Part 25
Naruto slammed his fist against the brick wall beside him, rain dripping down him. It had only just started, and was the type that slowly seeped through all your clothing and soaked you through. He didn't care. He grit his teeth, remembering what Gaara had told him just moments before. One small part of him wished he'd never followed the red head, never gone to find out the true meaning of his visit. But that was the foolish part, the selfish part. If he hadn't, who knows what would have happened.
From the other side of the wall which Naruto was beating his fist raw on, he could hear laughter. He could hear Hinata's soft laugh, Sasuke's snort, Kiba's loud laughter, even Tsunade's mild grumbling. He listened outside of Hinata's room, not to the stories they told, but their voices. Their laughter. He wanted to memorize the sounds, engrave them into his memory. It was his weakness that kept him there. It would soon be the weakness he took advantage of and forever ruined Naruto's life. Hinata's hospital room held every person he cared for. Jiraiya, Tenten, Lee, Shino, Sai, Sasuke, Kiba, Neji, Gaara, Shizune, Kakashi, and even Tsunade and Sakura, who he once cared for beyond words. They'd changed, but the feelings remained. They may have hurt him, but Naruto was loyal. He didn't turn his back to them, and never would. There were so many more in the room; Ino, Choji--so, so many more. Gaara, who knew nothing of any of them, except for what Naruto had told him through their correspondence, was in there, smiling at something Kiba had said.
Naruto wasn't sure how it had come about, but everyone he cared for was there, in that room. Why were they all there at the same time? What made them visit the slowly recovering Hinata all at once, on this day, when he would again disappear from their lives? Had Gaara done it? Kakashi? Jiraiya even? Was it all coincidence? Naruto shook his head, tired of the questions, tired of trying to figure everything out, or keep everything in. Fear kept him silent. Anger kept him silent. It seemed everything kept his mouth sealed. Naruto had tried telling Hinata, tried confiding in her, but it felt as if someone had shut his mouth and glued it shut. He'd felt ready to tell her. Fear had won out, apparently. He didn't want anyone hurt, and that was his weakness.
Naruto turned to look into the window, ready to signal Tenten, Shino, Lee, Sai and Gaara, telling them he was ready to leave, but of course, Naruto's luck was forever against him. Hinata spotted him. Called out his name. Drew the attention to him. Everyone looked at him, and he saw the worry on Tenten and Gaara's faces. He'd been spotted. He wasn't about to go in though. He was afraid for them, and needed to get away. Maybe he was a coward, but at the moment, it was good.
Naruto turned and ran from the window, the building, the people he cared for, and Konoha. He'd left Sasuke a message, one the raven should soon find, telling him to continue training, asking the strongest in the village to help. He'd asked Jiraiya to be one of them, as he was the strongest Naruto knew. Lastly, he'd left a goodbye note, even writing Tsunade and Sakura a little one, saying he cared for them still and whatnot. If anything, he didn't want them feeling guilty and thinking he hated them.
He didn't have to look behind him to know it was Tenten, Shino, Lee, Sai and Gaara following him. He didn't look back when three others joined him, already knowing it was Zetsu, Kaguya and Nagato. He didn't even stop when Hinata screamed his name. He only stopped when he was sure he'd lost their pursuers and when Tenten called his name.
"Are you sure?" she asked, for the hundredth time. They'd been there with his meeting with Gaara, along with the other three, Nagato, Kaguya and Zetsu, and they'd hatched a plan. They'd escape. It most likely was Tenten that gathered everyone in Hinata's room to visit, giving him a last look at everyone he cared for. Naruto's only sensible regret was that he'd had to leave Jiraiya behind.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Naruto said, glancing back, taking one last look at Konoha. He didn't know when he would see it again, and he tried to not care. He was getting tired of caring. It only gave him pain, and he was sick of that kind of pain.
"All right, I guess," Tenten said with a sigh, casting a concerned glance at everyone else. Gaara sent piercing glares at Naruto, but the blond knew he wasn't mad at him. He was just worried, and had a funny way of showing it.
"Naruto," Nagato said, softer than he normally was. "If you take one more step, you know you're never going back, right? That you'll pay dearly for your short lived freedom? That you're taking their punishment?"
"I know," Naruto said with a nod. He took a deep breath and took one step forward, never again turning to Konoha. Gaara left then, Naruto and the rest waiting for him to head to Suna, making sure he didn't follow them, and then headed off on their own. As they grew further from Konoha, Naruto felt a tight pain in his chest, but ignored it, pushing it out of his mind, heart, and being. He wouldn't think of Konoha again. What a lie that was.
Well okay then. This part just happened. It didn't not go according to plan, but still, it just appeared on the page as I typed away...this is what happens when I write when I'm a little depressed I guess.
So, I don't have anything interesting to report as of right now, just gonna say I'll probably rewrite my other story and maybe put a new one on or something. It'll probably be a Fairy Tail one, so, do any of you Fairy Tail fans have any sort of plot you like and want me to do? Any specific scenes you want me to add? I'll try my best to do or add them if you want.
Thanks soooooooooo much for all the views!!!!!!! I really never ever ever EVER thought I'd get so many! It makes me so happy! The most I ever got before on other stories was maybe, idk, 1,000? (Granted, they weren't on for long) So, I'm super happy and excited that I've gotten so many! I appreciate all the support! I love you all!
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