3- Delayed Bachelor's Party
She was shocked to see him on a shirt.
Sakura has seen Sasuke shirtless multiple times because of unpleasant situations, but seeing him wearing an ordinary shirt felt... surreal. It made him look ordinary, yet still breathtaking. It made him seem more...mundane.
"Uhm, here are the pillows. If you need anything more you can knock on my door. Wait, are you hungry? I can cook-"
"I'm full, Sakura, don't worry."
"Oh. Well, then... I'll leave you to rest?"
That word again. Will he finally be able to?
"Okay, goodnight Sasuke-kun."
"Sakura-" he called on her before she entered her room.
"Thank you."
She blushed. "No worries. Rest well, Sasuke-kun."
He looked around before he folded her sofa-bed and lied down. Ah, modern furniture. It makes a living area convertible into a guest room.
Sasuke took a deep breath again but this time, he found the edge of his lips pulled upwards.
Truly, he thinks he can now rest.
Uchiha Sasuke was usually up early.
That is primarily because he doesn't really sleep. During his travels with Team Taka and especially his travels alone, he could not and would not sleep without keeping his senses up because troubles might occur anytime. Rogue after rogue ninjas kept attacking him whenever they can for his eye, and he needed to keep himself prepared for them. He needed to be on guard. Aside from that, his trauma kept him awake. Sasuke would rather exhaust himself to sleep, than close his eyes and see memories of his brother, the war, and many more unwated recorded images flash in his head.
However, sleeping in Sakura's sofa-bed in a comfortable shirt and a comforted mind was a different circumstance. The last Uchiha never even thought he had the ability to sleep so soundly because this was actually the first time since he was orphaned that he slept with a light chest.
This was the first time he really rested, and felt at home.
Rested, until a certain loud voice woke him up.
"Sakura-chan!!!!!! Have you heard?! Open up dattebayo!!! He's back!!!!"
"Naruto, you idiot! Shut the hell up!"
Sasuke swears he heard a punch.
"I don't care, shut it!"
"What?! Why?! I told you! Sasuke is--eh?"
The voice got closer now and the ravenette wished this was just another nightmare.
Sakura's home...is where I felt home?
"You two will never be not loud, wont you?" Sasuke finally sat up. He knew he didnt mess up his bed, so he was confident to face his former teammates when he just woke up.
Why does he look so good early in the morning? Sakura thought.
"Ah, sorry, Sasuke-kun! I know you were tired but this idiot-" she slapped Naruto in the head "-just wont tone his voice down."
"You were as noisy as him when you tried to silence him, Sakura." Sasuke remained nonchalant as the pinkette sweatdropped. Naruto, on the other hand, was beaming and was ready to burst in tears. He was so happy and thrilled to see the three of them together in one place again. What's even more thrilling to him, is that they're together like normal human beings- like normal bestfriends. They had no goddess to fight, nor do they intend on killing each other now.
"Do you guys want to get breakfast? My treat!"
"If it's ramen, no thanks." It was Sasuke- of course because who else- who ruined the blonde's idea of a perfect day.
"Teme... I guess you being back means an asshole is back too."
"Hn," Sasuke responded with a smirk and got up to fix the sofa-bed. Sure, he kinda missed Ichiraku if he will be honest, but he didnt feel the vibe right now. He felt like wanted- needed something else.
"I already cooked breakfast, so why don't we just eat here?" Sakura offered and that's when it all made sense.
That comforting smell Sasuke detected was the real reason why his stomach wont digest anything but it's source. He wasn't able to realize it sooner because he probably has forgotten how it was to eat homecooked meals, but his senses will never not crave what he just smelled.
"Sakura-chan...who eats tomato soup for breakfast?" Naruto pouted. Images of Ichiraku's ramen flooded his mind as he compared how rich and delicious his propsed breakfast is in comparison to Sakura's chosen menu.
"I do," the ravenette actually spoke up first, surprising his pinkette and blonde pals.
