Stone Does Not Exist
Neither of us were prepared.
We thought we were. We lied to ourselves saying so, but we both knew, once that inevitable takes it blow, all that we had would be obliterated in its presence.
I thought you made me strong enough to overcome this, but I am spiraling out of control with this pain, sticking to me as a heavy glue. Forcing me to accept that you are truly gone forever, and everyone around me thinks it was all a dream.
A dream that felt so real and so true, if it were a dream then what does that mean? What has become of you?
Does that make me insane?
Everyone seems to think so.
Joss still lingered on my bedside awaiting for your name, but I had to lie. I had to falsify, and deny our encounter.
I will not question, I will not question for the real answer behind our fated meeting of one another.
Because you should never question a good thing. Whatever truth lies behind it, yet had it all been real, or was it all in my head? It shall forever remain unknown to me.
"There is no he, there was no him, and I. There was just me, asleep."
I couldn't look at him, I didn't want to. But I knew the more suspicion I beam off of me, the more harder he'll investigate. "Who told you to come here?"
"I'm here with Abby. She was coming to see you, see if you're doing any better. Called and asked if I would join her since I knew you a bit more. Eliza has been worried, said you haven't talked to her ever since your parents found you. She's told me you won't let her near you. It's breaking her heart, so I came. I know you'll talk to me."
Rolling my eyes my lip curled under my teeth. "What makes you so confident that I will talk to you?"
"Because I never take no for an answer, and I can force the right ones out of ya. Almost like a copper."
"You wish Joss."
"Wishes come true more than you actually think. Just fail to realize it, is all."
He struck a bit of fury in me I remembered those words, he said them to me, he wrote it in his diaries, they were the words of Stone.
"Don't say that....please." It was as if he literally took a knife to stab at my non existent heart. And though I tried to fight my tears, they fought me back, and I was much too weak to continue on with the quarrel, so I gave up.
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