Chapter 3
Echo POV
I sit down in one of the tables alone not even wanting to eat pushing the plate away from me just as Andre and Tori came.
"Hey." Tori says.
"Hey Echo." Andre says taking a seat.
"You look like a lady who could use some lunch buddies." Tori says.
"Please don't. I was the one that ended things with him. He should be flipping with joy finally getting rid of the insecure girl who was always clinging to him." I say just as Jade and Erik came taking a seat next to me each.
"Hey sis." Erik says just as we hear a horn and as I turn around I almost felt myself cry again. There sat Beck with the one and only Alyssa Vaughn in her car as she brought him to school.
"Wow." Andre says smiling.
"Is that Alyssa Vaughn?!" Tori says.
"Yeah, so?" Jade asked her rudely.
"Nothing. She's gross." Tori says.
"Gross? Look at her. Oh that girl is smoking hot I'm serious. I should shut up." Andre says making me sigh.
"Look he didn't mean to say that." Tori says.
"Yes he did, and he's right. I told you he'd be happy." I say giving her a small smile.
"Echo." Jade says but I stop her.
"Just don't say anything. I'm ok, I promise." I say smiling at her.
"No you're-" I cut her off.
"Look, if he wants to date her then let him. Not like I can't do the same and date someone else." I say and it was true before I met Beck I talked to a few guys but stopped when he and I started dating to avoid making him feel like I feel right now.
"We both know that you won't." Erik says making me sigh again and get up.
"Just leave me alone." I say to them before walking away to a music room and started writing a song. Yes, this is how I deal with my problems, writing and singing. It helps me calm down and have a clear mind. Soon.. or a while later I find myself crying again. I miss him, I really do but somehow I feel like he was just using me and just now am I waking up and noticing that.
I get up after cleaning my tears and walked out of the music room, it was about time for me to go home. I walk out and notice my brother leaning on his car as if waiting for me which made me smile. He knows I always get a ride with Beck but now.
"Thought you'd need a ride." He says as I got closer and I nod.
"Thanks." I say before getting in the car.
Jade POV
"Enter." Beck says after I ring his 'doorbell' and I come in glaring at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Is the first thing I get out because I'm so mad at him.
"What is wrong with me about what?" He asked as I roll my eyes.
"You've been together for 1 year and 11 months and now you brake up?" I ask glaring at him.
"She broke up with me." He says.
"And I would've broken up with you as well after that stunt you pulled with the rich girl." I say as if he was dumb.
"You know what? I'm happy me and Echo broke up." He says making my eyes widen.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because I can't remember the last time I wasn't with her. The last time I was able to breath so freely without having her there dealing with her. And I can't remember the last time she did one nice thing for me." He says making my eyes widen.
"Seriously? Dealing with her? So what she was just a burden to you?" I ask getting mad again.
"Sorta yeah, she's always nagging me and always at my side honestly is sorta tiring." He says making me shake my head.
"You're an asshole you know that? She has been crying all day and hasn't eaten anything since this morning and hasn't left her room after she got home and she skipped classes after you pulled that stunt at lunch. And all because you couldn't tell a girl 'no' and stay away from her!" I yell at him.
"For something she's done so many times for you, did you know that she almost deleted her social media because guys would always comment on her pictures? Or that she made it privet so that only us friends and her family could see the things she posted, that she changed numbers when the two of you started dating because she didn't want any guy from her past phone number to contact her? Maybe that she actually bought you one of Care Bears on Fire guitar with all their autographs on it, your favorite band, after working for hours to actually buy it for you?" I say pulling on my hair a bit.
"Or how she's been visiting animal shelters looking for a dog that the two of you could take care of together because you have always wanted a dog. Or that song she actually wrote for your birthday, a song she wrote for you. She stopped talking to so many guys because she didn't want to hurt you and yet here you are doing just that. Asshole." I say shaking my head before looking into his eyes.
"And for your information she only broke up with you because she wanted you to go after her and stop her. All she wanted was for you to show her you loved her, but I guess that's impossible." I spat before walking out slamming the door behind me and to my car before leaving.
Beck POV
Ok, maybe she does have a point. I do miss Echo and I know that what I said was a lie to get Jade to hurry up and go. I haven't felt like I can freely breath since she broke up with me and I miss her. I miss how clingy she is, or how cute her nose looks when she gets mad or upset, how her lips fit so perfectly with mine or how she would always smile at me and be so overprotective of me.. I even miss how possessive she is or how much hotter she gets when she's riled up.. gosh I'll have to talk to her tomorrow.
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