To them who knew Sasuke best, they can clearly see his excitement to eat as his Adam's apple bounce up and down in gulps.
"I knew it. You cooked this because it's Sasuke's favorite!" Naruto pointed accusingly at Sakura.
"So? You get to eat ramen everyday, why can't Sasuke-kun eat tomato soup for breakfast? If you dont like my cooking, get out, shannaro!"
"Hmf, fine. Let's eat." Naruto scoffed in defeat but maintained his glare at Sasuke. Not that he was really mad he can't eat Ramen for today's breakfast. Eating with his friends have always been more pleasurable for him- especially when he's seeing the contentment in Sasuke's eyes as he swallow his soup. Naruto felt really happy today...though he's eating something so healthy that he wanted to throw up.
"Won't Hinata be sad you're eating breakfast at someone else's house?" Sakura asked with hints of annoyance. Of course she wanted to have Sasuke's attention alone before she leaves for work. She appreciates the team 7's reunion, and she most definitely loved Naruto's presence. But the blonde will definitely spend the day with Sasuke, so why do they have to share his attention now?
"She understands this is the first time I'll be seeing Teme again. Besides, she's at Hiashi's figuring something out with Hanabi. We agreed we'll just meet for lunch." Naruto replied without getting the hint, and Sakura felt bad for even being annoyed. She, primarily, should have understood that her bestfriend longed to see Sasuke as much as she did. She shouldn't have been selfish because she'll have time with Sasuke soon anyway. I hope so.
Nevertheless, despite the little guilt, the whole breakfast was noisy and annoying because of their little banters every now and then. Thankfully, they seem to be a little more mature compared to their petty genin selves 7 years ago.
To say Sasuke was grateful to be able to witness these interactions would then be an understatement. Nobody ever, ever, considered his feelings important like how Sakura did and does. And nobody ever, ever, tried and tries to understand him completely like Naruto.
With a heavy heart, Sakura waved her goodbyes after their meal, claiming she had responsibilities to attend to. For this, Sasuke felt so proud. Fangirl Sakura would've left all things just to be with him, but now he can also see how much she's matured and how much she treasures and excelled at her work.
The only problem he has with Sakura leaving, is that he's left at the hands of a dobe- a dobe he apparently considers the other half of his soul.
"I still cant forgive you for ditching my wedding, dattebayo." Naruto rested his head on his arms while they were walking towards Sasuke's apartment to get a change of clothes. The both of them got a few whispers and weird glances from a villagers every now and then, but the two heroes couldn't care less. Sasuke knew that the people were still scared of him despite his contributions in the last war, but also knew that walking with Naruto neutralizes that fear. He can walk around like this because the people thinks he's not so much a threat as he's with the village hero who can stop him anytime. It's kind of funny to think about because it used to be the other way around when they were young. To the villagers during those times, Naruto was a walking time-bomb, and only the last Uchiha can neutralize him if ever he suddenly explodes.
"You know I was around," Sasuke replied.
"Hmm...yeah. But still-"
"You also know why I wasn't closely around."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." Naruto kept his pout. "That's why you'll be doing bestman things today!" He suddenly beamed.
He pretty much hasn't changed, huh?
"Best-man stuff 'ttebayo! I meant you'll be meeting my wife and you'll be accompanying us to enjoy a bowl of ramen for lunch, and then we're going to the hot springs!"
"You still peek on-"
"No, I dont! I'm married, you asshole! We're just gonna do the things we were supposed to do before I got married, but no monkey business dattebayo!" He suddenly turned serious and determined. "I promised I wont ever disappoint Hinata like that and I never go back on my word!"
"Tch. 'Kay," Sasuke dismissed. He was, however, well aware that the world may end, but Naruto will truly, never go back on his word.
That's just his ninja way.
"So, Sasuke. You're back." Shikamaru said dryly as they chill on the hot springs.
