17: Don't Be So Koi
Blub blub blub.
Your eyes open to the sound of water. You find yourself underwater, immediately panicking until you realize you can still breathe. You are in a dream of some sort, surrounded by deep blue water. It was not before long until a koi fish swims up to your face. You watch it swim around your head and finally break away into a different direction. You decide to follow the koi fish deeper and deeper into the water. Despite swimming deeper into the vast waters, there was much light to be seen around you.
You look around as you swim with the little koi fish, watching other koi fish swim around and play. It was almost as if you were in a community filled with koi fish. Such fish acted as everyday people. The more you analyzed and watched the fish, the more you felt as if these fish were more human than fish. It was not too long before the koi fish led you into a dark cave.
As you entered the cave with the fish, torches within lit up one by one. Each torch revealed statues of what seemed like mighty warriors along the cave. You wanted to question why fire still applied in this underwater dream, but soon realized that anything can happen in this fantasy world.
Eventually, the fish led you to a throne of stone and gold. You were getting ready to ask the little fish what was going on, but soon realized that it had disappeared. You looked around in confusion until small little volcanoes on both sides of the throne erupted. You blink hard, covering your eyes with your arms. Once the eruption was over, you uncovered your eyes to see that the volcanoes now resembled large torches.
You were also surprised to see a giant koi fish hovering above the large throne. The large fish speaks your name, and you find yourself conversing with it.
"Huh? How'd you know my name?"
"(Y/n), much like your family, you are destined for greatness."
"I'd hope so, but who are you and what am I doing here? Is this just some kind of weird dream I'm having?"
"It's not a dream, (y/n). It's destiny. This is a message- a push forward if you will. You will find yourself bringing back greatness to the (l/n) Clan."
"But, what if I fail?"
"Then you will perish like your family."
"What happened to my family?"
The koi fish ignores your question.
"Look around you (y/n), the statues you were analyzing. Those were your ancestors. They manifested the power of the koi and used it to protect the ones that mattered the most to them."
You were analyzing all the statues once again, amazed at what the koi fish was telling you.
"That's awesome. I'm glad to have come from such a great lineage.. but what happened to my clan? One day they were here and the next they disappeared, at least that's what I've heard on the streets. And then my friend, Neji Hyuga, told me that I apparently killed a lot of people, including his mother. What's up with that? Why do I not remember anything of my past?"
"Do you really wish to remember?"
You pondered a bit as you floated in the water.
"Yes, I do. Please show me."
"Then I shall."
The large koi fish begin swimming towards you with it's giant mouth open.
"Wait! What are you doing? Don't eat me!"
"Don't be so Koi, (y/n)."
As you struggle to swim away, the large koi fish sucks you into its mouth, causing everything to go dark once more.
Your eyes open again, this time you are in the body of another. As another person who once witnessed this event, you look up to find a giant ball of water. It seems to expand as time passes. You blink and find yourself in a different body, realizing that you are now witnessing the event while in the bubble. The bubble of water continues to expand. You blink and appear in another person's body, watching them struggle to pull themselves out from underneath the giant bubble of water. You blink once more and find yourself in another who struggles as they are being pulled by others. You blink once more and are in the eyes of another who watches themself burn and disintegrate as they are fully brought into the bubble.
Finally, you blink once more and find yourself in a different body. This time, the person you are in is a child on the ground crying as they watch their mother die in the acidic water. A large explosion is heard, causing the child to look up in fear. The bubble has popped and now acidic rain begins pouring onto the area.
The child runs as fast as they can to take cover, already knowing what the water can do. Despite this, the child's back is pelted by some rain. The child screams in agony and cries more as they continue to run. Finally, the child makes it to a nearby shop. You watch through the child's eyes as he finds himself in the reflection of the door's window. The child is Neji Hyuga.
The kid version of Neji opens the door to the shop abruptly, causing all images to be sucked into the shop. This is enough to shock you awake.
You scream Neji's name as you wake up, startling Deidara and your team members. You bolt up from the spot you were laid in, causing Deidara and Neji to try and lay you down.
"(Y/n)! What's wrong?" questions Deidara with concern
"Calm down, (y/n)! You need to relax!" states Neji as he and Deidara try to grab you.
You struggle in their grips as you panic.
"Water! Water! I need water!" you yell, finally shoving the two boys off of you.
You notice a small stream and quickly run to it. You fall to the ground and crawl even closer to the stream. Deidara and your team members follow you. You begin puking water and small koi fish into the stream.
"Holy shit!" gasps Deidara, causing the others to the panic as they could only watch you puke up fish and water.
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