14: Chūnin Exams
You had been on the same team with Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten for about a year or so now. The bond between you and your team had increased, meaning that you and Neji were definitely on better terms. Yes, you and Neji got in a few arguments here and there, but you two were definitely more friendly toward one another than in previous times.
After some commotion and a little bit of chaos, you and the rest of your team were split up and sat at different tables in preparation for the written exam. As you sat there listening to the instructor's instructions, you could not help but fiddle with your fingers. You were never a good test taker. You always made the grade, but your anxiety usually skyrocketed and stress was your best friend at this point. Eventually, the exam began once all the exam papers were at their rightful places.
You took several deep breathes before reading the exam paper, remembering the advice Yamato gave you before you entered the building.
"Do not worry too much, (y/n). Stay strong, but do not be afraid to ask for help. Keep calm, but stay creative. Most importantly, do not lose hope."
After analyzing the whole sheet of paper, you came to an astonishing thought, which was, "Fuck whatever Yamato said, I'm freaking the fuck out!" None of the questions made any sense to you, yet you could hear numerous scribbles around the room. You slouched back in your chair, closing your eyes as you massage your temples. You thought of how you could bullshit your way out of this exam, but alas, nothing came to mind other than the fact that you had to cheat. But how would you cheat, especially without getting caught?
Then it hit you. You take your hand and place it on your forehead, rubbing it ever so lightly. You ball your hand up into a ball as you bring it closer to your desk. Once revealing the palm of your hand, being careful not to create any suspicion, you exert a small amount of water from it. You carefully construct the water into a worm, letting it crawl down your body onto the floor, inching its way to Neji.
This water-style technique is known as the (l/n)'s third eye of liquefication. In other words, you have a third eye hidden away in your forehead that can be utilized for spying and obtaining information once you create a body for the hidden eye, such as a worm. Sounds useful, but as of right now, you have not developed hearing or speech for the hidden eye, meaning that you can only watch or read. But luckily, you only had to read this time and Neji knew your creations very well.
In the past, you have sent ladybugs or butterflies to Neji's house in hopes of making him smile or giggle after he has had a long, rough day of training. He appreciated the creations you would make for him, especially knowing that you specifically made them for him. Although, over the year, you and Neji have only stayed friends, worrying that the other had lost feelings. However, in reality, Neji kept his feelings for you, and you admittedly started gaining feelings for him again (despite all the cruel actions). Neji really has improved his attitude, becoming much nicer to those around him. He even apologized to Tenten for what he said on the first day the team met.
Anyway, once your worm was on Neji's shoulder, you could see all the answers he was writing down as he copied from another student using his Byakugan. You wrote down whatever Neji wrote. Once you were finished with copying his answers, you were going to send a ladybug next to Rock Lee and Tenten to help them out. Another part of this hidden eye was that you could also send information to someone and have them absorb the information through their forehead.
It was not too long before several people were being caught cheating and kicked out, causing you to become anxious once again. However, you took deep breathes, attempting to focus on the task at hand. Neji finished the last question and before you dispersed your worm of water, you notice Neji write something else to the side.
"You look very pretty today, but you always do," is what the message said.
You blushed intensely, feeling your cheeks go tomato red. Due to being flustered, your worm burst, leaving little amounts of droplets all over Neji. After calming down again, you finally sent out ladybugs to Rock Lee and Tenten, helping them obtain some more answers. Of course, it was near the end, and the instructor was giving out the final question. Before he did, he asked if anyone wanted to leave because if they did not and they failed this question, then they would never be able to become Chūnin. Many started to leave until Naruto got out of his chair and started making an inspirational speech.
Despite this behavior being expected from Naruto, you could not help but feel motivated and inspired. In turn, the whole room started to lighten up and at that point, no one was budging. As you prepared yourself for the next question, everyone in the room passed. You sighed with relief, mentally thanking Naruto as you relaxed in your seat. Although, not long after did another instructor come busting in talking about how it was already time to take the next exam.
Luckily enough, everyone was given another day to prepare despite being called "pussies" by the female instructor. You and your team got together and left the facility, eventually splitting into two groups when going home. Now it was just you, Neji, and probably Yamato who was trying to conceal his presence so you two could have some "bonding" time.
"You know (y/n)," starts Neji, breaking the silence between you too, "I really meant what I wrote."
You choked on air, almost forgetting what Neji wrote earlier during the exam.
"I'm sorry for not staying focused during the exam, but it was hard to focus with you on my mind."
You blushed even more intensely now. As usual, Neji was being quite nice and polite to you. At least, that is what you told yourself in hopes of not getting too attached since Neji probably still did not have the same feelings for you like he once did one year ago- especially since you held a grudge for quite some time.
"Well thank you, Neji. I think that you're quite the eye candy yourself. I mean, you have a great personality too considering how smart, thoughtful, and prideful you can be," you gush, fiddling with your thumbs nervously as you compliment your crush.
Neji thanks you. You look up, managing to catch a glimpse of a genuine smile from him before you two split ways once you both arrived at your houses.
"Oh, (y/n)!" Neji yells before you both go inside your homes.
You look back, analyzing his beautiful features.
"Next time, try to keep the dispersing of water to a minimal- or at least warn me!" says Neji, teasing you as you become flustered once again.
You yell back before running inside your home, "Maybe I'll send a typhoon next time! You're such a nerd!"
Once inside your house, you lean against the door, sliding down to the floor. You grab a hold of your cheeks, feeling the intense heat coming from them. Despite all the bad things Neji did to you in the past, you could not help but fall in love with him again.
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