Dante Mcguines pov
He walked down a dark alley counting his pay stub fifteen hundred bucks it barely paid the rent he will need at least five more fights but people are to afraid to fight him. Shadows cascade across his face as light from a news blimp passed by overhead a sliver of light peeked through revealing his charmingly gruff features and shiny steely gray eyes. He ran his heavily bruised hand through his matted unkept sweaty black hair and he paused dead in his tracks as a loud crash sounded farther down the alley and as he slowly crept toward he saw a battered, beaten, and injured Batman before him. I rushed to him as he began to bleed out a large gnash in his stomach revealed a wound.
"Are... are you okay." I asked shakily as he got unsteadily to his feet before falling over again. I helped him to his feet looping my arms under his armpits and having him lean his weight into me. I stumbled and fell and so did he and as we did I heard the booming voice of someone behind me and intimidating skeletal humanoid monster with a flaming green skulls for a face told me not to move. I don't take orders well so I scrambled to my feet and began to drag Batman behind me as more and more villains showed up alongside him a female with a purple gooey outline.
We turned out of the alley and he awoke I helped him to his feet and I helped him lean against the wall. He sucked in breath before he spoke "You need to get out of here. I can take care of them just go run.". "Please I can fight let me help you." He said desperately in response not wanting the only good man in Gotham to die. "No... Dante... no." He removed his mask and the face staring back at him was none other than his brothers as he spoke to him in a calm and confident voice "Dante I got this. Okay I got this but I can't be worried you will get hurt while I'm fighting these scum criminals. Please go...Go."
He turned and began to run his brother would be okay his older brother always knew what To do do Terry always knew what to do.. I mean it's Terry. he broke out into a run.. his heart beating and adrenaline pumping into his veins and the only thing he could think of was The last things he had said to Terry. He shook his head hard don't think like that he isn't going to die. Terry will be fine. He whipped back around a he heard a pained cry and saw his brother collapse as a solid blackish purple blade protruded from his chest.
He stared on in silence even as tears blurred his vision at this horrific sight he can't lose Terry to. He felt so angry but instead of charging in and fighting them and joining his father and his fallen brother he turned and fled like a coward as he ran one very recent memory stained into his brain on a loop. Those horrific worrds. The hateful arguments. The pain, the guilt, the anger it all bubbled up and exploded as he entered his apartment and he slammed his fist through a wall screaming as he entered he threw dishes and flipped the kitchen table gripping his hair as he cried. His looked up at his mom and youngest brother mat. "Mom I'm so sorry.. mom I'm sorry please.. I didn't mean to.. mom I'm so sorry. Please mom." He surged forward as grief replaced the anger and the emptiness overcame him and he buried himself in her arms.
Flash back
"Hey Terry, I'm heading out." He said knocking on his brothers door. He heard a noise in his brothers room and the quick shuffling of feet and the loud stomping of his older brother footsteps echoing off his tiled bedroom floor. "Hold on I'll come with." Terry called back not long after exiting his room. they looked differently when they were little they looked almost identical even though they weren't twins but now they look different.
Terry in the past two years has put on some weight he used to be pretty normal but it's noticeable he gained muscle the bulging biceps almost straining against his normal brown leather jacket. he's also maybe an inch taller him. It was odd because he didn't hear terry mention anything about going to a gym the only thing Terry seemed to do was always be with That old billionaire Bruce Wayne. 'No man, it's cool I'm going to head by myself." He said just wanting to head on his own.
"Come on man, it would be cool to hangout with by bro." He said with an easygoing smile playfully punching my arm. "Some other time Terry. Promise." I said turning to leave before this conversation got any further. "What's in the backpack." He asked sternly with an accusatory tone. Fuck he knows.
"Nothing Terry." I responded lying through my teeth and turning to face him. "Dante take it off...Take it off now." He demanded. I sighed and slide the black book bag off of my shoulder and he opened it to reveal my mouth piece in a case my gloves and pair of shorts, medical tape and a bunch of painkillers.
"Dammit Dante...why, why do you do this shit. Mom is working and you go and run around fighting people in your stupid fucking club. Did you ever stop to think what would happen if you died what that would put mom through what it would put me through." Terry angrily said in response to his brothers fighting.
Dante was shocked at his brother after dads murder Terry stepped up and got a job and took care of him only being a year difference between them. Terry never got angry, never complained, never whined, never got short but now he explodes and he got angry. "I wouldn't have to if manned up and actually asked wayne for a raise instead of being his personal bitch boy." Dante shot back at him. Terry wouldn't understand, Terry never understood anything about him.
Terry was the perfect one, Terry was perfect at everything school, academics, sports, athletics, all the girls wanted him and all the boys were protected by him. Dante he was second runner always to his brother not matter how much Dante practiced or tried or studied, Dante was always second to Terry. Where Terry found it easy to make friends Dante struggled with talking to people. Where Terry was able to win any girl over Dante struggles to even form a sentence in front of a girl he liked.
Where everyone always swooned over Terry people seemed to hate Dante. The only thing they were both good at was athletics and studies. Where Terry never joined school sports Dante did and he was the star. Playing holo hockey and he tore his leg he got into a bunch of fights with the leader of them Nelson Nash. It was a miracle he didn't get thrown out but Dante was a senior and was one year away from graduating when he was approached by a fight club manager and offered him a lump of money to win fights.
Terry would never understand how this was how he felt with dads passing he fought and he fought and he fought challenger after challenger fighter after fighter because there.... there is a hole inside of him that he can't fill a hole that shouldn't be there. He was fourteen when dad died and that was unfair his father saw his report cards, his dad didn't get to see him get his permit, his dad didn't get to see him play. None of this happened but Terry.. perfect little Terry wouldn't understand. He yanked the bag from his brothers grasp and walked to the door pausing as his brothers words resonated through his ears. "You... you walk out those doors don't ever come back."
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