Chapter 25
Echo POV
"Well this is a great way to spend a Saturday." Andre says sarcastically and I nodded, this was definitely not part of my plans.
"I have never had detention before." Tori says.
"I'm kinda nervous." Robbie says.
"If you hadn't made us late for class we wouldn't be here." Jade says rudely.
"I was chocking on a pretzel!" Robbie tried defending.
"Well, why you always got to choke on something?" Andre says.
"Ah give him a brake." Beck says.
"But Andre's right he's always choking on something." I whine.
"Hey, it's not Robbie's fault he has a petite throat." Tori says.
"It's average!" Robbie argues causing me to snort, average my butt.
"Hey, who's in charge of detention anyway?" Tori asks.
"Vice principal." Andre says.
"Dickers." Jade says causing me to look at said man and I roll my eyes, well at least the only thing we need to tolerate of this man is his screaming at the beginning and then he'll leave us alone.. yeah I've been here before, specially with Beck.
"Morning, Waz-bags." Oh yeah and his stupid insults.
"Detention is that way in the library! Get ready for the worst day of your lives." He yells making me shake my head in annoyance since he always gives me a headache and not a second later Cat walks in.
"Yay, we're in school on a Saturday." Cat says before she starts laughing making me smile a little.
"Library!" Dickhead yells as we all mumble an 'alright' or 'geese' before walking to the library. And we all took a seat, I handed Beck my phone for him to place in the basket knowing how this goes and place my head down stretching getting ready for a nap.
"Well it's 7:06 am here in Los Angeles. That means in Australia it's yesterday." Dickhead says and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what he's saying.
"Or tomorrow." He says proving my point. I put some ear plugs in my ears and place my head down on the table making sure my hair covers my ears and close my eyes. I really hate this guy, he's so annoying. After sometime Beck places his hand on my back signaling Dickhead was gone and I look up at him smiling and taking the plugs out.
"How bad was it?" I ask.
"Well Jade got about 3 more detentions and Tori got 4." He says.
"Ouch." I say with a chuckle.
"You know what I'd go for right now?" Beck asks playing with a card.
"Tacos?" Andre asks.
"How'd you know?" Beck asks him making me raise a brow.
"I felt you, dog." Andre says making me snort shaking my head with a smile.
"Tacos do sound really good right now." Tori says.
"I'm down for tacos." Jade says ripping the papers of a yellow notebook.
"Yeah, I love tacos." Robbie says.
"Look who's being real quiet." Jade says making me look at her and noticed she was looking at Cat.
"I just not that hungry right now." Cat says.
"Yeah, why don't you tell everyone the truth?" Jade says to Cat.
"Leave me alone." Cat says.
"What's going on here?" Andre asks.
"Our pristine little friend Cat, has never had a taco." Jade says walking around Cat.
"I'm not that pristine.. wait what's pristine mean?" Cat asks making me shake my head.
"Are you a vegan?" Jade asks.
"Knock it off guys." Beck says.
"What's a vegan?" Rex asks.
"It's a person that doesn't eat meat." Robbie answers.
"I love meet." Rex says. Soon after some more arguing, Jade trying to get Cat to admit that she actually is a vegan, Tori defending Cat by threatening to un-follow Jade on the slap to get her to stop, and Robbie calling Tori conceited some some odd reason after she said she'd get Trina to get us tacos, we find ourselves following Tori to her locker to get us the tacos. And then? Then we were running all around school trying to get back to the library cause stupid Dickhead was everywhere! Now we stand in front of a wet floor as everyone is freaking out when an idea came to mind.
"You know what, we all don't have to all get in trouble." I say smirking.
"What?" Beck asked.
"I'm going to get Dickhead's attention while you guys head back to the library." I say.
"But you're gonna get in trouble." Beck says and I kiss his cheek.
"I'll be fine." I say to him before I started running towards where Dickhead is before I started singing by the stairs walking down them but making sure to be singing loudly to get his attention and I did seeing as he's right in front of me.
"Listen-" I say trying to act innocent.
"Ah, you're in big trouble Walker!" He says and I raise a brow.
"For what?" I ask tilting my head.
"For leaving the library skinny jeans!" He yells.
"You're just jealous you can't pull them off like I can." I say smirking.
"Oh, shut up!" He yells dragging me by the hand.
"You know this is harassment and kidnapping I could sue you for that." I say smirking as he continues to drag me and place me in a closet which makes me smirk, I could get to the library fast from here.
"That's the last time Walker. That's the last time you run around these halls singing like that." He says and I raise a brow.
"So you're saying I can walk around the halls singing then?" I ask smirking.
"You watch that mouth!" He yells.
"No, cause what you're doing is wrong. Do you know what would happen if a teacher or the principal find out about this? You dragging a girl to a closet, alone, against her own will, and her daddy being a lawyer?" I ask making a face telling him he was in trouble.
"You know where you're gonna be five years from now?" He asks and I raise a brow in question waiting for him to continue.
"You're gonna be a big pop star." He says.
"And what if that happens?" I ask sarcastically.
"Ok pop star, see if you can pop this." He says pulling his sleeve up revealing a.. I don't know what that thing is but it's a monster.
"You get that thing close to me and I'll make sure a doctor pops it after I break your arm." I warn.
"Thought so." He says.
"You are a disgusting man, no wonder no one likes you." I say and I see his hand raise up as I got ready to dodge.
"Sorry, just tryna kill that fly." He says trying again before leaving the closet and after I made sure he was gone I climbed the latter to the library.
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