Happy Tuesday everyone! It's time for another installment of "When Will Clint and Loki Finally Sleep Together?" Well, not this week, soooo...sorry. But we do have them in the same room at least. Enjoy xo
Clint did come from the spankings. Well, that and the sound Charlotte made on her fourth orgasm. He was exhausted somehow. He could stay up for a few days straight with only a single bottle of water and no food if he was on a mission, but a few handfuls of spankings and Jenny murmuring sweet nothings in his ear took it right out of him.
He was curled up between the two women when he woke up in the middle of the night. His bones were jello and he didn't feel like moving to save his life. Jenny was pressed against his back, arm slung greedily across his waist with her hand resting against Charlotte's bare breast. Charlotte was on her back with Clint's leg slotted between hers. It was too surreal to comprehend at the moment, but Clint knew that when he got home he'd hold this moment in his memory as one of the greatest moments of his life.
The only thing that made him even slightly uncomfortable was the cool metal rings that lined his swollen cock. He lifted the covers from where they were slouched around his hips and eyed his caged cock. It was half hard but unable to get any further with the constriction. The metal was warm now but cool when Jenny had slipped it on and he'd swollen inside it within a minute.
For at least an hour, his pink flesh pressed painfully against it and made him dizzy. Finally, they settled into bed and Clint willed himself down to half hard, where he'd been for hours. He felt utterly owned and it made his vision go fuzzy.
He plopped his head back down on the pillow and smiled. He'd totally found it. Everything that he needed and didn't understand he could have. He would've done anything to freeze that moment and keep it forever.
A buzzing on the nightstand drew his attention. His phone lit up the dark room with a few missed calls and a new text from Natasha. He leaned as lightly as he could over Charlotte to read it.
Need you at the compound. Now.
It was urgent but not life or death. He groaned and slumped his head to Charlotte's shoulder, stirring her with a confused sound. "Clint?" she inquired sleepily.
The archer rubbed her arm in apology. "I'm sorry. I have to go."
"Now?" She was pouting and Clint was so close to burying his face in her neck and saying never mind, but Natasha didn't play games and if he was needed then he had to go.
"I'm so sorry," he urged and kissed her soft nipple. "It's work, I think."
Jenny was starting to rouse behind him and leaned up to press her cheek to Clint's back. "W'as hap'nin?"
Clint rolled onto his back and looked up at the woman that had made everything so clear. He was enamored and bewitched. "I have to go," he repeated.
The domme's eyes cleared a bit at that and she looked down at him. "Is everything okay?"
Clint nodded quickly. "Yeah, everything's fine. I got called back to the compound."
"Oh," she allowed, understanding. "Okay, well, let's..." She reached under the blanket and brushed Clint's sensitive cock, making him gasp. "I'll take it off for you."
A jolt of pleasure surged up his spine as she curled her fingers around him, but it was followed quickly by an itch of pain when the rings constricted him. "Actually," Clint stammered and placed a hand over Jenny's to pause her, "can I keep it? Just for a little bit."
Charlotte hummed, lazy and happy, and smoothed a hand up Clint's cheek. "Let him wear it a while, Jen. He likes it."
Jenny eyed him, always assessing, and pulled the cover down to get a good look at Clint's caged dick. The archer squirmed at the attention, unsure but so turned on, and could feel his shaft push against the rings harder, making him moan. Jenny ran sure fingers over him, pressing against the rings and then his flushed skin, tilting him this way and that before letting him bob in the air. "Okay, you look okay still. I want to get a bit of lube on it though. You can wear it for the rest of the day, but then I want it off. Got me?"
Clint nodded eagerly and rolled his ass against the bed. "Thank you," he offered, soft but full of something strong.
Jenny leaned down and kissed him, not for the first time that night, but for the first time when they weren't actively in a scene. It was calm and sure and Clint melted for it. "You're welcome." She turned over and grabbed the lube from the nightstand, using her pinky to slip it under the rings. Clint had to breathe hard through his nose to keep still. It was the most erotic, confusing feeling he'd ever felt in his life.
"You're good to go," Jenny informed him once her hand disappeared and Clint was able to relax. "We'll be here when you want to see us again."
"Yes, please," Charlotte added and kissed him with enthusiasm. "Come see us again, Clint."
"I have a feeling I'll be back," he told them and let his hand find their bodies for just a moment before he sat up and scooted off the bed. "I'm sorry again. I wish I could stay longer."
"Don't worry about it," Jenny assured as he got dressed. He slipped his shoes on and looked back to the two women sprawled on the rumpled bedsheets. They were so inviting. Everything in him begged to get back into bed with them, but he had responsibilities.
"I'll see you," he confirmed and grabbed his phone before dashing out of the bedroom and then out of the apartment.
When he got to the compound, F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn't hesitate to tell him that everyone was convened in his apartment living room. Not a conference room- that had to mean it had to do with him specifically and the only recent problem he'd incurred was one dark, vengeful god of mischief.
What had Loki done now? He didn't need this. Everyone was in a weird mood today. Three people cut him off on his way home. The sky was gloomy and tinged a weird green-grey from a surely incoming storm. He was tense and trying to hold on to the release he'd just found.
The elevator doors opened on his apartment and he took a deep breath before stepping out. Everyone was in fact sprinkled around his living room, some sitting, most standing. Tony saw him first and hastily made his way across the room towards him.
