The Dinner Party
While Hermione wished that her parents could have made it to this dinner, she understood why they couldn't, since Dick left with Logan and the girls they had more work. Hermione was able to take comfort in the fact that she already knew Draco (better than she should have, but she wasn't thinking about that right now) and the boy named Blaise seemed super sweet, and very protective. While Narcissa Malfoy was a nice woman, who was also very accommodating considering the situation, Hermione even really liked Ginny and Luna (thankfully, since according to everything she had read about Hogwarts rules and regulations, once you were placed with roommates you were stuck with them. Unless there were circumstances which made you feel unsafe, then you could apply for another room, but it was highly doubtful that would ever be the case with these two girls. Hermione even liked The Weasley, who reminded her a lot of her own parents, and The Lovegoods who seemed to be as laid back as Dick and Logan were. The only person Hermione didn't like was Ron, he had this way of making very uncomfortable, rather it be by trying to get her alone in a room, constantly touching her, telling her dirty jokes, or the worse in her opinion was how he kept whispering all the things that he wanted to do to her, once they were alone at Hogwarts. Hermione decided to tell him a little lie, and say she was a virgin (since technically she was supposed to be) but that didn't seem to stop him from making this conversation awkward, if anything it actually made it worse. As he smiled and said "Well that just makes it better for me, BABE!" with an evil grin on his lips, as he blew her a kiss. Draco had been sitting nearby talking with Ginny when he heard what Ron said to Hermione, and he did not take it well, as he was now in Ron's face yelling "Don't you DARE touch Hermione, you asshole! She's mi..." Deep down Hermione knew that her past with Draco would be a mistake, she just didn't want it too come up so soon. So without thinking she got between the two boys and said "Draco Malfoy, Ronald Weasley, you stop this right now or else I will go get both of your parents." then she took Draco by the hand and lead him from the sitting room, in reality she had no idea where she was taking them, she just knew that anywhere was better than the room they were just in.
Draco let Hermione lead him down the hallway, and the backstairs that led to his bedroom, before he took over this little field trip, and headed right into his room. At which point he gently pushed her against the wall near the door, (which he closed with his foot) as his lips found her, and he began to kiss her with the same passion that they had in Miss Rose's living room. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, Draco's hands were resting on her waist, it wasn't until he began pushing up her top, that Hermione realized what was happening, and gently pushed him away. "What's wrong Sweetheart? I thought you..." "What? Needed you to save me? Well I don't! You do remember that I have been bullied my whole life, and I am more than capable of handling boys like Ronald Weasley..." "I know that you can, but with me around, why should you have too?" Draco asked her leaning forward to kiss her cheek, lovingly." "How about because not once in eight months have you written me back! Not to mention the fact that you are currently dating your co star, Katie Bell, I believe is her name." "What? How would you know that?" "You mean aside from the fact that over the Summer my Aunt Nina took myself, my cousin Sam, his boyfriend Blaine, and my best friends Veronica and Mac to see the show. And afterwards I went back stage to see you, and guess what I seen? You and her making out! But I thought maybe I was just mistaken so even though my heart was broken I lied to my aunt, cousin, and friends and said I didn't find you. Then a few days later as my parents and I sat watching Entertainment Tonight as we did every night at dinner time, I seen the report about you and Katie, and how y'all were the next IT couple. So please don't try and..." Draco took Hermione's hand in his as he said "Honey, you're right! I am seeing Katie! But I am SO miserable with her, and if you'd be willing to give me another chance I promise I'll prove to you that I love you, and I only want you." Hermione wasn't sure why but she let Draco kiss her after hearing him say these words, their kisses had just started to heat up when there was a knock at his door, followed by Narcissa voice saying "Draco, Hermione, is everything okay in there? Ginny told her parents how Ronald was behaving and they have had a long and embarrassing conversation with him about how to treat a young lady. So if you're okay dinner is ready." "Yes, Mother, everything is fine! Hermione was just very upset, so I brought her upstairs to gather her thoughts, we'll be right down." Draco says through the door, smiling at Hermione as he mouthed "We'll finish this later!" and opened the door to find his mother still standing in the hallway, waiting on them. Narcissa was curious why Draco had taken Hermione to his room of all places, when it would have been just as easy to tell on the trouble making boy like his sister had, so as she stood there looking them over, she noticed that their lips appeared to be swollen as if they had been doing more than just talking. And while she wanted to ask the two young teens what was going on, she decided against, and instead just followed them down the stairs towards the dining room where the guest were waiting on the three of them to return.
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