chapter 14
Scene 1
Kavita Runs on the road crying.. nik consoles her..
Kavita - everything is destroyed nik.. evrythng. Sanskar loves that behenji swara..
Nik - let him.. we will take revenge frm him...
Kavita controls her tears n - I heard their love confession. I totally broke down.. bt now if u are there wid me nthing will happen to me.. I wanna u to be with me.. I love u nik.. (she wasn't sure about her feelings but just to have nik's support for revenge..she says that she loves him.. but u know about that attraction and all right?? ;) )
Nik - I love u too.... we will take revenge frm them... ok baby?
Kavita -nik not today after some time or mths or may be 1-2 years I will take revenge..
Nik - v will take revenge..
Kavita - hmm so that they won't doubt us..
After 1 month..
Scne 2
Raglak marriage
Its Ragini's vidaai..
Shumi hugs her.. n asks her to be strong..
After hugging every 1 she went to swara..
Swara -I will miss u.. n today I wont cry.. (she control her tears..) n says tq di fr coming in my life.. fr being my bst friend.. u r my evrythng... I love u a lot di... n di...u r the 2nd mom in my life.. so whenever u become mom dont forget that I'm ur 1st child..
(So guys did u notice change in swara? She didn't cry..the sensitive girl, who used to cry even on watching an emotional movie, didn't cry when her second mother is leaving her..)
Rags - I can never forget u.. even if I try my best..
Swara -u will never try to forget me bcoz I love u..
Rags -I love u too my sona n hugs her.
Swara- di.. if u don't call me everyday then I won't talk with u..
Rags -definitely I wil call u.. bt b4 that I hav to leave u..
Every1 wave bye n the newly wed couple go in a brand new BMW.. which is decorated beautifully...
Scene 3 swara's room
At late nite...
Sanskar comes to swara's room through the window..
Swara hugs him..
Sansakr - see baby I hav brought ice cream... let's eat..
They both eat it which lightens her mood.
Swara hugs sanskar and says- sanskar u r the angel of my life..
Sanskar - u made my life even better... not better the best. Bt now we will finish our studies, always be in contact n then get married, ..
Swara -of course..
Scene freezes on their happy faces ,..
Hurrayy!! Finished the first phase of this story... let's see what happens later..
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