This is an interesting chapter and it will have a part two next week. Happy Tuesday and happy BAP update! Enjoy xo
Clint shielded his eyes with a hand as he blinked away the too bright light. He couldn't see anything past the shadowed shape of his forearm, but already he didn't feel right.
"Clint? Clint, what's wrong?"
Tony? That was definitely Tony's voice. As Clint's eyes adjusted, his suspicions were confirmed and the broad, shiny form of Tony's suit- sans helmet- came into view. Did Tony kick down his door again? He was going to be so angry if-
There was no door. There were no walls. He wasn't in his bedroom, Clint surmised as he looked around. They were outside. The hand not covering his face was pressed to cold cement and the air smelled like spring flowers and the distinct scent of magic. What the hell was going on?
"Tony," Clint started but realized he didn't know what to say.
Tony was kneeling in front of him in an instant and both hands were rubbing soothingly along his shins. "I know this is hard, but we have to know."
"What?" Clint questioned, a headache forming as he finally lowered his arm. "What's happening?"
Tony looked worried for just a moment before a look of pity overtook his face. "It's alright, Clint. We'll get him back. We won't stop until we do."
The sadness in Tony's voice took Clint off guard. Had something happened to Steve? Bruce? Him? "Tony, what's wrong?" Clint asked, sitting up straighter.
Then Tony look very confused and leaned over to press the back of his gauntlet to Clint's forehead. JARVIS's voice called out a solid ninety-nine degrees, making Clint startle. "Was that JARVIS? What is going on Tony?" He was becoming more and more aware that something was terribly wrong. His hackles were rising and all of his muscles tensed for combat. "Where are we?"
"Strange's, Clint. He said he had news," Tony informed him with a narrow of his eyes. "Clint, are you sure you're okay?"
"Strange? Stephen Steve? I didn't know we'd found him." He ran his hand through his hair. "I was just in my room with..." He didn't want to set Tony off by saying the god's name, but apparently, he didn't need to say it for Tony to know who he was referring to.
"Oh, buddy. I know it's hard, but Loki needs you."
That was not at all what he expected, making Clint stand and stumble back from the man that looked like Tony but couldn't be. His breathing was starting to go shallow and rough. "Excuse me? Why are you being so cool right now?"
"One of us has to be," Tony quipped and that sounded more like him. "We all miss him, but I know you miss him more."
Clint held up both hands to halt the onslaught of Tony's confusing words. "Woah, no. Who are you? We don't miss Loki. He won't go away. You hate Loki. I hate Loki most of the time." He realized right after saying it, his words were almost a confession.
Tony just laughed, but it was tense and laced with worry. "I know you're upset, but if Loki could hear you say that, we both know he'd do something to your ass I don't want to think about." He crossed his arms over his metal chest and cocked a brow. "We don't hate Loki. You especially don't hate Loki if those fading hickeys are anything to go by."
Clint's hand went to his neck instantly, scared of what was there. Loki hadn't given him any- did he? Clint hadn't looked in a mirror in a couple of days. Had Loki sucked a bruise into his skin while Clint laid with him. It didn't seem like something for the god to do without Clint's permission, but then, it was Loki. "It's not what you think." His blood pumped viciously under his skin.
Tony laughed again, brighter and more teasing. "Clint, it is exactly what I think and you stopped trying to convince me otherwise years ago. Why don't we go inside and have the doc take a look at you? You've been really stressed, understandably, and I think your mind is messing with you." He reached out and gingerly put an arm around Clint's shoulder, leading them up the pavement to a thick wooden porch and door.
Clint was so confused.
Where were they? Why were they here? Where did Loki go? Why was Tony being so...not Tony? He didn't have long to ponder it because a tall, dark-haired man answered the door in a ridiculous outfit that annoyingly reminded Clint of Loki's armor of choice.
"Hey, doc. Clint here isn't feeling well. Could you give him a look over while you tell us what you found?" Tony asked.
The man- Strange, Clint assumed- nodded with a low of course and ushered them inside. "The parlor has a fainting couch," Strange directed them.
