chapter 12
guyz here janki loves only rags as she is her dauhgter n dislikes swara as she is her ex husbands illegal daughter…. n avinash loves swara more than rags… as he thinks swara is his and sharmistha's daughter…
scene 1
ragini calls avinash,, she cries… not in her senses..
Rags- avi uncle… uncle that ..swara.. avi panics-what happened to swara.. rags- that accident…. i m in city hospital come soon… plz uncle can u permit me to call ma n papa also? uncle plz uncle i beg u.. im ready to do anything..
avinash plainly says - ok…
coz he didnt hav time to think about sheshta.. so he permitted…
doctor comes out..
he - swara’s condition has worsened… one can go to meet her… we are calling a specialist.. till he comes one can go..
rags cries n -.. sanskar can u go… plz sanskar u can inspire her… n i know that… u go n i will call ma n baba.. plz sanskar it takes time to come frm mumbai to kolkata.. sanskar says ok di…
sanskar goes in.. he - swara i saved u frm d accident n u r going away frm me????
there’s complete silence between them..
he - u know na… i did it bcoz i love u..
suddenly he realises what he said….. he thinks how can i love.. then he sees her face n automatically says--- yes ye swara im in love with u… swara i promise i will b with u always.. u will get ur parents back.. bt plzz.. dont leave me.. dont leave ur sis.. dont leave ur family.. … u r their future…. get up swara get up.. u hav 2 get up fr us… fight fr us… plz yr…. 2day itself u wil meet ur parents also…
Gradually swara’s heartbeat gets normal. she moves her hand…he calls the doctor.. n comes out while all the doctors r in…
rags while crying -sankar what happened … what hapened… tell me.. sankar tell na… plz ..
sanskar -- di.. dont worry … actually swara moved a little..
rags - oh godd… now plz dont ruin her life.. she goes to mandir , n prays- god…. my sona.. my sis is there in the ICU.. that 15 year old sis who is afraid of a doc also… she is in hospital.. fighting frm life n death.. she.. suddenly lucky comes frm behind n says -rags that doc said swara is no need of specialist doc also.. rags gets hpy n in front of every1 hugs lakshya…
after some dayss
its morning..
swara is still in hospital.. n is hpy as she is being discharged 2day..
she is alone..
she - today new swara will enter in avi uncle’s house.. this will be strong swara… frm todAy swara shekhar gadodia will be d old swara.. d bold swara.. d strong swara… not the fearful swara…😤😤
she enters the house…
janki for the first time happily does arti of swara.. she steps in boldly in the house…
avinash - shekhar.. sharmistha..
i understood ur love fr swragini.. they r ur daughters.. i dont want their custody..
swara n rags r overwhelmed… shekhar n avinash hav a hug,, while janki n shumi also.. n there swaragini also hav a hug..
shumi - bt now how we will convince court..
avi - b4 2 years u lived in kolkata.. so if we all 6 live in the same house… in this house… for atleast 3 years then..??
shekhar - it will b the best idea…….. all hav a family hug….
precap- sanskar confesses his love to swara.. kavita breaks up with sanskar n proposes nik.. marriage proposal fr rags.. parish mariage..
Omfg!! So many things in the precap..
Is it a dream or reality?
Excited? I hope you are..!
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