Stone At His Worst
One month after their runaway, Tuesday night.
I jolted out of my sleep, I was startled out of it, forced even, holding myself up with the failing strength of my elbows; I closed my eyes and swallowed my fear jointly.
Freeing myself of the sheets that covered me, I walked quietly, and slowly out of the bed.
Freezing, my eyes grew wider, and my hairs crept their way up my spine. The sound of a painful cry shook me devilishly.
It's echo alone caused a deep stir within me, I became worried, and I couldn't stand that I was wasting time standing around.
So I ran, out of the dark room and into the hallway, and there I found the source of such a saddening voice.
It was Stone.
"Pl-please don't go." He continued to cry into his knees. He looked defenseless, beaten, his bruises showing much more visibly now, of his heartache. "I'm sorry mother! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean for this to happen you have to believe me, mother please!"
Was...was he asleep? Di-did he see me standing there?
Stone's voice cracked through his constant cries, as his body waved about uncontrolled. Turning on the light I sat on my knees, and rested my head on his cringed shoulder.
"It's all a dream. No one would ever leave such a kind, gentle soul like you. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere ya hear?"
Still he continued, the dream taking over him like a demon, he threw his arms up, and shoved me away. "Stay away from me. Don't come around when I'm like this! It's dangerous, I'm dangerous. I can hurt you, and I won't know I'm doing it Grant."
I sunk deep into my slouch, as I stared blankly. "But I'm your friend, I'm not afraid. I'm here to help you, you don't want to be alone, you've even said so yourself. I don't think you know what you want, but I do know that I'm not going anywhere. You can bark and grouch at me for an eternity, but you're stuck with me.
Now come, I'll make you some tea. You've got the kettle on here howling like a pack of wolves on a full moon." Taking his hand in to mine, Stone reluctantly curled his around my grasp.
Our eyes steadying on each other's touch, we stared at our hands joined together. I felt my cheeks burn with their nervousness, as I slowly gained the courage to look up at Stone.
And his eyes for the first time, blinded me.
In that moment I was blinded, blinded of a genuine beauty I have never seen in my short lifetime. But I loved every second of it, the feeling was exhilarating, for I have never felt so meaningful, so... beautiful. I felt loved, but he didn't have to admit that for me to know it's truth.
Smiling he let go, taking my hand back, I hid it behind my back as I led the way.
My heart beating itself a loud booming tune of happiness, I slowly grabbed a clean mug. As I tried to tame my nerves, they were beginning to rise in the core of my belly, and the valves of my heart.
I was falling in love with a boy, I should have never met, in a time where I didn't belong.
But I..didn't care.
Because I knew, I knew he loved me too.
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