Tagged by ElliedragonReturns :D
1. What is a book that you love writing?
I love writing all my books, I wouldn't start them otherwise. However sometimes despite that, I find myself not writing them, normally once they're attracted interest, which is weird :/
Currently, I'm having a lot of fun writing stables for Moon without any restrictions, and when I come up with an idea oneshots from Magiclicas Nonsense.
2. What is my favorite book that I've written?
Like I said, at one point they're all my favorite book to write, depending on what I'm writing at the moment X3 I don't think I can choose for this one
3. Is there a book that I regret writing?
Ummmmmm kinda? The ones I do are ones that either I never published in the first place or I've taken down because they were THAT bad. Also Rogue and Rebel because I can't seem to get off my butt and write them and every time I think about writing them it makes me feel guilty...
4. Approximately, how many times have I deleted the draft of a story?
Actually only once. To Find Home, which honestly I never even started in the first place, so that fell through early on... otherwise, I don't think so. I've unpublished stories a couple of times (the originals that I posted on Wattpad before anyone knew me and my god they were CRINGY) but I don't delete them.
5. What is my favorite part about Wattpad?
It's easy to interact with people and get feedback! Other fanfic websites, for me at least, aren't always user friendly, especially when it comes to feedback, which is why I like Wattpad, because it's easy to gauge how people feel about certain parts of a chapter because they can comment on individual sections and not the entire chapter.
6. What do I use to write?
For Magiclicas Nonsense and this book, I write straight in the editor. For my other longer, more serious stories, I write in Google Docs, and I often write drabbles and things I don't want to post in good ol' traditional pencil and paper. When I'm on my phone, I might also use my magic keyboard to write better, but I also tend to not have as much help from autocorrect which sucks :/
7. What fandom do I typically write for??
Nothing in particular. I write whatever I'm inspired for, which is normally whatever fandom I'm in at the time. And as I move in and out of fandoms, my inspiration shifts. I honestly don't understand how people can write multiple stories for one fandom sometimes, it's just not me XD
8. On a scale of 1-10, how would I rate my writing?
Honestly not to brag, but I'd probably give myself like a 7 or 8?? I know I'm a good writer (especially compared to fanfics that look like a text story or smth...) and I guess I have to write myself higher because I've been acknowledged in Scholastic??? Idk I don't mean to show off I'm just kinda staring it neutrally that compared to others, I'm pretty good, but of course I'm nowhere near the best.
9. What app do I use to make my covers?
Normally I make them from scratch in Photoshop or FireAlpaca or smth. I don't use an app. Only thing I MAY use an app for is the text, but even then I think I've only done that once.
10. What is a ship I find easiest to write?
I don't normally write ships, I normally write full-on AU adventure stories based off a "what if?" Question branching off of the canon story. Again, depends on what I'm inspired for? But honestly currently Marimoon (OCs) is coming really easily but 90% of their story is high key friendzone so idk XD
11. Do I have anything that helps me write?
Not really? I like listening to music, but I listen to music most of my day because what is socialization so it doesn't really count. I will say though that I ironically post more when people don't really notice my books, I guess because of a peer pressure thing?? All I know is that it suuucks ><
12. Do I have trouble thinking of plots, or does it come easily to me?
Depends on if I have a good idea. It's hard to come up with an idea I haven't used before already, but once I do I tend to think of a LOT of fun ways to go forth with it >:3 also, because I like to work with loopholes in the plot, for fanfics it depends on if I can find a decent one. Like say for Aphmau, I love her series but I've never written a fanfic because I can never think of a good place to change the story well.
13. Do I find it hard to make a character sound like themselves?
I don't think so, thank goodness. Normally I find myself making all my characters sound the same when I'm working with my OCs ironically... no worry for fanfics! I guess it's easier for fanfics because most have a voice or just an established way of speaking, versus my OCs that I don't really have that for.
14. Have I ever written smut before, or do I prefer writing fluff?
I've never written smut before and I probably never will. Or if I do, I won't post it. Smut with characters other than my OCs makes me look at those characters strangely and I don't normally think like that, however I will admit I've thought of a few scenes that will go to the grave with me.
All in all yeah I'll stick with angst and fluff XD
15. What is my favorite part about being an author?
I'm able to tell stories and go on adventures outside of the real world. The real world SUCKS and is honestly a horrible place to live, and while so many stories have worlds like it, at least their issues get resolved more or less over the course of the story, while the real world has only made ours worse in the 6000 years civilization has existed. But since I can't go to alternate universes, the closest I can do is let my alternate self run wild in these other stories.
Alright it's only 5 ppl I gotta tag sorry—
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