Alright, lords and ladies. The time is now. Let's do this: Frosthawk smutty smut. Enjoy xo
Clint's mind was in the sky by the time the lashes climbed into double digits. The best he could do was groan at the razor-sharp prickle of pain that swiped across his back with each hit; other than that, he left his head slump between his shoulders and his eyes slip closed. He'd never felt like this before. He didn't know he could.
He's been tortured before- gagged and punched and even sliced open with a knife- but this...this was something else. He'd asked for it, begged for it, and now Loki was lording over him while Clint hung tautly from the ceiling by ropes Loki created with his mind. He felt his body list internally but he was held so tight it didn't actually sway. It was just his mind, rocking on the sea like a boat adrift in the night.
He smiled at the visual. Loki propped his chin up with the thin butt of the switch and assessed him while Clint tried his very best to peel his eyes open enough to see the god's pristine face as he came to a conclusion. Loki pursed his lips in thought as his eyes ran from Clint's sweaty hairline, down his flushed pink chest to his shaking thighs.
Loki gave his own smile and release Clint's chin only for it to droop back down. Clint still tried to look up through his lashes at Loki, but his lids were so heavy and his head was filled with thick cotton.
"Yes," Loki concluded. "You're ready."
He was ready. For what, he wasn't sure, but he was fucking ready. Loki waved a hand and the ropes holding Clint up disappeared. A great rush of fear surrounded Clint for only a millisecond before Loki had him caught around the middle, fingers lodging securely against his bleeding lashes. Clint gasped at the pain but then Loki hushed him and pressed his soft lips to Clint's cheek and the archer melted in the god's hold.
"Come now, my dove. Let's give you what you need," Loki purred and scooped Clint up under his knees to carry him to the bedroom. Clint turned and nuzzled his face into Loki's shoulder, inhaling his scent and allowing it to soothe his frayed nerves. He didn't need to worry anymore; Loki was going to give him what he needed.
He was also glad they were doing this in his room. It was familiar and safe; one less thing to worry about. Plus, after Loki was done with him- after he eventually went home to his real Clint- he could remember this, remember them in here anytime he laid down to go to sleep. He was going to remember this forever.
Loki bent down and gently deposited Clint onto his bed and the archer instantly melted into the comfort of his mattress. He smiled dopily, looking up at Loki and stretching out to take up more of the bed and displaying himself for the god. "Come on," he murmured. "Need you." It was said so quietly that Clint wasn't sure Loki had heard him, but then a low rumble erupted from Loki's throat and Clint's smile spread wider.
Climbing on the bed between Clint's spread knees, Loki crawled up his body- a panther who has his prey in sight. He ducked down and kissed the inside of Clint's knee, flicking his eyes up to catch the archer's gaze as he ran his lips over the slope of the joint. The muscles under Loki's mouth kept twitching, jumping up to meet them and reaching for more. The anticipation was going to kill him.
How many times had he envisioned this? How many times had he played this exact scenario out in his head?
Loki let his mouth go slack, his tongue peeking out from between his lips, as he licked up the tender inside of Clint's thigh. Fire follows the path of his dominant's tongue, lighting him up inside. His hands left the cushioned position by his head and reached out for Loki. The god only smirked and stayed just out of reach. "Don't be impertinent," Loki warned and slapped one of Clint's hands away. "I was hoping to allow you to touch me the first time I had you, but if you can't behave, I can always tie you down."
"No!" Clint barked before quickly snapping his mouth shut. "I mean, I can do it. I'll...be good."
Loki rewarded his sub with a chaste peck to his hip. "I know you will." He shifted just a tiny bit inward and left another kiss at the fluffy base of Clint's shaft. Clint's dick twitched next to his cheek, hard and waiting, and he muffled and groan. "In fact," Loki quipped, offhand like he'd just happened to think about it, "I'm so sure that you will be on your very best behavior," he tilted his chin and let his lips glace across Clint's heated length, "that I expect no resistance from my dove. You will do as I say when I say, and in return..." The god licked a long stripe up the full length of him, flicking over the blunt lip of his head. "I will take care of you."
Clint squeezed his eyes shut, begging his body not to betray him and end this too soon. The relief of Loki's words sends electrocuting thrills up and down his spine. After having worked so hard to understand himself, to accept who he is, laying here and hearing that he is going to be rewarded for it is such a shock to his system that he feels perilously close to coming.
"Loki," he begged, hands clenching the bedsheets in his fists. "I'm gonna-"
Loki chuckled and ceased the torturous laps of his tongue, instead, moving up Clint's body to hover over him. "No, you're not," he countered, so sure that Clint instantly believed him. The heat reduced to a shimmer, still riled up but not spilling over. "You're not going to come until I tell you."
Clint swallowed and nodded his agreement. "Okay."
"Very good," Loki murmured and pressed their lips together. His hand trickled from Clint's chest, down his stomach to his cock, only grazing it as he moved down to Clint's tight hole. "I've thought of this every moment of my waking, Barton." When the tip of a finger rubbed over his most sensitive spot, it was slick and warm and, not for the first time, Clint praised...well, Odin, he supposed for Loki's gifts.
Only when the slick digit pushed in did Loki's words catch up with him. "Really?" he wondered. Of course, he'd been thinking about it like a mad man for weeks, but Loki always seemed so aloof, off-limits in this respect.
