chapter 3
Scene 1 music room
Swasan only will be singing. Bg singers will just play instruments.
Swara arrives n then sanskar. she says calmly, " u n singer.? I know I shud not speak this bt .. I didn't expect it. I mean..." he kept a finger on her lips. His touch made her feel something special. Sans , " its ok. Im a rock star by d way." Swara says, " oh. I'm a singer but a soft singer."
"So which song r u singing? " both say 2 get her. Swara says, "enna sona." Sanskar, "kuch din."
They practice on beats, on music. Kavita is an instrument player . She feels jealous seeing them so close. She thinks, " I wont spare u swara. Now nik I am with u.. u will hav 2 pay for this swara madam."
Scene 2 raglak college.
Lak- rags parth is angry on aisha.
Ragini- oh no .. tomorrow is her birth day.
Lak- idea!!!
After some time rags go to parth n says, " how can aisha flirt wid anyone?this is ur ques right parth?. See parth if u believe aisha 0.1% also na then trust me. She can never think about anyone else other than u .
Lakshya comes n says, " parth believe me, rags n aisha.. v r saying d truth. See 2morrow is aisha's bday. Dont make her angry that u... u heard someone saying that aisha was flirting with someone n u believed it. See it may b someone else aisha. There r many aishas in our college.."
parth says, "correct yarr it may be someone else. Aisha comes n say what's up guyzzz???? Rags says im very hungry yarr. Lets go 2 cafeteria..."
Scene 3 school corridor
Kavita says ,"nik u know na I love sanskar. N u love swara(she says swara in a bad tone). Bt v can see their closeness. I think v shud do something." Nik says, " I hav a plan.. I won't tell u know. Coz if anyone hears us it would b a problem. So I will msg u on Facebook. Ok. 2day we will chat on 3:00 pm. Ok?" Kavita says -ok done then?
nik says -done.
At 3:00 pm nik tells d plan. Kavita, " says perfect. " N thinks now swara behenji get ready fr d baddest day of ur life.
Precap- swara shouts help help. Bt d boy holds her..she cries
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