When Naruto said they'll be doing some best-whatever things, Sasuke didn't really realize the dobe will call on the whole male population of the Konoha 11. The lunch with Hinata was at least fine. The Hyuga girl was still shy and reserved, but Sasuke was glad to see his bestfriend happy and well-taken care of. He didn't interact much with her, but he can at the very least say she's a woman with sense.
But this... just how can he avoid socialization when his former classmates surround him with either suspicious eyes or brows raised.
"Aa." Sasuke looked away as he responded to the pineapple haired genius.
Still the limited vocabulary, I see. Shikamaru thought.
"Hmm... Ugly would've been so happy." The pale boy named Sai said with a happy smile.
Ugly? The last Uchiha raised a brow in confusion.
"Eh... he calls Sakura-chan ugly." Naruto explained and chuckled like it's an inside joke. Sasuke, however, suddenly felt the need to punch someone. He hasnt felt that feeling after the war, but he'll gladly succumb to his dark desires if they dont get the pale boy out of his sight.
He didn't care if this pale boy replaced him in team 7. He was confident of his own bond with the team. But calling Sakura ugly while actually seeming to mean it---
Even he, cant say that Sakura is ugly. He, not once, dared to insult the pinkette. He calls her annoying, yes, but never ugly.
"Woah woah woah. Since when did you care so much about Sakura?" Kiba asked, looking tensed. Sasuke then wondered if he actually punched Sai unconsciously, but as he looked around, he can see that the guy is fine.
Tensed and in a protective stance, but fine.
"Uh, Sasuke," Naruto nervously chuckled as he pointed to his right eye.
He quickly deactivated it and looked away. He didn't mean to cause a commotion on his first day back home.
"Sasuke-san cares about Sakura-san? B-but...you can't get between our love again! It's just starting to bloom like a youthful flower, so I forbid you from dating her!" An energetic voice broke the silence.
Sasuke was quick to look.
Rock Lee?
"Huh?" He didn't know how to phrase his thoughts. He was caught off guard. "N-No! I won't date her, stupid."
"Is this really Sasuke Uchiha? Stuttering? Are you sure it's not someone else?" Choji innocently wondered as he munched his chips.
The man mentioned then responded with a spine-tingling questioning look which confirmed he was indeed the last Uchiha.
See, nothing could scare the boys of Konoha 11 except the girls and Uchiha Sasuke's infamous glare. Even the nine tails whom they've grown closer too after Naruto's mutliple attempts to make them see Kurama's edgy kindness cannot compare. The former rogue ninja's eyes basically spell 'danger,' and 'die' whenever they look at you like how he looks at Choji now, so it cannot be anyone but him in front of them.
"Hey hey. They were just shocked to see you so...affected by Sakura-chan." Naruto chuckled again as he tried to cool his bestfriend down. A droplet of sweat, however, visibly trickled down his face. If it's from the steam or from his own nervousness, no one knows.
"I am not affected by Sakura. It was just horrifying to think of her in green spandex." Sasuke made a disgusted face that needed less movement of his features. It was like he was born to be disgusted, because no one can really satisfy the elite Uchihas, right?
"Oh!!! It will fit her perfectly!" Rock Lee cheered with heart eyes but all the boys sweat dropped.
"Hey, but why were you defensive when Sai called her ugly? It wasn't really nice but it was a joke-"
"It wasn't a joke," Sai innocently clarified and it took all of Sasuke's control to keep his fist to himself.
"And I wasn't defensive of her." The ravenette decided to just excuse himself for that matter.
"Activating the sharingan is your first instinct when you want to defend and when you want to attack. It happened when Sai called Sakura ugly," Kiba smirked, now amused more than tensed. To be fair, it was really quite entertaining. It was rare they'd hang out with the last Uchiha even back in their academy days, but it was rarer they'd get to speak to him, much more tease him.
