Chapter 6
Echo POV
"Man I hate sweating." Beck whined.
"I told you not to wear that shirt." I say taking a seat next to him.
"Yeah you say that cause you can wear things like that." He says pointing to my outfit which I actually found really cute with my hair up in a messy bun with my glasses over my head. (Pic up top)
"My hands feel like warm, wet ham." Tori says making me chuckle.
"Does it cook?" I ask trying to lighten the mood making her slightly glare playfully as Beck and Robbie laugh.
"Hi, I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood." Cat says as I smile taking a gulp of my cold water.
"Robbie. You done with that water?" Jade asked as she took a seat.
"No!" Robbie says and I look in my bag for the other cold water.
"Here." I say handing it to her.
"Thanks." She says opening it and drinking.
"I want some." Beck says and I hand him my water bottle and suddenly I feel Tori touch me making me blink.
"What?" I ask raising a brow.
"You're barely even sweating." She says and then looks at Jade doing the same to her.
"And you're not sweating at all!" Tori says.
"Uh-huh." Jade answers as I sit a bit closer to Beck to get away from Tori's sweaty hands.
"Having fun there?" Jade asks as Tori starts touching her like she did me.
"How can you not be sweating?" She asked.
"I don't sweat." Jade said.
"Everyone sweats." Tori argued.
"Not Jade, and Echo barely sweats." Erik says back.
"It's true." Robbie says.
"What do you mean she never sweats?" Tori asked.
"Sweating is groas so I don't do it." Jade answers.
"So what you're just like cold-blooded?" Tori says.
"Jade, cold-blooded? What a surprise." Rex says sarcastically making me giggle and Jade spreads sunscreen on his eye.
"Ahh! That witch got sunscreen in my eye! Help me Rob!" Rex screamed making me chuckle and take the sunscreen away from Jade putting some on my hand to spread on my arms.
"Babe can you put some on the parts exposed on my back?" I ask looking at Beck.
"Sure." He says taking the sunscreen from me and started spreading it on my shoulders and back.
"Sup amigos, amigirls?" Andre asked as Beck got a little closer to me to give him space to seat.
"What's all that money for?" Cat asked.
"Me. I set up a kiddie pool over there and I'm charging people $5 for 5 minutes. Sinjin you have 3 more minutes!" Andre answers and informs Sinjin who answers an 'ok!' as Beck finishes and turns me around to put some on my face making me giggle and him smile.
"Is it true that sweat and pee are like cousins?" Cat asked making me blink as we all look at her weird.
"What now?" Andre asked.
"Man how long is this heat wave gonna last?" Beck asked.
"They say till Tuesday." Tori answers.
"Why would they say that?!" Cat yelled.
"Wow, it's up to 106 in Valley." Robbie says making us groan.
"Hey check Venice beach." Beck says.
"K, uh Venice is.. only 91 degrees." Robbie says raising a brow.
"Let's go to Venice." Tori says making me chuckle.
"You guys wanna?" Beck asks making me raise a brow.
"What, blow off school?" Jade asked.
"I meant Saturday. I could borrow my uncle's pick up, hook it up to my RV, and we could all hit the beach." Beck says making me smile and hug him.
"Really?" I ask and he nods.
"Beach? I am so in!" The hell?! We all turn around noticing Trina there.
"No, no, no, no!" Everyone started trying to tell her that she wasn't invited but she just walked away happily making me face plant. She's really annoying.
"Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee!" Cat squealed as Beck opens the door and she takes off running.
"Hurry back!" Beck called making me chuckle and walk in before him.
"Who's ready for some beach fun?" I ask as they all cheer and Beck hugs me from behind placing his head on my shoulder.
"Beck this RV is so cool." I smirk, she wouldn't say that if she knew everything that happens in this RV.
"Oh thanks." Beck says.
"And you like live in this?" Trina asked.
"Yeah well, parked in my parents driveway." Beck says making me chuckle.
"At least you have parents." Rex says making me raise a brow.
"Hey! Some things are privet!" Robbie says.
"I know." Rex says placing his head on Robbie's shoulder.
"Hey how come all these windows are tinted so dark?" Tori asked.
"Oh because my dad bought it from a rapper." Beck answered.
"All the windows are made of bulletproof glass." I say smiling at Tori.
"What rapper?" Andre asked.
"Fat Biscuit." We both answer at the same time.
"The Fat Biscuit?!" Tori asked as they all freaked.
"You know I heard his thin now." Robbie says.
"Yeah he got that stomach surgery." Tori says.
"Aw good for Fat Biscuit." Trina says.
"Baby this bag is heavy." I whine to Beck who chuckles.
"We'll be out in a bit let everyone get their stuff." He says kissing my head.
"Alright, it's starting to get hot in here." Andre says making me perk up.
"Yeah, lets go!" Tori says.
"Lets hit that beach!" Robbie called as we all cheer.
"This way people." Beck says and pushed the door to open but it didn't. Oh no.
"What's wrong?" I ask worried.
"I don't know the door won't open." Beck answers trying again.
"Just open it!" Jade yelled.
"Something's blocking the door." Beck argues.
"Oh man. Some idiot parked a huge RV right next to us!" Tori says while looking out the window.
"Whatever let's just go out the back door." I take a deep breath.
"There is no back door." Beck says.
"Well that's stupid." She says making me roll my eyes.
"I'm getting very hot now!" Andre says.
"Will someone open a window?" I face plant.
"Did no one listen? They're bulletproof they won't open!" I say exasperated.
"Oh thanks a lot Fat Biscuit." Rex says and I let my bag fall to the floor knowing we'll be here a while.
"I'm getting hotter." Andre says.
"Just push on the door." Tori says making me look at her weird.
"No matter how strong a guy is they can't push a 7,000 pound RV out of the way." I say to her.
"Well push harder!" I face plant and let myself move to the sofa rubbing my temples as they all argued.
"Alright! Let's not bug out about this!" Andre called.
"Dude, nobody knows we're trapped in this toaster oven." Tori says.
"Cat just went to the bathroom. She's gonna be back in a few minutes and then she can starts Beck's truck to get us out of here." Andre says.
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