Clint scoffed. "I'm not going to faint. I'm a world-class assassin for fuck's sake."
"He seems fine to me," Strange added but led them to the parlor anyway. "My supplies are in here," he told Clint to soothe his pride. "Lay him down there," he told Tony. The moment Clint's back hit the soft cushion, he realized how tired he was and melted onto the furniture.
"He's saying stuff that doesn't make sense," Tony spoke only to Strange, voice tilted low for propriety's sake. "I think that losing Loki may have gotten to him."
"Woah again, boss. I didn't lose Loki. He's probably still at the compound in my room doing God knows what. It's not my fault he...did something to me." That was it. Loki had to of transported Clint and Tony somewhere. He got Clint out of his room so he could do whatever nefarious thing he was up to in there.
He didn't seem to convince Tony though, nor Strange for that matter, as they pointedly look at each other and then back at Clint. "Yeah, I'll take a look at him," Strange decided.
"Thanks, doc," Tony sighed and sat at Clint's feet on the couch. "What have you heard on Loki?"
Doctor Strange started pulling out medical supplies- a stethoscope, blood pressure sleeve- and made a frustrated sound. "Nothing good. That portal that took him didn't originate here."
"Here like New York?" Tony asked.
Why weren't they pay attention to whatever was going on here? He didn't even know they knew Strange! What the hell was going on. Clint gasped in a breath, his lungs suddenly unable to inflate. He tried to steady himself and keep the rolling of his vision to himself.
Strange glanced back over his shoulder at Clint knowingly. "Here like our Earth," he answered Tony off-handedly.
"Our Earth? You mean it originated from another Earth? That's not possible, doc. Even the theory that multiple dimensions could connect is perilous at best; it's not realistic," Tony argued, luckily distract from Clint for the moment before both of them turned to him and Tony sat next to him.
Strange turned and pugged his ears with his stethoscope and lifted the cold metal end to Clint's chest. Clint flinched but when Tony's hand rested on his knee, Clint allowed Strange to pull the collar of his shirt down a press it to his skin. He knew his heart was beating fast; how could it not? His brain felt like it was splitting open. The doctor seemed just as concerned as Clint when he pulled away and grabbed the blood pressure sleeve.
"How are you feeling Clint? Does anything hurt?"
"You mean besides everything? I feel like I was crushed by a Quinjet." It was true. All of his muscles were fatigue and yet still tensed, he had a massive migraine, his stomach was churning uncomfortably, he couldn't breathe.
Strange waited, counted pulses as he took Clint's blood pressure. "It's really high, Clint. You're breathing is off. I think you might be having a panic attack."
Clint gasped for air as he lurched, dry heaving around the terrible knot in his throat. A hand clamped down on his shoulder and he leaned into it. The shape, the weight, was so familiar that he knew instantly to turn his head and kiss the thumb knuckle within reach. The hand snapped back, pulling out from under his lips so quick that Clint opened his eyes with a concerned crease to his brow.
"Loki?" he asked blearily, rubbing at his temple. The next second, he realized what he'd said and open his eyes wider. "Loki?!" Clint gasped and threw himself forward on instinct, upheaving Loki's calm position and throwing them both to the floor. "Oh, God, Loki," he urged as he lips landed on Loki's frantically. "Is this real?"
Loki's arms were around him then and hugging him close, returning his kiss eagerly. "I don't know," Loki answered and wound a hand behind his head, pressing Clint's mouth harder on his own.
"The dreams have been..." Clint licked into Loki's mouth desperately. "...so real. I can't tell sometimes."
"I know," Loki agreed. "Me, as well, my love."
Clint's veins shivered with relief, his blood pumping joy. He felt a wetness on his cheeks and realized he was crying. "Loki, Loki, Loki," he whimpered over and over, hands wandering over Loki's body to catalog each individual atom.
"I know," Loki said again and it was everything. They kissed, or rather, they mouthed wildly at each other until neither of them could breathe and Loki turned them over so he was laying over Clint and stroking his cheek. "Little bird," he whispered, making Clint arch up into him and smile.