Shikamaru, on the other hand, didn't like the fact that the boys were teasing Sasuke. According to his calculations, if the last Uchiha loses his cool, only Naruto could stand against him and there's a huge possibility that they'd end up losing another arm. That would be a total drag. Further, knowing their strength and powers, it would be such another drag to clean up the mess after their fight. He can clearly remember how trashed the statues of Hashirama and Madara are after their little brotherly quarrels- both when they were still genins and especially when they were 16 year olds.
"Guys, cut Teme a slack. He probably just wants to defend Sakura to repay her for letting him stay the night in her place-"
"NANI?!" everyone was now scandalized, even Shikamaru. It wasn't really because the two of them slept together without marriage- it's safe to say everyone in the room has already done that without it. It's just that... Sasuke just came back, and he's still, more or less, under probation. Sakura wouldn't give in that quick... right?
Sasuke then didn't bother to hold himself back this time as he gave Naruto a punch while maintaining his cool facade.
"I dont owe any of you explanations," He dismissed and stood up.
"B-but my Sakura--!" Rock Lee was on the verge of tears but the ravenette didnt spare him a glance now. Sasuke may have been caught off-guard a while ago, but he wasn't stupid to assume that the man with bushy brows is actually the one Sakura was pertaining to as who her heart desires. He wouldn't get insecure of Lee. Sakura just reassured him last night that after all those years, it's still him who has her heart--
Sasuke had to halt.
Why was he feeling... happy?
"Sasuke. What's wrong?" Naruto was suddenly concerned he almost stood to follow his bestfriend. He knew his bestfriend to the core, and his change in demeanor meant so much more than a change in the temperature of the waters.
Sasuke, however, didnt answer the question but faced them all with resolve in his eyes. The same resolve he's had whenever he speaks of something he believes in with all of his soul. He decided he won't let these idiots assume anything untrue about his former teammate- scandalous or not. That's the least he could do for her.
"Just so you would stop having malicious thoughts about Sakura, she was kind enough to let me sleep on her living area because I didn't have a place to sleep," he was being honest. As he said last night, he had a place to stay, but not a place to sleep. "Don't assume anything about her without asking her or anything. She's your friend."
Sasuke then realized he was publicly, and obviously, defending the pinkette but he didnt care a single bit. He doesnt care about what other people think of him anyway. To him, only a few opinions matter- and opinions regarding him defending the girl who loved him with all of her heart didn't matter. He knows what he wants and needs to do- he'd protect her in his own little ways.
"And to answer your previous questions, yes. I don't like how this pale boy addresses Sakura like that. I just dont like it when anyone disrespects someone who actually managed to earn my respect." He added and left everyone with their mouths hanging.
"100 bucks says they'll date." Shino finally uttered...words.
"Eh? Sasuke just respects Sakura-chan dattebayo!"
"What a drag. But I dont want to be on the losing side of a bet, so I'll have to side with Shino on that."
"I will have to side with Naruto, because my youthful and hopeful heart knows Sakura-san is for me!"
"Hmp. 10 kilos of meat says they'll be the next couple to tie the knots."
Everyone stopped and looked at Chouji in surprise. The man never gambles his food unless he's sure he'll get some more.
"What?" The center of attention asked innocently.
"You'd gamble that?" Kiba had to make sure.
"Uhuh. I mean, it's no secret Sakura loves the guy. And from what I just saw, Sasuke is willing to take lengths he wont even take for Naruto for Sakura's sake. Who knew he could speak long sentences just to defend some girl right?"
"Unless it wasn't just some girl," Shino agreed.
"Well then I guess I might have to withdraw my bet that they wont date," Naruto chuckled and scratched his head.
Of course he can picture it. He knows Sakura and Sasuke best, and according to the latter's memories, he really held a special place for the former in his heart. Albeit weird because it's practically having your sister date your bestfriend, Naruto ships it. To be with each other would mean happiness for the both of them anyway, because that has been the dream since they all met.
"I like...a person."
"I want to restore my clan,"
Naruto knew Sasuke wouldn't be able to fulfill that dream unless he gets to do it with the person he truly loves, and he bets his own life that only Sakura can make his bestfriend do the unexpected.
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