☆Chapter 1☆
The next day, I went into school having had a panic attack a few minutes prior. Not at home but when the loud noises on the school bus were becoming too much for me.
I was walking down the corridor cautiously while clutching hold of my Sprigatito plush. Mother had bought it for me yesterday as a present and I had now decided that it would be my new support stuffed animal, or pokémon actually.
While I was walking, I suddenly heard a scream from behind me. I quickly turned around to see a boy with pink hair running down the corridor with many angry boys chasing after him.
I recognised that boy from a few of my classes since he gets told off a lot for answering questions when he didn't put his hand up. I tried to remember his name but the adrenaline really kicked in as soon as the boys noticed me too.
"Hey, it's that gay girl, let's get her too!" The leader commanded, pointing at me.
With that, I started to run away with them and followed behind the boy whose name I couldn't quite remember. I thought we would come to a dead end but when I saw the boy go through the emergency exit right at the end of the corridor, I went through too. We both shut the door behind us and the pink haired boy wedged a stick through the handles to the boys wouldn't be able to get to us.
"Why were they chasing you?" I found myself saying.
"I opened my water bottle and for some reason it sprayed all over them, but they all hate me anyway so this was going to end up happening regardless!" The boy explained, "Hey, aren't you that gay girl?"
"I really need people to stop calling me that..." I mumbled, putting a hand over my face in embarrassment, "Call me Liko instead, please?"
"Sure, and I'm Roy!" Roy introduced himself, holding out his hand.
I didn't really feel comfortable shaking hands with him since the last person I did that with betrayed me, but I still did it regardless. Now that he had grip of my hand, he then decided to drag me away.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked.
"To my secret hideout!" Roy replied.
"But where is th-"
Before I could finish my sentence, my jaw dropped as Roy presented me what he called his hideout. It looked like an airship and it had incredible designs on it, I was suprised that I had never seen this around school before.
The pink haired boy ran inside and since I didn't know how to get back into the school building, I followed behind him.
Once I was inside, I was suprised to find that inside there was a long table with many adults sat down, drinking many different types of beverages. I started to worry that I had just walked into a meeting or if this happened to be a staff room, but the fact all of the adults there were wearing pirate like outfits put me off.
Suddenly, a white haired man got out of his seat and walked over to me, making my anxiety begin to take over in my body.
"Hello and welcome to the Brave Olivine, how may we help you?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips and smiling warmly, which gave me mixed emotions.
"Uhhh I-" I stuttered, not even sure what I was doing here either.
"Meet my new friend Liko!" Roy said, "I met her when I was running away from my bullies!"
"What have you done now Roy?" The man asked.
"It's not my fault, my water bottle sprayed everywhere.
Everyone facepalmed since this must happen a lot to the poor boy but then their attention was drawn back to me.
"So Liko, have the school told you about the Brave Olivine?" The man asked.
"N-no, wh-what is it?" I stuttered.
"The school really isn't doing a great job at telling the kids about this place!" A lady with pink hair muttered.
"Agreed Mollie, I'm really going to need to chat to head mistress about that!" He said to his fellow colleague and then turned his attention back to me, "Anyway, the Brave Olivine may look like some crazy airship on the outside but it is actually an inclusion base for disabled and neurodivergent people, do you happen to fit into any of those categories?"
I really don't like admitting to what I am, but I knew I couldn't just lie.
"I'm autistic..." I mumbled.
"That's nothing to be ashamed of, everyone who works here is neurodivergent or disabled in some way, and even if you weren't you would still be allowed here anyway since this place is for anyone who just needs a safe space or to make friends!" He explained, "And by the way, my name is Friede, I'm the founder of our group called the Rising Voltacklers and was the one to pitch the idea to the school, although they obviously don't like to give me credit for it!"
"I'm Orla! I created the Brave Olivine all with just one arm, and even created this second one too" A woman with brunnete hair and orange highlights introduced herself, clenching her iron fist.
"And I'm her girlfriend Mollie," The lady with pink hair said, "I'm the base nurse and if you injure yourself, I can help you!"
"I'm Murdock, I'm the cook here and you may have seen me help out the dinner ladies at the cafeteria because my food is the best at this school!" A man who was sitting next to a cane introduced himself.
"And over there is Ludlow!" Friede said, pointing over to an elderly man with long greay hair and beard, "Even though he's blind, he is a great fisher and gives very inspirational quotes!"
"Wow!" I gasped, "This place is amazing, but why is there not many children here?"
"Well, as you've probably noticed the school doesn't tell the kids about this place when they arrive and they forced Orla to build our base at the back of the school so it's not like many people see it anyway!" Friede explained, "Roy only found out about this place because he loves to explore all around the school and happened to find this place!"
"It's better than being bullied!" Roy said.
"This place is still so amazing though and... is it okay if maybe I could stay here for the day?" I asked, "I'm a little scared about going into lessons after what happened earlier!"
"Yeah of course, you can take a seat next to Roy and Orla will make sure to register both of you for your lessons!" The white haired man replied.
"Thank you!" I beamed up at him.
With that, me and Roy sat down and I cuddled into my Sprigatito plush, hoping that this would finally be the place where I belong...
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