9- I'll love you my way
[Warning: Soft Lemon]
"Happy birthday, Sasuke-kun!" The blonde Yamanaka heiress was the first one to greet Sasuke.
Konoha 11 and some other friends like Temari and Gai were present for the little gathering Naruto hosted. Of course he had a larger home now so the dobe was more than confident to invite guests in. Sakura didn't complain about this since her flat was much smaller; and Sasuke didn't want some more people prying into what he considers as his and the pinkette's own little world too.
"Happy birthday, Sasuke." Kiba smirked.
"Aa." The ravenette replied. He didn't bother to say thanks because if anything, Kiba might have a shot at replacing Naruto at the top spot of the people who tick him off the most.
"I didnt expect you'd be celebrating with us, though." said the girl in space buns whom Sasuke was trying hard to name. "I mean you never did so..."
"It's a new year for me. I thought something different might be good." He replied before Sakura could speak for him.
The last Uchiha really wanted his- girlfriend?- to enjoy tonight and stop worrying about him. He then ought to prove he can deal with their former classmates on his own as early as he could. He also figured that stating his honest thoughts about agreeing to this gathering will assure the people present in there that he truly wanted this and wasn't just forced by his two former teammates.
I mean I was but- I would never really agree to anything if I dont honestly feel like it. Sasuke thought.
"It really is a different year for you. It's a different you." Shikamaru pointed. "And I actually prefer this version. The one from 4 years ago is a drag."
"Hn," Sasuke dismissed. He agrees to that, no doubt; however, he still wasnt comfortable conversing about his darkest days with other people. To talk it out with Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura is easy- they're basically his family now. But with others? That's probably harder than maintaining a susano active for 3 hours.
To think he barely knows the names of all the people invited. He knew their faces, that's for sure, but he never really paid that much attention to match it with their names. Honestly, he didn't even know Hinata was named Hinata until Naruto told him about their engagement. He always pertained to her as the hyuga heiress- cousin of the late Neji Hyuga- but it ends there. If he remembers correctly, he graduated at the academy knowing only about 4 of his classmates' names.
"Anyway, Kakashi-sama will be late. But he says he'll be here." Shikamaru added.
"It would have been more surprising is Kakashi wasn't late."
"Teme's right. Kakashi-sensei will only come after he finishes a paragraph or two of his favorite porn book 'ttebayo. You guys should've gotten used to it by now."
True enough, Kakashi came 2 hours after the batch-mates finished their meals. They were already enjoying drinks when Sasuke spotted the familiar white hair.
And perhaps he was the only one who noticed, because the people around him are too caught up in their cups of sake. They were already dispersed around the house, and Sasuke was the only one peacefully and anti-socially seated on the corner couch- talking only when someone approaches him to talk.
"Oi Sasuke," Kakashi smiled and shoved a present in his chest as he take his seat next to the ravenette. "Why is the birthday boy not drinking? Are you by chance, sulking in your own party?"
"Then why not loosen up a bit and drink?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kakashi already knows that he doesnt like drinking, so he suspects his former sensei was only trying to get something more from him.
He was sure he wasn't going to give it.
"Let me guess," Kakashi smirked under his mask. "You're trying to stay sober so you can get Sakura home properly."
And there goes that vague answer again. Kakashi thought but didn't want to give up. At least not yet.
"You two are dating now, I've heard."
"For someone who's supposed to be busy, you hear quite a lot." Sasuke scoffed and Kakashi can only find the whole situation amusing. His former student was just there in his seat doing nothing. He was killing time and enjoying it by seeing his friends and acquaintances laugh and do stupid things. It's weird to do that on a party, especially on your own party, because it looks like he's sulking; but Kakashi knows it's just the most Sasuke thing Sasuke could do.
"You three are kinda like my kids now. I have to know what you're up to." The Rokudaime insisted and relaxed himself on the couch. "Of course I'd know when my former students are hooking up. I mean it's weird- but honestly? I already saw it coming since you three were genins."
"Sakura and I are not hooking up."
"Fine, fine. If you insist." Kakashi said as he stood up to find himself drinks. Again, he liked teasing the last Uchiha so much, but he didnt want to be there once his gift was unwrapped. He still wanted to get a peaceful retirement. "Actually, I believe you. I dont think you know how to hook up. Poor Sakura." He kept an innocent smile; trying his best not to laugh when he caught Sasuke's eye twitched.
"Kaka-sensei!" Sakura greeted before Kakashi could leave the ravenette alone. "Hiiiiii!"
Oh damn, she's drunk.
"That's enough. We're going home." Sasuke grabbed her wrist and started to gently drag her to the door. He wasn't going to let Sakura risk doing anything further she might regret tomorrow.
