A Cold Night
Hours passed, as dozens of lives passed right along as well. Some happy, some dull, some full of excitement, others fury, as I was emptied of my contents.
It was night, the cold more burning than ever. The stars stared down on me with hope of brightening my mood with their luminance. I didn't like to be the bearer of bad news, but it wasn't working.
All I could think of, was how I got here, how was I going to get back home. If I were even able to get back there, this is an adventure Grant, don't you love these?
My mind sneered at my sadness, wiping away the tears that were now clouding my vision, I sobbed into my jacket.
"I just want to go home! I don't like adventures anymore! I want my mother, I want my father. I want my bed. My warm bed, to cure this coldness that is icing me over completely."
"Who are you talking to exactly?" Panicked I slapped my tears away in a haste, as I raced to my feet, adjusting my clothing accordingly.
"I-I was talking to no one."
"Hmm," his coat was draped over his arm, as his hat was secured tightly on his head. A brown pipe dangled from his lively lips as he spoke.
"Doesn't sound like it. You were talking to someone, and since you're the only person here, I suppose that no one you name, I call someone, was you. Correct?"
Stuck on staring, he cleared his throat. Shaking myself to sanity I shifted my stance to my left hip, folding my arms in content.
"I suppose so."
"Alright good, what are you crying about then? Someone break your heart maybe? Or are you just a drunk? I cry when I'm drunk. Talk to myself too."
"I'm not drunk."
"Haha! Well, neither am I then." Squinting my eyes challengingly, he dusted off his vest, and plopped down carelessly onto the ground.
"I remember seeing you today." I croaked in disbelief, that I'm actually talking to Luna's missing son before he ever went missing. Taking a seat beside him I slid my back achingly down, until my bottom hit rock.
"Well it's good to know you aren't stricken with an illness then aye?" Turning towards me as he lit his pipe with a match, I watched him inhale the poison.
"I'm Stone."
He glanced at me shortly, clenching my jaw in fear he might judge me as well, I turned away. "I-I'm Grant."
"Grant huh? Hmm. I like that. It has a nice little ring to it, you're the first girl I've met with that name. First girl I've actually met that hasn't scowled at me, it's the suit. I think they're intimidated. They've never seen a brown man in such a luxurious suit."
He was rambling, laughing at the realization of this he chucked up a laugh as well. "We-what are you laughing at Lady Grant? I don't recall mentioning anything that shall require a laugh. But yours I might add is rather soothing. Soft, yet edged in a way that is actually quite beautiful.
Most women around here sound like howling wolves. My mother for example."
"You shouldn't say that about your mother!"
"Yeah, well you shouldn't be sitting out in the darkness with this cold running around here hoping to steal some souls.
Talking, and crying to yourself.
That's dangerous ya know?"
There was laughter for that moment. Just Stone and I on the city streets, in the deathly cold silence that we dared to fill with a shred of happiness.
And then it got quiet.
And then he pried his eyes to meet mine in security. "Have you seen the world Grant? Since you're not really limited in your region of traveling? Me on the other hand, I am a brown man surrounded by a world of unaccepting white men. So I can only go to so few little places."
"I've heard about the world."
"Ah, well I suppose that's somewhat of being around it huh?"
I couldn't tell if he were purposefully ignoring how different he and I were from one another, or if he genuinely just didn't notice I wasn't like the women in his time.
Because he gazed upon me lovingly, blinded from reality, and instead so vibrantly visioned of his. What he saw that was important, different didn't seem to fit his line of sight, everything was equal, everything was precious.
And I realized why Luna always seemed to classify Stone as special.
Because he was.
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