"He's in there," he blurted and waved towards Clint's hallway. Then Tony's eyes glanced down, attention caught by the bulge Clint was still sporting. By the grace of God Tony ignored it and looked back to Clint, waiting for an answer. Whatever was happening had to be important.
"I'm sorry?" Clint asked.
Steve came to stand next to Tony, arms crossed and feet a steady distance apart- the picture of strength. "Loki."
He'd known but the name still made his heart beat a little faster. "What about him?"
"He's in your room, Barton. Doing...something," Tony urged. Bruce came walking over, followed by Natasha- who was eyeing him with an intensity he didn't want to deal with at the moment. The scientist was holding a laptop on one arm and was typing on it with the other hand.
"I've been keeping an eye on a temporal disturbance but he hasn't tapped into it that I can tell. I'm not sure what he's waiting for," Bruce informed him.
"So why didn't you guys get him out of there?" Clint questioned, annoyed at Loki for ruining his first night with Jenny and Charlotte.
Natasha placed her hands on her hips. "We can't get in. He's got it protected or blocked somehow."
Clint nodded. He knew what was coming next. "You want me to talk to him, get in there and see what he's doing."
"You're the only one he'll talk to," Steve reminded. "If he's planning something, you're the only one that can stop him."
That made the archer scoff. If Loki was planning something, Clint would never be able to stop him. That was proven already. "I don't know what you think is going to happen."
"You have to try," Natasha pressed. "We need to see what's on the other side of that door."
Clint seethed internally, though he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Somehow he had become the bridge between his family and his enemy. The archer walked down the hall, ignoring the way the other Avengers' eyes followed him out of sight, and pounded a fist on his own bedroom door. The nerve of this god.
"Loki. Stop fucking around and open my goddamn door," he ordered, proud of how firm his voice sounded.
The next second, the door did open but then Clint was yanked inside and it was shut behind him. Now that he was in there, he wasn't sure he wanted to be but at least he could see what Loki was up to in his room...Which was nothing, it seemed. Everything was exactly as he'd left it, the bed unmade, the t-shirt he'd slept in hanging off the corner.
He was still scanning the room when he asked, "What are you doing in here? Why are you in my room again after I know I told you to never come in here."
Loki didn't roll his eyes, but he might as well have with how he disregarded every word Clint said and took hold of Clint's wrist. "Come here, Barton."
Clint tugged, but the grip was sure. He knew Loki was stronger than him and wasn't in the mood to lose a limb today, so he followed, though he dragged his feet. Loki led him to Clint's bed, where he crawled on and sat, cross-legged, and motioned to Clint to follow.
"I'm not doing anything until you tell me what the hell-"
"Please," Loki begged, eyes squeezed shut tight. "We must hurry."
The word, the way he muttered it, had all of the air in Clint's lungs exiting in a punch. He'd only heard Loki say please once, during their week together, and it did something to Clint's brain that had him mindlessly crawling on the bed and sitting across from Loki with his mouth agape.
Loki seemed relieved that Clint decided to join him and held both hands out for Clint's. Clint didn't like this, it felt eerily close to intimate and he was still caged and being too close to Loki always did something to him. The god could see the hesitation and whispered, "Never would I strive to harm you, Clint."
It was a lie, Clint knew because Loki had harmed him, hurt him so deeply that Clint thought he'd never recover. But this wasn't that Loki. This Loki had never harmed his Clint that he could tell. This Loki was true to his word. Clint let his hands slid into Loki's and they settled between them. Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Can you sense it?"
Clint shook his head, realize Loki couldn't see him, then breathed, "Sense what?"
Loki smiled, small but so serene. "The opening. The universes are aligning and I may very well have a chance to glimpse mine with your help."
It seemed silly. The universes are aligning. Like they were in some science fiction novel, but Clint knew he'd confronted much weirder things. Maybe that explained the weird vibe in the air around people today. "I don't feel it," he confessed.
The dark-haired man wasn't put off by Clint's lack of sensitivity, he only nodded slightly and smiled wider, eyes still closed. "That will not hinder me. You are still my most prized possession and will do nicely to connect me to my home."Clint tugged his hand from Loki's on reflex at his claim. Possession. Loki was quick and tightened his grip and opened his eyes. "I meant no offense. Only that you are the one thing in the universe of any value to me and the only person of any meaning to me."
Too much. He needed Loki to stop talking. Now.
"What about Thor?"
Loki closed his eyes again, but Clint swore he saw something like hurt in them. "He is my brother and I will always hold a dear place for him in my heart, but my heart as a whole is yours and yours alone."
"Not me," Clint argued weakly. "I'm not him." It hurt to say and his voice went whisper-light on the last word.
It pulled Loki's eyes open one more time. "No, but you are very close." Clint felt a hard place in himself break, crack just a little at the foundations, and his vision blurred around the edges as his eyes slipped closed. The gravity of the room seemed to intensify, growing dense and heavy as it pressed in on him. It stole the breath in his body and even the pained whimper on his lips and when he opened his eyes again he was surrounded by light.
Some good stuff coming next week if I do say so myself. If you enjoy this fic so far I'd love a vote or comment. Thanks so so much for reading. Mwah! Xoxo, Jess
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