Kakashi then watched in amusement as Sakura kept complaining and Sasuke kept muttering curses. He knew those two still had problems determining their feelings, but at least they now understand how special they are to each other.
At least Sasuke now opens his heart for her.
The 6th hokage can only wish his Uchiha student would use his present carefully and wisely.
The journey back to Sakura's flat was getting out of hand so Sasuke opted to just carry her and silently leap through the roofs so no one would see them. He wasn't exactly sure if no one heard them, however, because Sakura just wont shut her mouth.
She looks cute, though. Sasuke grinned. It's was annoying how she muttered unintelligible words and kept tracing circles on his face but... it was the Sakura kind of annoying; a kind that surprises yet amuses him at the same time.
"You killjoy! Why are we coming back home when I'm still catching up with them?" She talked in pout but Sasuke was able to get that one out. "I barely see them you know."
"You can see them tomorrow."
"I will have duty tomorrow." The pinkette sighed and Sasuke thought she was finally getting sober. That was until she said the weirdest words she has ever said sensually. "You stopped me from having fun. Now you have to have fun with me."
"You owe me fun, you no-fun man." She giggled. "I think kissing is fun."
"Sakura, you're drunk." It was Sasuke's turn to let out a sigh as he finally landed at her front door. He struggled to get her keys primarily because he only had one hand to hold Kakashi's gift and her at the same time, and secondly because the pinkette kept trying to kiss him.
"Sakura." He warned, trying his best to keep her still as he manages to open the door.
"Why don't you want to kiss me?"
"Because you're drunk and I'm not taking advantage of that." He said, leading her towards the couch now.
"Liar! You also dont kiss me when I get back from work. You also dont touch me." She retorted as if she was disappointed.
"Did you want me to do that?" Sasuke carefully asked; half concerned and half mirthful because Sakura's finally telling him what she wanted him to do. He may have understood that they're basically a couple now, but he didn't know how to properly act like it. He thought talking, cuddling, and eating together were enough- but it turns out the pinkette wanted something... more.
"You would've done that if I'm attractive enough." She said, getting up with wobbly legs.
"You are very attractive." Sasuke said with complete honesty. "Where are you going?"
"Let me-"
"I love you, you know." She suddenly turned to hug him when he reached her to try and help.
"I know."
"Sasuke," she called.
"Kiss me."
"Sakura, you're-"
"I'm drunk. But I would've wanted you to kiss me at any state. Just one kiss. Make me feel like you really want me. Like you're really here, like this is not a dream. Plea- hmmf."
Sasuke wasn't going to let her beg for him again. Not now, not today, not ever again. What Sakura wants, Sakura gets- that's what he pledged to himself when he came back home. He was willing to do anything for her, anything to assure her that he's being true. He wasn't the same Sasuke who would've done anything to keep her away; he is now the man who would sacrifice anything just to keep seeing her smile and and her happy eyes.
If a kiss is all it takes to tell her these without having to speak a word, he'll gladly do it because he's also been secretly dying to do so. He once tasted her and it was addictive; now he's feeling her soft, warm lips against his again and it was pure bliss.
It was until her tongue traced his lower lip- that move drove him insane.
"Sakura," he groaned, trying to slightly push her away. She was making him feel weird things, and his body reacting to her warm touches is not really a good idea; at least not at the moment.
"What," she murmured, still kissing the ravenette she loves dearly and snaking her arms around his neck. She then grabbed his hand that was pushing her, placing it on her right breast with a sigh.
"Hmmm," the pinkette moaned when Sasuke's attempt to protest resulted to a squeeze in her chest. The latter then looked like a tomato who's blushing so hard when he felt her flesh, thoughts running wild as he felt his instincts urge him to do more stuff in the are he's touching.
"I'm not big enough, sorry." She said shyly, breaking the kiss now and getting as red as Sasuke is. The last Uchiha, nonetheless, felt annoyed by her remark. He wasnt going to let anyone question Sakura's beauty- not even Sakura herself.
"You're perfect," he insisted despite being so embarrassed now. He then gave it another squeeze which earned a gasp from Sakura. He stifled a smirk.
Who knew earning a reaction from her like this could be so satisfying?
He kissed her again because of such satisfaction. He kissed her with so much passion and urgency- one that which he couldn't put a finger where came from.
All hell, however, broke lose when Sakura's other hand went down to his growing bulge. Ah, that was were the urgency was coming from.
Her palms then conveyed warmth as she massaged the area- making Sasuke lose his cool, composure, and above all, his sanity.
"Let's take this to our room?" Sakura asked provocatively, albeit she looked so tired already.
Our room. The declaration that they formally share a room turned Sasuke on even more despite the hint of fatigue in her voice. As she caressed him down there, he becomes aware of how his sharp eyes weren't sure if he was seeing things clearly anymore, and how his usual confident and focused self wasn't really sure what to do now.
