☆Chapter 4☆
I've started to regrow my confidence ever since that point. I just really want to get to know Dot better but first I need to regain her trust.
I've started talking to the members of the Rising Voltacklers since they know them better than I do and I have been learning more and more about her.
I know she really likes K-pop and the intros to Japanese animes, their favourite drinks are fizzy ones, she plays video games a lot and they're really good with technology, the reason they have a massive computer in their private room.
This was all really interesting stuff to learn about and I share a few similarities too so I knew we would get along well. I unfortunately didn't get much more information about her love for Nidothing but I'm just assuming that's because their quite secretive of those kinds of things, much like I am nowadays.
I've also been sending her a lot of letters under her door, hoping to reconnect. I haven't mentioned anything about the things I've learnt about them because I don't want them to think I'm a stalker but I did ask little questions based on these things.
She sadly never responds to these but I'm just assuming they are ready yet, which us understandable. I have heard from Murdock though that they keep all of my letters safe in a drawer at home though, which makes me happy that they appreciate them so much.
One day while I was writing some fanfiction about Nidothing because... that's what I usually do, I checked the time and realised Nidothing's livestream was starting soon. I quickly logged onto YouTube and then waited patiently for everything to start up.
As soon as their theme music started playing in the background, I was immediately hyped up. This was my first time ever being able to catch one of their livestreams so I was so excited to be there.
They did some talking about how their life has been at the moment and then they opened up the comment section so we could ask them anything, as I'm expecting a normal livestream is like for them.
Because I was nervous that I would never be able to join one of these livestreams ever again, I decided to build up the courage to ask a question. I was originally going to ask something like if they have ever read my Nidothing x Reader fanfic but I was too embarrassed to admit something like that so I decided to ask how to start a conversation with someone who is very introverted and hangs out in their room most of the time since I'm assuming they have lots of friends.
As soon as they read out my username, I immediately started blushing intensely and internally screaming. They read out my question and they did get a little nervous half way through and gave a stuttery response, but that's probably because they have had a similar situation.
They said how I should ask about their interests and convince them to hang out with me and touch grass a little. I felt this would be difficult since the last time I asked Dot about her interests she shut me out, but maybe she managed to see this livestream to and she's come to a realisation.
I left a comment saying thank you and then began doodling a picture of me and Dot for the rest of the time the livestream was on, hoping I could give it to her tomorrow...
The next day, I arrived in the inclusion base much more confident then I had been the days before. I marched over to Dot's door and then sent through the following letter I had with for her.
Hi Dot,
I just watched Nidothing's livestream yesterday and it was amazing! Did you see it?
I hope we can chat soon... but obviously we'll only do that when you're ready!
Thank you,
Liko ♡
I waited patiently behind the door patiently and to my suprise, the door unlocked and creaked open a little.
It was my chance once again and I knew this time I couldn't mess it up!
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