☆Chapter 3☆
Ever since I witnessed Friede punch Amethio, I have been severely traumatised.
I have now gone back to my old, anxious habits and I now get scared when I see blood, which is a problem because since then I have now started my period.
But the worst thing is that I can no longer see Friede the same way anymore, even though he is supposed to be the most trustworthy out of everyone in the Rising Voltacklers crew.
But one day while I was fiddling with a strand of my hair and clutching my Sprigatito plush, my eyes started to wander around the room. That's when I set my eyes on a door and through the glass I could see a person who looked about my age.
I tried to wave at them but as soon as their eyes locked on mine, they immediately freaked out and hid away.
"Who were you waving at?" Roy asked.
"There's a person in that room so I just decided to say hello, although I think I scared them..." I answered in a mumble.
"Oh that's Dot, my demi-niece!" Murdock said.
"Demi-niece?" I questioned.
"I don't fully understand the nickname either but that's what they told me to call them so that's what I decided to do!" Murdock explained, "Anyways, Dot is a very shy and anxious kid so that's why she hid!"
Shy and anxious... just like me?!
"Is there any way I could possibly get to know her?" I asked.
"She probably won't open the door to you straight away so you should write a note to her and then maybe she will," Friede answered.
"O-oh o-okay!" I stuttered and got a piece of paper from my backpack.
I then wrote the following note:
Hi Dot,
I was wondering maybe we could get to know each other? I'm new here so it would be nice to get to know someone who is experienced around this place
Thank you,
Liko ♡
I took a deep breath and then bent down before slipping it under the door. I then sat down and waited patiently for some kind of response.
Suddenly, I heard the door unlock and then creak open, signalling I now had my chance.
"Good luck Liko, also try not to bring loud emotions near her otherwise she might send you out!" Orla informed me.
"I'll try!" I replied.
With that, I opened the door wider and walked in, closing the door gently behind me. I sat on the unoccupied chair and the looked around.
There were posters of big celebrities like Lisia, Elesa and Iono but then I looked down to see Dot. She had just taken out her grey hairband to reveal purple and pink hair that covered over her eyes. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing the uniform, although because it doesn't look like she goes to many lessons so it's fine.
"Hi Dot!" I said.
She soun her gamer chair around to face me.
"Hi... Liko's isn't it?" They asked.
"Yep, it's Liko!" I replied.
"You're name is so pretty..." Dot mumbled.
"Oh... thank you!" I responded, starting to blush.
There was an awkward silence until she started to talk again.
"Well umm... I'm n-not exactly the best at t-talking so, do you want to l-listen to music?" She asked.
"Yeah sure!" I replied.
"Any specific type?" They questioned, turning back to their computer.
"I don't mind, whatever you want to listen to!" I said, desperately hoping it wasn't rock or heavy metal music since it overwhelms me.
To my suprise, she put on the theme tune to Nidothing's videos. They were then about to click onto a video editing app but I was so hyped up that I then got up and slammed my hands on the table
"YOU WATCH NIDOTHING TOO?!" I exclaimed, beaming down on them.
Dot pushed herself away from me and they then began to hyperventilate and panic. I then realised I had went to far and messed up.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry! I'll just leave now..." I apologised and went yo grab for the door handle.
"Y-yes p-please..." They mumbled.
I opened the door and then walked out before closing the door behind me, sighing.
"What happened?" Roy asked.
"I messed up and made them too overwhelmed, I'm sorry!" I said, starting to cry into my hands.
"It's going to be fine, I've accidentally made that happen before tok bit all they need is a little time to rest and then you can try again!" Murdock reassured me.
"Really?" I asked, lifting up my head to look at him.
"Absolutely!" He replied.
I smiled and then wiped my tears away before furrowing my eyebrows with determination, hopeful I could become friends with her.
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