12- Team 7
Sasuke was annoyed with Kakashi for so many reasons.
For one, of all the times he had to be the Rokudaime who can and did summon them, it just has to be the time the ravenette was mentally prepared to admit and do everything he wanted to. That was the perfect time to tell and ask Sakura, but Kakashi just had to call for them at that very moment considering their distance from the village. Sasuke then cant help but grow more annoyed each leap he made on their way back, repeating 'this must be worth it' over and over again like a mantra.
Weirdly, Sasuke also got more annoyed over the fact that their summons have indeed been worth it.
Kakashi announced that Sakura is urgently needed in Yugakure, because apparently, a mysterious disease has been affecting the whole community in there. Being the famous medic who surpassed Tsunade Senju, she will be sent as a medical diplomat the administration of Yu has personally requested for, and for that she will be needing assistance. Of course, Sasuke was more than happy he got assigned for the job. However, he got one more reason to be annoyed at his former sensei as the latter just had to add a certain loud blonde to the team.
"Aren't you sending a little bit too overpowered team for this mission, Hokage-sama?" Shikamaru scratched his chin as he expressed his thoughts, and Sasuke completely agrees. Frankly, Sakura could have handled going to Yu on her own. No one would dare touch her, especially on the land of pacifism. And if there would be some idiots who would, they still cant touch the pinkette. Sasuke believes so much in her abilities, and he could only wish whoever attacks her well.
To him, Sakura was his precious comrade who had so much potential yet just lacked training 6 years ago. She was then a reliable medic and a legendary war hero 3 years after; and she is the strongest kunoichi he knows of today. If anything, his confidence in her is not because he likes her, but is one of the reasons why he likes her.
Having one escort and assist then just makes her even more untouchable, so Sasuke deems Naruto's inclusion as unnecessary.
Especially when the nature of the mission does not include fights and infiltrations at all. He thought and studied the Hokage's face as if he was hiding more behind the mask.
"Oh, but my favorite team is cuter when they're three. Actually, they're cuter when they're four. Sai will be leading this team. I'll have him meet you at the gates in 2 hours." Kakashi replied with a grin.
Sasuke was obviously fuming with annoyance and suspicions by then, and he suspects he was kinda smoking like he's about to blow the biggest Katon in shinobi history, because Sakura had to flash him one of her reassuring smiles.
"Uh..." Shikamaru, however, shares the ravenette's doubts as he got even more skeptical about the team. Again, this was supposed to be a medical mission. Why is the Hokage sending their most powerful men?
"Relax. The hidden steam is just a few hours away, and with Sasuke and Sai's abilities, they could cut that time shorter should they need to come back immediately." He said. "Think of this as hitting a lot of birds with one stone. I get to see my favorite students work together on a mission again, and the whole shinobi world will be aware that Konoha's elite team is still intact. It's both a reassurance and a declaration for the sake of peace."
Not to mention I get to annoy Uchiha so much. Kakashi secretly smirked. Of course he wasn't oblivious of the murderous glares the ravenette kept giving him ever since he entered his office. He was also aware of his doubts about the real meaning of this mission, but the silverhaired Hokage thinks it's better if his former students figure it out when they're already at it.
Giving all information away can sometimes be a burden rather than an aid.
"Well, that's a good one! Team 7 back on the game dattebayo!" Naruto beamed. Of course he was thrilled; he was never bothered to be the third wheel anyway. Hell, he was hardly ever bothered by anything at all. To the future hokage in line, any mission that would not require him to retrieve cats is fine, especially if he gets to do it with his best buds. He didn't even manage to catch what caused his teammates' eyebrows to raise.
What does Kakashi mean by having them on a mission outside their village can be a declaration and a reassurance? A declaration of what, exactly?
Evidently, this isn't just a medical mission at all. Sasuke and Sakura can then only hope this isn't some weird ploy Kakashi is trying to pull off when they went back to the pinkette's flat to prepare.
If there was one good thing about this reunion mission, it was that Sai is not as tardy as Kakashi.
That, and he can provide a way for easier transportation.
Of course, Sasuke wouldn't have minded walking and running- these were actually his hobbies and it helps him clear his head. However, he knew that Sakura didn't sleep a wink last night. He also dragged her to the sea just a few hours ago only to get dragged back into the village after a few minutes, and in a few hours later she would have to use her strength again for the medical part of the mission.
Saving her the trouble of walking can be grounds to be thankful for the pale boy's technique, even though he knew Sakura still has a lot of chakra to spare.
"I still feel ecstatic! I can't believe we're going through a mission altogether again 'ttebayo!" Naruto cheered, apparently still oblivious to the weary spirit of his teammates, especially his bestfriend. Even Sai had not been so cheery when they met up with him, making Sasuke think he has his own suspicions about the true nature of this quest considering his history with the Root.
"It does feel good to have a mission with this team again," Sakura, however, agreed with the blonde's sentiments. She was as doubtful as the other two, true. But it doesn't change the fact that she'll be surrounded by 3 of the few people she'd trust her life with again. It was still exciting regardless of some issues. "Didn't you miss this, Sasuke-kun?"
"Aa," was all the last Uchiha could answer, but it was the complete truth. Albeit he was still bothered by the mission matters, as well as the fact that he still hasn't been able to pop his question yet, doing missions with a team he not only had the most perfect dynamics with but also had the strongest bonds and sense of trust with is something he will forever cherish.
