Where Is Stone?
When I woke up Stone was gone. I wasn't under a tree anymore, I was in a bed, one that was familiar.
How'd I get here? Where was he? It was safe to say I grew panicked, as I threw the blankets off of my legs roughly, and I stumbled to my feet. Hardly aware of my surroundings, because my heavy eyes were still stricken with my sleepiness. But I persevered, I made it to the kitchen, yet in my fear, he was not there.
I quivered a bit, my search wasn't over though, I searched the house, I searched outside, but no matter where I turned my head.
Stone wasn't there.
At times like this I would call, but here, there's no such thing as an IPhone, or a cellular device of mobility in this date and time.
There was a part of me that was just willing to allow myself to collapse to the ground in defeat, but I refused. So I grabbed my coat, my boots, and continued my search.
I know he didn't leave me, he wouldn't.
I managed my way into the city. My eyes blurred with my sorrow, as my chest leaned toward the cement, heavy, bruised.
I roamed the city as I once did before, only instead of being ill with my attitude, I was weighed down with my sadness. If this were the end, why couldn't I have been more prepared, but there truly isn't ever enough time to prepare. Because before you know it, it is time that snatches everything away.
"Stone!" I breathed, as I exited another establishment we would reside in every once in awhile. But there was nothing.
He wouldn't leave without waking me. He wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye, or making sure that if I need him, I'd know where to find him.
Could I have upset him? Yelling at him the way I had.."I-I-I'm sorry."
The city crowded with dozens, I brushed passed them, they didn't even feel me, or see me, maybe I'm fading away. Maybe he thought I left him...maybe.
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