto his pants. She rubbed the dirt from the side, rubbing at the engravings. "Terra Mater. The goddess of Earth." She glanced at Natsu. She prepared herself to summon the goddess.
"Open! Gate of Terra Mater, Earth!" She said loudly, as a woman dressed in a long, green gown appeared. "Lucy!" The woman squealed, jumping at her and giving her a big bear hug. "It's been forever! I'm so glad to see you again! And you've grown! Well that's expected, I'd be worried if you didn't. It's good to see you again, sweat pea!" The woman embraced her, her long, wavy brown hair getting in Lucy's face. "Is this your boyfriend?" She swirled around and grabbed Natsu's shoulders, spinning him around wildly. "No. That's Natsu." She answered, pulling him away from her grip.
"Well that's nice. Do you two live together? Let's go to your place!" Earth said as she skipped away, her dress flowing behind her in tiny waves as she jumped from one foot to the other.
Sorry for the short Chappie minna! Anyway, hope you liked my little NaLu moment, and I'll be back to update sooner or later!
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