Loki's lids drooped as he bit down on Clint's tender throat, feeling the vibrations of the archer's groan against his lip as he pushed his finger deeper. "Sincerely," he assured. "When you would submit to me, I longed to take you. You bend so beautifully to discipline." Clint shook his head, mouthing fishing for words that weren't coming. Loki rocked his finger out and back in, starting up an easy rhythm inside his submissive. "You don't agree?" Loki questioned.
Clint shook his head again. "No...yes. No- just you."
Loki was pulling him open, sliding a second finger in slowly as he took in Clint's flushed face and furrowed brow. "Just me?"
"Only you," Clint agreed. "I only want to bend to you."
"Oh," Loki breathed. He tried to suppress his shock but Clint could see it plain as day. A new rush of vigor flooded into Loki's fingers and he pushed in harder, scissoring him wider and biting down on his shoulder, sucking on the thick bulge of muscle to leave his mark. Clint's head is too fuzzy to spend more than a second worrying if he should have said that before Loki is slithering back down his body and enveloping his aching dick in the god's warm, welcoming mouth.
Clint gasped and his hips snap up before he can stop them, but he instantly pinned them down and gripped the bed in his hands tighter. "Oh, fuck, Loki." The dark-haired god only hummed in approval and sunk lower. Blowjobs from Loki were his favorite. For such an expecting man, he seemed to truly enjoy giving this pleasure to Clint.
The archer craned his head up to watch Loki's eyes flutter shut, to watch his cheeks hollow and his shoulders relax. It was one of the only times Clint ever saw Loki be...submissive. Yet even in that, Clint knew to hold still, take what he was given, and thank him for it after.
His leaking tip brushed the back of Loki's throat and he cried out, keeping himself from spilling down Loki's throat by the skin of his teeth. "Loki, please! I can't."
Loki popped off with a smug smirk and Clint felt the cool air of his room brush against Loki's spit. He shuddered even as the god laid back over him and kissed him. "I do love to hear you beg."
Clint rolled his eyes. "I'm aware," he stuttered, out of breath but thankfully keeping himself under control. "If I beg you to just get your dick inside, will you?"
With a snarky cough of a laugh, Loki waved a hand and then his thick, slick tip was pressed to Clint's hole. "Try and we shall see."
The submissive man wrapped an arm around Loki's shoulders to keep him close, to bury his own face in Loki's neck because he couldn't look him in the eye and say this. "Please, fuck me, Loki. I promise, I'll be so good for you if you just fuck me."
Loki's hand carded through Clint's hair and he kissed the man's cheek. "Beautiful," he praised and then he was pushing, opening Clint up around him and making room for himself inside Clint's body. Clint moaned, the sound punched out of him, and wrapped the arm around Loki tighter.
His moan lingered, going high and cracking over the girth of Loki pushing into him, until the god was seated deep inside and laving his face and neck and soft pecks. Clint felt dizzy with how intense this was. It'd been quite a while since he'd bottomed, and never like this. If he felt like he was floating away before, now he was absolutely soaring. Loki pulled back and must've seen the contented bliss plastered on Clint's face because he stroked a reverent thumb across his cheek and whispered on more time, "Beautiful."
When Clint squeezed around Loki, the god pulled out and rocked his hips slowly back in, mimicking the teasing of his fingers earlier. Clint felt every millimeter of skin inching along his walls like Loki was under his skin, in every cell and fiber of him. Loki had somehow infiltrated his body and taken over. It made his heart clench along with his hole.
Soon, Loki was holding him down, one hand on his chest and the other wrapped leisurely around his throat. He wasn't choking Clint- yet- but the promise that he might made precum drip down Clint's shaft. Loki knew what he was doing, aiming for his prostate and pinching his nipple until Clint was shaking with need.
"Please," he begged with no qualifiers needed.
"Tell me what you want. Anything, my dove," Loki acquiesced, fucking him faster.
Clint felt tears prickle at the corners of his tightly-shut eyes. He was being ripped open, right down the sternum, exposed for Loki to dissect how he pleased. "Can I come?"
Loki growled, deep and rough, before wrapping a hand around Clint's flushed cock. "Of course. Come for me, darling."
Clint's entire body coiled tight, muscles and limbs taut with arousal. "Thank you, thank youthankyou." Loki pressed his thumb into Clint's swollen slit and the archer screamed out, coming over Loki's hand and his own stomach.
He swirled through the air, disappearing into the pleasure of coming on Loki's dick. He was still pulsating around it, pulling Loki into an orgasm of his own, but Clint could barely feel it- couldn't focus enough to- because the god was whispering the most beautiful words into his ear.
Clint didn't realize he was sobbing until Loki wiped away his tears and shushed his gently. "Clint," he cooed. "Come back to me. Come here." He pulled out and wrapped his arms around Clint's shaking form, pulling them together as he settled into the bed under the covers. "I'm right here," Loki reminded as he kissed Clint's hair.
Honestly, y'all, this got so much more emotional than I intended. I'm such a schmuck for those two, dammit. Oh, well. Things are really going to start wrapping up soon and I do plan to leave things very open in case I ever get a chance to write a sequel. Until next week...Mwah! Xoxo, Jess
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