Chapter 11.
When he first met the flame haired girl who's arms were covered in tattoos, he saw something dark in her. He felt something competitive in the way she stared at her friend who's hair was lighter than hers. She compared everything they did and he saw that desperation she held inside of her for attention. She reminded him of a maiden named Roussette from a fairytale he read when he was a boy. The red-haired princess was jealous of her younger sisters when they married princes, even though she wed an Admiral herself. It wasn't good enough though, he wasn't good enough unless he made her better than her sisters.
Steph POV.
My dad is home late from work again. He's been late every night that week and I was supposed to be able to use his car to go to get a prom dress every day of this week. All of my friends got their dresses a month before and I'm starting to panic, if I don't have a dress for prom, I will lose my fucking mind. I'm so frustrated and it's complete bullshit that my dad is late again and my mom is too busy watching my niece to listen to me about my dress problem. Everything revolves around my sister and her baby. I always believed that bullshit about the youngest being the baby of the family. That was until I grew up with only hand-me-downs and last minute Birthday parties where no one showed up except my immediate family. I'm the reject of the family, the weird one who's become a ghost in her own home.
The last time my mom said more than two words to me was when I stained the sink upstairs red with cheap hair dye. He was frantic since my timing was perfect, the night before my sister Olivia's baby shower. I may have accidently spilled a little on the bathmat and it's possible that I used their embroidered towels to cover my shoulders while I let the fire-engine red dye soak into my strands. I didn't want to ruin Olivia's shirt from when she was my age. That's another thing I hate to hear, "when Olivia was seventeen she was the Student Council President." "When Olivia was seventeen she had straight A's and a popular boyfriend who she married right after high school."
I'm so tired of being compared to her sister, she was the golden child and I'm so sick of it. I can't wait to leave for college. I'm going to Washington State where Olivia graduated with honors. I'll never live up to that shit and I'm done trying.
As soon as my dad's jeep pulls into the driveway I grab my purse, check the mirror one last time, and rush down the stairs. I nearly run into my mom on the stairs and she doesn't even notice my fishnet tights or red leather top. She just mumbles something while looking at her tablet. That's all she ever does. The front door opens and my sister walks into the living room with my dad. Sierra, my baby niece is asleep in my sister's arms.
"I'm so tired," Olivia announces to the room as she walks through it. My mom appears quickly, closing the case of her tablet and she sits it on the mantel of the fireplace. Of course, for Olivia.
"Stephanie can drive you home honey," my dad offers for me.
"Dad, I have to get my prom dress and they close in thirty minutes!" I toss my bag across my shoulder and reach for his keys.
"Olivia and Sierra can ride with you."
My sister interrupts, "I won't mind." Her soft brown hair moves when she talks. She's wearing khakis and a short sleeve shirt with bright flowers printed on it. My dad smiles like his eldest daughter is the most thoughtful and considerate girl alive. It's super annoying.
"Fine," I huff. But this is the last day they will hold it for me so if I can't go to prom it's your fault." I glare at my sister. Olivia nods and I push past my dad to get outside. "I'll be in the car."
I start the car and wait for Olivia. Five minutes passes. Ten minutes passes. She's still inside the house. I'm guessing her and my mom are on their fourth goodbye hug. My mom does that when we go to my grandma's house too. Twelve minutes go by and I finally go inside to rush her out. Just as I get out of the car she walks outside with a smile on her face. She still has to buckle Sierra into her car-seat.
"Olivia, we have to go." I rush her along. She sighs and mutters an apology.
It's 8:03 when I park in front of the dark shop. The sign on the door is turned around to CLOSED and the lights are off. Now I can't get my dress. Today was the last day and this was after my second extension. I begged for extra time but I was told repeatedly that this was my last day.
"I'm sorry, Stephanie." Olivia says as I lay my head against the steering wheel. This sucks so bad.
"This is your fault."
"It's not my fault, dad wanted to take me shopping to get some new shoes for Sierra, she outgrows them so fast-"
New baby shoes? Are you freaking serious? I missed my prom dress because her baby needed new shoes? The thing doesn't even walk!
"Why couldn't dad just take you on the way home then? Why did you both waste more of my time?" I raise my voice.
"I wasn't tired then. I don't know," she shrugs her shoulders like my time means nothing to her. Like this isn't a big deal.
"This is such bullshit!" I shake my head and put my hands over my face.
