He gaped at her, not understanding her question.
"Why would you choose this?" Her voice was calm as she took a careful step forward.
His manner turned defensive. "Why? Because I'm broken! Because I can't remember what it's like to be happy, to feel accepted! Because nobody understands how it feels when they treat me like that! Because the world would be better off without me!" Tears were falling from his eyes now; dark spots were appearing on the concrete below, unnoticed.
She stuck out a shaky hand and grasped the hem of his shirt. The only thing you could hear was her ragged breathing as she tried to come up with the words. "And you want to know why not?" She looked up, watery eyes searching her friend's for something, anything. "Because we're all broken. Because it's alright for you to feel that way. Because life has meaning and you matter just as much as the next person. Because I've always been with you. And....." she swallowed, "Because you've always been here for me. The world needs you, and I... I need you."
He looked down at her small, trembling form, hesitating to say or do anything that might trigger her. He had never thought of it that way. I've only ever thought of myself with no regard for anyone else. I'm so selfish. I don't deserve to-
"I'll make you a deal, okay? Come sit down with me and we'll talk about it. If we can't find solutions to your problems, together, I- I won't stop you." Her hand tugged on his shirt. "Please, just humor me, okay?"
What was left of his heart shattered to see his strong, happy friend so broken. He stepped down and fell into her arms. How could he have thought nobody cared when his best friend obviously did? "It's okay to cry, you know. My opinion of you won't change." He sobbed on her shoulder for too long before he numbly followed her down the building and to wherever she wanted to go. He had lost feeling in his hand long ago, but he didn't care; she was gripping it so tightly, like he would vanish if she let go for just a second.
They spent all that night sitting in a park, talking and eating from a shared tub of ice cream. And now he looked fondly at the girl asleep on his shoulder, still unconsciously gripping his clothes like a lifeline. By the time he saw the sun peek over the nearby houses, he was ready to realize a truth from deep inside.
He wasn't going to leave after all. Because he was strong. Because he wasn't alone. Because he was more powerful than death. Because he wanted to like being alive.
And, most of all, because he had the determination to always be there for those that needed a friend, just like he had.
Because he had a feeling he wouldn't be alone anymore.
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