Chapter 18
Echo POV
"Shouldn't we say something to him?" Tori asks after we found out that our dear 'hot-shot' directer was a shitty one and now he's taking all the credit for himself when he did nothing but waist our time.
"You're right." I say walking forward towards Dale.
"Hey." I say tilting my head at him with a sarcastic smile.
"Your name was Echo right?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah I'm the girl that played Monica getting slapped in the face by my best friend and helped edit this movie." I say crossing my arms and raising a brow.
"So why did you take our names off the movie?" I ask with an attitude.
"I directed it." He says as if it was obvious and I laugh.
"That's a good one, you barely showed up and when you did all you did was talk on the phone, eat our snacks and nap in the Jacuzzi." I say glaring.
"Oh come on you think Steven Spielberg really directed 'Jaws'?" I raise a brow.
"Believe it or not this world has talented and honest people that don't take the credit for something someone else did." I say sternly.
"Look I really gotta go." He says and I shake my head.
"You know Tori directed that movie. Beck wrote it and me and Andre did all the music and editing. And what did you do?" I ask causing him to turn around and look at me.
"I took the credit." He says making me chuckle.
"Oh I know, I'm just saying that you really should give us our credit." I say daring.
"Man, you really don't get Hollywood do you? Oh by the way the after party has been cancelled, so tell your friends no after party." He says just as a guy came up behind him.
"Hey great movie man, see you at the after party." The guy says.
"I'm there!" Dale says before turning around and walked out. I smirk and follow him harshly taking hold of his arm making him look at me.
"Look hot shot, you are going to set up a national tv show interview and you're gonna give each and every one of us credit or I'll just have to post this oh so beautiful video of you eating potato ships while in your computer talking on the phone, release some conversations I caught on tape of you using your name to get girls, napping in the Jacuzzi all while a couple of high school kids direct the movie you are taking credit for. Cause yes I do have tapes of Tori directing the movie and Andre editing the movie plus I have Beck's original script. So it's your call if you want to keep your reputation of being a great director to everyone in this world or if you want to get exposed. If that interview is not out in a week I'm posting all of this." I say harshly before letting go of his hand and started to walk away before stopping.
"Oh and if you don't believe me." I say taking out my phone and showing him one of the videos of him talking on the phone with one of his buddies about a girl.
"Here's your proof. Also my daddy is a lawyer." I say giving him a tight lip smile before walking back towards the gang and hug Beck.
"What did he say?" He asks.
"We'll just have to wait and see." I answer.
"Man those jeans fit you great." Robbie says making both me and Beck look at him strange.
"I know.. buy why are you looking at him like that?" I ask raising a brow.
"How's the motor?" He asked almost yelling.
"It's getting there." Beck says as my phone rings and I look at the ID, Evan.
"Hey." I say just as my eyes land on the girls coming our way.
"Hey so you're already done with the movie thingy right?" He asked.
"Yeah it's done, why?" I ask.
"Cause we're almost done with the song and I wanna get it ready as soon as possible to record it. It's due in three days after all." He says and I nod to myself before hearing something I didn't wanna hear.
"Beck, those jeans fit you great." My eyes snapped at her.
"That's what I said!" Robbie says.
"Would you mind not staring at my boyfriends legs?.. and ass?" I say snappy glaring at the girls, the fucking group keeps getting bigger!
"No." One of them says.. yeah this red haired bitch is gonna stare at something alright.
"I'll call you later Ev." I say ending the call and walking to Beck who raised a brow at me as if expecting.
"Hey baby." I say and he tilts his head raising a brow.
"We're going to your place after this right? I mean you've been neglecting me for these girls and Robbie's old car." I say sweetly making Beck chuckle as I let my hands slide up his torso.
"If you want to, but I'll probably be done with it soon though." He says as I wrap my hands around his neck.
"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods while I play with his hair all of this while in front of his fans.
"Yeah, then we can do whatever you want." He says making me smile and pull him for a kiss he returned.
"Whoa! Working on this car has gotten me all filthy. How am I gonna get all this grease off?" I hear Robbie say causing me and Beck to pull away and look at him a bit irritated.
"No, I was thinking maybe you could get me a fresh towel." Robbie says as high pressure water is sent his way making me raise a brow and look at the red head who has a hose in her hand then looked at Robbie again as the water stopped.
"I think he's still dirty." Beck says in amusement.
"What'd he say?!" Robbie says just as the water started again and I move my lips to Beck's again kissing him until the water stopped smirking at the girls and moving back to get inside the car dialing Evan's number again.
"Hi." He says to the phone with a chuckle.
"Sorry about that some bitches thought it'd be fun to continue to complement my boyfriends jeans while in front of me." I say hearing him laugh on the other line.
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