Chapter 32
Echo POV
"What did you just say?" Beck asked making me raise an eyebrow.
"What? I said Chris was coming here." I say walking to the school entrance.
"No, why is he coming here?" Beck says following me.
"He just got here Beck I haven't seen him since the vacation." I say.
"And I don't want you to see him again." He says.
"Whoa, what's up with you guys?" Andre asks when he saw us the whole gang there.
"Beck is upset cause I invited a friend of mine to hang out." I say.
"Yeah a guy friend." Beck says.
"You don't have a problem with me hanging out with Andre." I say.
"That's cause he's my friend and I know he'd never try anything." He says.
"Well Chris is just a friend who's here for a short period of time and you'll be with me the whole time." I say.
"Honestly I would've even preferred you to hang out with Evan." Beck says making me roll my eyes.
"How about Ian?" I say knowing full well what his answer was.
"No!" He exclames.
"So where's this friend of yours?" Cat asks.
"On the roof taking a picture of the Hollywood sign." I say.
"He's already here?" Beck asks just as Chris got down the stairs.
"Hey." He says smiling at all of us.
"Hey." I say smiling back.
"Why is your boyfriend glaring at me?" Chris asks.
"Cause he doesn't trust you." I say making him chuckle.
"Yeah he didn't seem this over protective when you were alone in a bikini." He says making me chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Anyway guys this is a friend of mine, Chris. Chris these are my friends." I say.
"So Chris, we were all about to grab some sushi, if you wanna come." Tori says.. wait are they.. flirting with him?
"You know I don't like sushi." I say to Tori.
"Then why don't we go get some burgers? I need some fat." Chris says.
"Sure you do, you gotta be careful though you may actually get fat and Ian will take all the girls from you." I say smirking.
"That boy couldn't beat me even if he tried." Chris says making me giggle.
"Sure, if you say so." I say.
"How about we go to Karaoke Dokie? I'll drive!" Jade says and Tori soon had Chris by the hand dragging him.
"Well it looks like Chris is up for a long day." I say chuckling.
"There aren't big tables so let's just take two." I say.
"Cool, I'll take that one over there." Chris says and I nod about to walk after him with Beck's hand in mine when I was almost ran over by the girls.. and Robbie.. wait Robbie could be considered a girl so.. yeah. Soon Jade was sitting with us but looking at the table Chris was at.
"So where's your brother?" Beck asked.
"He got some school work left before that thing you guys want to do about the bathrooms so he's doing it now." I say making him nod.
"Well Chris seems like a pretty cool dude." Andre says.
"Yeah he is, I've honestly been looking forward to hanging out with him for a while... but it seems I'll have to wait." I say chuckling.
"So Saturday at the show Tori and Jade are gonna sing back up for you?" Beck asked Andre.
"Mhm, ah Jade did you get the lyrics I sent you?" Andre asked but Jade was just staring at Chris.
"How much does Chris weigh like 210, 220?" Jade asks.
"218 actually." I say.
"How do you know that?" Beck asked.
"We play different games on the chat and some of them include telling personal info or physical info, don't worry Ian is out of the chat for these games." I say chuckling.
"I still don't know if she got the lyrics I sent." Andre says and suddenly Robbie was on the ground while Jade took his place.
"Well that's something." I say chuckling.
"Waiter, my friend Chris wants a hamburger right now!" Tori says making me raise a brow and I saw Chris raise a brow as well glancing at me as I just shrugged my shoulders and smirk when a hot waitress came and how Chris showed interest pretty quickly while the other girls didn't look so happy.
I'm walking with Beck when I suddenly see Jade dressed in the copy of the wedding dress of the scissoring I made for her as a Christmas gift.
"Why are you wearing that?" I ask stepping closer to her and notice Chris standing there as well.
"Ok, I've had just about enough of this." I say just as Tori comes down the stairs sporting a hokey shirt.. that's right Chris is actually Canadian like Beck.. I keep forgetting that.
"I didn't know you were a Hokey fan." Chris says.
"She isn't." I say shaking my head.
"Yes I am, look what I got." Tori says pulling tickets from her pocket.
"Tickets for tonight's kings game?" Chris asks.
"Ok girls, stop this right now. It's getting really annoying and you all had work to do for the twinkle-aid thing." I say but they just ignore me and I shake my head walking towards Beck.
"I'm done with this. Let's go." I say pulling Beck with me going rehearsal.
"Why are you so upset?" He asks.
"Because he was suppose to hang out with me, and most importantly Tori, Cat, and even Jade are acting like little girls and blowing you guys off for a guy they just met. What does that say about them?" I ask making Beck sigh and wrap his hand around my shoulders kissing my head.
"We just have to do some changes, will you help us?" He asks and I sigh but nod.
"Ok." I say.
"Well look who it is, the rehearsal skippers." Robbie says making me raise a brow at the comment.
"You think of that one in the shower?" Beck asks.
"No.. it was a bubble bath." Robbie answers.
"The three of you were suppose to be here tonight at 7." Andre says.
"To help us rehearse for tinkle aid." Robbie says.
"Yeah I still don't agree with that name." Erik says making me chuckle.
"Oh big deal so we missed one rehearsal." Jade says.
"You blew us off last night too." Andre says.
"And today after school." Erik says.
"And tonight." Beck finished.
"Well, we'll meet you guys here tomorrow afternoon before the big show." Tori says.
"Yeah we, we can rehearse the song." Jade says.
"And your magic act." Cat says.
"Don't worry about it." Robbie says.
"We changed the show around." Beck says.
"So we can do it without you." Andre says.
"You don't want me and Jade to sing backup for you?" Tori asks.
"I did." Andre says.
"You can't do your magic act without an assistant." Cat says.
"Sinjin's gonna help me." Robbie says.
"We feel really bad that we let you guys down." Tori says.
"So do we." Beck says wrapping his hand around me and walking out.
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