"Yes, sir."
Loki's mouth was against his again, but just for proximity, because he kept talking. "You still look like him." A hand moved purposely down his arm to a scar that he didn't remember getting and rubbed across it. "You are within him."
"I- I guess. I don't know what's going on. I don't care," Clint implored. His hands were doing their fair share of wandering, up Loki's back and down to his ass. "You are exactly the same." That pulled a small laugh from the god as he finally kissed him again. Clint felt the familiar stirring in his gut but then stopped short, breaking their kiss and blinking in confusion. "Are you with this world's Clint?"
"No. Not like..." Loki assured but then shook his head and started again. "I wished to be. He is so much like you. I feel a pull towards him that I have only ever felt towards you."
"He is me," Clint surmised understandingly.
Loki was shaking his head again. "No, not quite. He doesn't respond to me the way you do. Where you reach for me, he holds up a hand to halt me."
Clint felt a moment of sorrow for Loki that any Clint could be so cold to him. "He doesn't know you like I do." Loki nodded. "But you wish he did?" Clint questioned.
The god sighed, thinking. "He needs me. He is at a precipice and if I am not careful he will fall instead of jump in."
"So you're domming him?"
Loki's brows furrowed. "No. He hasn't allowed me to."
Clint hummed and rolled his hips against Loki's obviously half-hard arousal. "Than what's this?" Loki looked confused as he looked down between them.
"I don't understand." Clint reached down between them, Loki's eyes firmly on his movements, and pulled his sweats and underwear down under his still caged dick and full balls. Loki growled, hand reaching for him before halting and laying it purposefully on the carpet beneath them. "That was not my doing," he seethed, and Clint could hear the blatant jealousy in the words.
"Well, someone is taking care of him, even if it's not you."
Loki growled louder then and did bring his hand to Clint's caged cock, squeezing hard and making his lover gasp and arch off the floor. "I wish for him to suffer for this."
Clint was panting, hand curled around the lean cord of Loki's bicep. "Loki," he whined. "Punish me." Loki's grip loosened the tiniest bit but then he tugged, pulling Clint's dick away from his body painfully. "Fuck!"
"Why would I punish you, little bird, when you have done nothing wrong?"
Clint reached between them and placed his hand over Loki's stroking his knuckles. "This Clint doesn't belong to you," he reminded and Loki snarled. "Yet," he clarified. "But I do. You can't punish him but you can punish me. I know you need to."
"My love," he cooed and kissed along Clint's sweating neck.
"How long has it been since you doled out a punishment? It was at least a week before you-before the accident, and I'm guessing you haven't hurt anyone since you've been here." Clint raked gently nails down Loki's back. "It must be torture. You need it, don't you?"
"Clint," Loki begged, burying his face in Clint's neck now to hide how right Clint was. "You've done nothing worthy of punishment."
A chuckle bubbled from Clint's lips. "Actually, I've been incredibly naughty since you left."
"I didn't leave," Loki barked. "I would never," he added, softer.
"Disappeared," Clint corrected. "I've haven't slept well, eaten often. And guess what?" He raised a brow. "I missed you so much that just last night I came stuffed full of dildo screaming your name."
Loki's face hardened and his eyes went dark. Clint knew that would be plenty to warrant punishment and he had to fight to keep his grin off his face. "You not only touched what is mine, but you came without permission?" Clint nodded in confirmation. Loki leaned back from Clint, taking him in with hard eyes. "What a useless slut you are," Loki hummed. "Why would your orgasm even be worth having without me there?"
"It wasn't," Clint agreed. "I didn't even feel anything, I just needed-"
"You need nothing," Loki interrupted and Clint swallowed hard as he pressed his lips together. "Holes don't have needs." The dark-haired man pushed up to stand, glaring down at Clint's flushed face. "Present, cumhole." Clint shivered- he'd missed this side of Loki terribly while they were separated- and started stripping off his clothes while Loki watched.
We'll see how Clint is doing and how Clint is doing next week. hahaha. I'll see you then :) Mwah! Xoxo, Jess
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