"Don't talk like that in front of the baby!" She whisper-yells at me. I groan and back out of the parking space. We're both silent the entire way home. Olivia doesn't feel as if she's done anything wrong and I'm too mad to talk to her right now. I'm so tired of her stealing everything from me and top of that, Sierra keeps crying and I hate my life. When I get to her house she thanks me for dropping her off and as much as I don't want to step foot into her new house that I'm pretty sure my parents helped her and Roger buy. Her husband is quiet, he doesn't say much around my family. Olivia probably tells him not to.
I don't want to go inside but I have to pee and it's another fifteen-minute drive home. When I walk into Olivia's house, it immediately smells like cinnamon. Roger is sitting on the couch with a remote in one hand and a laptop on his lap. He smiles up at her and she tells him she's going to put the baby to bed and she walks upstairs. Roger barely glances at me as I walk by, looking at all of their stupid family pictures. Roger stands up and walks into the kitchen.
Their perfect little family poses in all matching white and black in a small wooden frame. In a bigger metal frame is a picture of Olivia and Roger on their wedding day. She's so perfect, perfect hair, perfect makeup, and her dress is beautiful. A soft, silky white dress that touches the floor in a regal way. The exact opposite of my would-be prom dress. The dress was made from black cotton and tulle splayed out on the edges of the star-shaped dress. The dress that I'll never have. Thanks to Olivia. I find myself wishing I had a jar of black paint to ruin her stupid, perfect dress. I look around the room and stop my search on a picture of Roger, his arms are wrapped around Olivia's pregnant stomach. She ruined my prom, I'll ruin her wedding dress.
When I walk into the kitchen Roger is standing in front of the fridge, his face buried inside and hidden by the doors. I tap my hand against the stone counter to get his attention. The moment he turns around I tug on the hem of my shirt, exposing a nice amount of my cleavage to him. He inhales and lets out a little cough at the same time. I smile. I bet my sister hasn't fucked her husband since she popped out his baby.
"Sorry," I smile and wrap my hair around my finger as Roger's eyes try not to run down my legs, taking in my fishnet hose. "Hi," I keep walking toward him. My heart is racing and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'm pissed off at my sister and I'm fucking tired of her getting everything and I'm thinking of how everything is always about perfect Olivia and nothing is ever mine and so she shouldn't have anything that's hers either. Especially not a cute and loyal puppy of a husband.
"W-What are you doing, Stephanie?" he asks me, his face is much more pale than seconds ago.
"Nothing, just talking." I grab the waistline of my skirt and pull it up further, to the middle of my stomach and Roger backs away, his back hits the wooden cabinets and one of the doors slam shut.
"What's wrong?" I ask with a laugh. My stomach is in a knot and I feel like I'm going to pass out any freaking second, but it feels amazing at the same time. Adrenaline it must be. I love it. I want more of it. I step even closer and reach for the zipper on the front of my shirt.
"Stop it, Stephanie." Roger covers his face. Fuck this, he's actually a loyal puppy like I thought. Knowing this adds to the burn of my jealousy.
"Come on Roger, don't be such a-"
"Stephanie! What the hell are you doing?" Olivia's voice fills the kitchen. I look over to the doorway to see her leaning there. She changed into pajamas, flannel ones with blue lining. She's pissed.
After a few seconds, she turns to her husband, "Roger?"
"I don't know babe, she just came in here and started trying to take her clothes off." He tosses his hands up in the air in a frantic plea for his wife to see how crazy her slutty sister is.
"Get out, Stephanie." She turns to me, glaring a hole through me. The fact that she didn't even ask me if I did it before kicking me out pisses me off.
"You didn't even ask me if it wasn't true," I tell her. I toss my purse over my shoulder and pull my skirt back down to cover my body.
"I know you." She says matter-of-factly.
"And?" I look at Roger and he inches back like I'm a snake.
"Well, did you try to come onto my husband or not?" Olivia's mouth is trembling, she's holding back tears.
Oh please.
"You're such a spoiled bitch!" I yell at her and Roger wraps his arm around her shoulder.
"Get out Stephanie." Olivia shakes her head as her husband rubs her shaking hands.
I do just that. I won't have to put up with this shit soon. I'm going to college and I'm going to run that fucking campus.
(Author's note- Soooo the stream is next chapter haha. I teased you, I know haha. I seriously missed updating here, writing without updating isn't the same! Did you read anything else while waiting? I need recs!
Before is released in Spain and Mexico today!! <3 and In TWO weeks in the US &UK. Eeeeeeeepp. Next update is Thursday!)
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