The team was then greeted by an eerie silence the moment they landed on the entrance of the village. Something was definitely, awfully, wrong, and Sasuke somehow understands why Kakashi had to add Naruto to the team. They needed a good sensor.
Give it to Rokudaime to know the best combinations of people to send even though it appears unreasonable at first. Perhaps he has really improved when it comes to people management.
"Where are the people?" Sakura blurted the unspoken question.
"Naruto," The ravenette called and the future hokage already understood. With a simple nod, his eyelids started to get colored with orange, but his calm demeanor was also quickly replaced by alarm.
"Look out!" Naruto warned and grabbed Sai before he finished his sentence. Sasuke was also quick to drag Sakura away from the paper bomb thrown at them. "What the hell!"
"Sakura-sama?" A voice asked cautiously, slowly and carefully approaching them with tensed shoulders. "Are you guys the team sent by the Leaf?"
Sasuke furrowed his brows. He thought deeply of what next step is the best to take, primarily because he cannot recognize this face from the last time he paid this village a visit. The man looked like their age; his hair brown that reaches his shoulders, his clothes like an ordinary villager's. There was no way he was a shinobi, and that makes him even more suspicious.
How did he know Sakura? Why did he suddenly attack, only to ask as if he expected them? Unfortunately, the ravenette forgot that trying to think it through would only be useless because his blonde friend would never pass up the chance to introduce himself. "Yes! I am Uzumaki Naruto and this is team 7 dattebayo! Who are you?"
All three of his teammates just had to sigh. It's not like the world didn't know them- three of them were the world's strongest shinobi out there. But to converse with a potential enemy just like that? To let out that he is the Uzumaki Naruto in the face of an attacker that is not supposed to be a shinobi? What could they expect from Naruto?
"O-oh. I'm Nakamura Kenji. I was tasked to guard the gates." the boy bowed nervously. Perhaps he really isn't a shinobi, but he doesn't look like a threat either.
"Guarding is different from suddenly attacking." Sai took the lead now and said with his famous generic smile. "How did you know Ug-- Haruno Sakura?" He forced himself to stop. He didn't want another talk with the Uchiha boy due to the 'rightful' nickname he gave his pinky friend.
"The elders said the medic will have unusual pink hair." Kenji repsonded, almost like he was trying to sound like a reporting jonin or something. "Sorry if I attacked mindlessly. I didn't see her hair first, and the power you guys radiated... We had to be alert and ready for an attack."
"An attack?" Sasuke questions.
"What do you mean an attack? Isn't this a tourist village? Aside from the ongoing peace, you guys have given up military forces, right?" Naruto clarifies the vague question of his friend. Even before after the war, this village has given up any aspects of violence. Hence, trying to prepare for an attack especially when all major villages are now at peace does not make sense.
"Yes, sir, that's true." the brunette addressed Naruto which almost made the rest of the team laugh. Sir my ass, Sakura thought.
"But our citizens... 40 of them has died due to a disease no one knows where came from. Almost everyone is already suffering from its symptoms too." Kenji continued and looked at the ground like he was mad and afraid at the same time. "The elders believe some of them has returned and that this is their doing. "
"Them?" Sakura asked. She was getting annoyed by the incomplete answers the man gives, but she also found herself getting confused over the fact that he looked like he expected them to know like it was general knowledge. "You think this disease that's spreading are man-made?"
"Most definitely man-made. Didn't your Hokage tell you? We have requested for assistance because we do not have the know-how on combating bio-weapons, nor do we stand a chance if they decide to personally come and annihilate the whole village."
"Just who are you talking about, really?" Naruto was getting impatient. It finally dawned on him that this wasn't a simple mission where Kakashi plainly wanted them together. He now shares his teammates thoughts about why the hell was this information kept before they set out to go. This could have gotten them well-prepared.
"The Jashinists have reportedly returned." Kenji sighed. "Some people even claim they have already achieved the former Akatsuki member's immortal secret technique."
"Jashinists... Akatsuki..." The pinkette felt shivers run down her spine. Memories of the numerous lives that the cursed group took came back to her, and if she remembers correctly... "You mean Hidan? Didn't Kakashi-sensei and Kurenai-sensei already executed his cult mates?"
"I wish they did. But the Jashinists are the only possible culprit for this plague."
"But why would they..." Sakura murmured. Of course, Sasuke was the only one who heard, and he also was the only one with a hypothesis forming in his head.
"Peace has stopped the killings- one which is the most vital to that cult." he simply stated. "It is only logical they come after a small village with no shinobi first, and it also happens that this same village was the homeland of their most infamous member."
"I see. But why would Kakashi-sensei..." Naruto was now the one to ask.
"This is a declaration of war to those who would want to disturb the peace, and an assurance to the others that the peace is ought to be maintained." Sakura finally picks up. "And if we knew about it before we came here..."
"It's best if Shikamaru would not hear about this until it's solved. He's still aggrivated whenever he hears something related to Hidan. Besides..." Sai said, looking at Sasuke as if asking him to finish his sentence.
"This mission would be classified as S-rank if we knew about it right away, and news that the world needs heroes to deal with a criminal group again may spread. This will make a crack to the peace we do not want disturbed."
I am 3 and a half hours late to keep my promise of "update tomorrow," but this was really hard to write!
Anyway the Jashinists are canon, Hidan being one of its followers, and he was really from Yu. I had to keep thinking of a mission that would require Team 7 to reunite again, so I hope this will be exciting and reasonable for you. I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, tho.
DM me for constructive criticisms and suggestions! I would also love to communicate and hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading~
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