He bets Sakura didnt know what to do either, so he let the tug of his instincts to fulfill his desires take over his consciousness.
He grabbed her ass- a part of her Sasuke has always admired- and she took it as a sign to jump and wrap her legs around his waist. Wanting to give Sakura everything she'd ask for, as well as dying to get his erection free from his pants, the last Uchiha hurried to their room as the two of them continue kissing.
Gradually cutting all his self-control lose, he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, not caring if he's doing it right or not. He wanted to taste her, every bit of her, and that's all that is in his head right now.
When he laid her in bed, Sakura immediately crawled towards him, fidgeting over the buttons of his dress shirt until he was half naked.
"Sakura," Sasuke called and gripped her hip when she sucked on the most sensitive spot of his neck. He wasn't sure how she found it, but he guesses her medical expertise helped her in her journey of giving him so much pleasure.
Oh, but this isn't about him.
Sasuke wanted to pleasure Sakura more than anything else, and he figured he could start doing so by doing something to her breasts. After all, he earned a good gasp when he squeezed it a few minutes ago. He then removed her ninja belt, unzipping her blouse afterwards in a hurried pace like he was chasing something.
Sakura then kept working miracles on his neck as he rid her of her clothes. He didn't stop until she was just in her jade green panties, and he marveled at how his lover looked like the epitome of beauty in front of him. The pinkette took his gaze as a sign that he wanted her as much as she did, so she dragged him into the bed until she could straddle his lap.
"Sasuke-kun," she moaned as she grinded on his hard crotch.
"Fuck, Sakura."
"Hmmm," the pinkette sighed, rolling her hips over and over again while her head is buried in the crook of his neck. Sasuke's only hand then grabbed her left breast, and proceeded to kiss her shoulders up to her jaw.
How he loved every bit of her.
"I want you," Sakura moaned when his fingers played with her erected nipple. "Gosh, Sasuke, I want you."
Not needing another word, Sasuke pushed Sakura until she lays on her back and he hovers over her. He kissed her again as he pressed himself on her core, earning another moan that made the fire in him burn further.
He kissed her jaws, her neck, her chest, her belly- he wanted to worship this goddess underneath him. He wanted to let her know she was perfect; she was everything he has every wanted. The only woman who can throw him off the edge with a single glance.
However, just when he was about to ask for permission to remove her remaining clothing, her moans began to turn into soft snores.
It was at that point that Sasuke drifted back into reality.
What was he doing?
Sakura was drunk; she was vulnerable and he wasn't. How could he take advantage of that?
He remembered what she said; that she would've wanted this in whatever state she's in. Regardless, Sasuke would want this to happen only on a specific state. How could he forget what his mother told him? That there are things only married people can do?
He felt ashamed. Of course he wanted to do it with Sakura...but not like this. It should be special. It shouldn't...
Sasuke let out another sigh. He knew he was being traditional- too traditional and archaic- by thinking about marriage first, frankly. But there weren't a lot of things his parents left him, and there weren't a lot of things he could be proud of himself too. It was only his principles about this matter that remains; one of the very few things he could remember he learned from his parents, and one of the few good things left he held to himself which he could and wants to offer Sakura.
He couldn't let himself lose control like that again.
"You truly are the most dangerous woman in the world," he scoffed as he picked up his top, putting it on the sleeping Sakura to cover her body. He also went to pick up her garments and put it into the basket for dirty clothes before coming back to the kitchen to get something to drink.
He needs to calm down.
After getting himself a glass of water, he passed the living area and remembered Kakashi's gift. Sasuke then thought opening it could distract him a little from their heated moment a while ago, but of course, the Rokudaime was the last person who could help him keep his cool on moments like this.
"Damn you, Kakashi." Sasuke gritted his teeth as he stared at the IchaIcha Paradise the Rokudaime once offered him as a welcome-home present. He really won't stop until he could brag he thought me techniques for sexual activities, will he?
He took another deep breath to calm his anger and frustrations, wondering how many times does he have to release stress through sighs today. He honestly and badly wanted to do a Fireball Jutsu now, but knowing this is Sakura would punch him hard if he burns her flat to ground made him control himself. He then went back into the bedroom only to check if Sakura is sleeping soundly. Thankfully, her lower half was already covered in a blanket and her upper covered by his dress shirt. He sat beside her to admire how the Uchiha crest looked perfect on her back, and smiled when he realized he'd love to see her wear it everyday.
"I love you," Sasuke smiled genuinely to himself, planting a kiss on her beautiful forehead before he went back to the living room and fix his old sofa-bed.
I will show you my love on my own way. At least the way I can remember Mother and Father did- because that's how I want us to be.
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