"Sorry, guys, I can't. I've got somewhere to go."
"A date?" Janis asked in Nathan's stead.
"Sort of."
Everyone whistled, "stop it; see you next week, guys." Kaede waved and left while wondering how she found herself in such a situation. It all started with a message from BoyScout:
Hey, how are you? There's a Call Of competition at The last Bar Before The End Of The Earth tomorrow at 9:30 pm. Want to come?
If yes, here's the pass: Allegiance24072020xAxCxTxI
It was the first time someone invited her to such an event. Kaede was always intrigued by them but was still scared to go.
Kuroqueen: I'm not sure I don't know anyone there.
BoyScoutMakaveli: You know me, come on, it will be fun.
Kuroqueen: I don't know you. We just play together.
BoyScouMakaveli: I won't push. Feel free to come.
Kaede pondered all day and looked up the event on Google. It was a significant Rendez-Vous for gamers who exchanged tricks and tips. Kaede hesitated to the last instant, but curiosity got the best of her. It wasn't every day she got to see this side of the gaming universe. For someone like her, who lived in her virtual reality, the opportunity was too huge.
Kaede was surprised to see the queue when she arrived. The woman who was afraid to stand out with her attire found herself confronted with Rick and Morty tees, Star wars, and military cosplays by dozens. What was funny was the age of the cosplayers. Kaede queued and showed the pass on her phone. They gave her a goodie bag, an allegiance badge, but also a red rubber bracelet.
She noticed each person was handed a different color.
"Eh, what's this for?"
"Is it your first time?" asked the girl behind the desk in her sergeant uniform.
Kaede nodded.
"Well, the bracelet corresponds to the team of the person who invited you."
"I see."
The girl smiled and carried on registering people. Kaede advanced inside.
It was a classic bar with a few unique features, including a replica of the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. There were different gaming tables with MSI and Alienware.
Kaede walked about thinking she was crazy as she noticed women were scarce in the place. None were alone, and Kaede wondered if she was reasonable when a guy began to speak to her, "hi, first time?"
"How did you guess?"
"You look lost, want to drink with us? My table is over there."
Kaede looked where the man pointed a woman, and two other guys waved at her. She opened her mouth to answer when a hand slid into hers, "sorry, she's in my team."
Kaede did not need to look to know who the voice belonged to; the guy raised in hands in a no offense motion and moved along. Kaede's eyes drifted to her side to see the hand that held hers. It had a matching rubber band bracelet, and she raised her gaze, "Dominque."
The man's lips itched to say it was destiny; instead, he whispered, "Kuroqueen?"
Kaede's heart inflated, "no, don't tell me you're Boyscoutㅡ."
"I only invited one person tonight."
Silence tried but could not butt in as sound filled the space where people laughed, clapped, and sang. Dominque and Kaede stood staring at each other for a moment before Dominque swiped a hand at the back of his head and said, "want to drink?"
Kaede needed one, she nodded, and they made their way to the bar where Kaede finally mustered the words to say, "can I have my hand back?"
The man let go immediately. Holding on to the woman seemed to be a natural motion for Dominque, who now felt ashamed of his liberties.
"What will you have?"
Kaede hesitated, "eh,ㅡ."
The woman was yet to regain her composure. She didn't expect to meet him, and after he left the Floor without saying a word, Kaede assumed he continued to avoid her.
"I'll have a Moscow Mule."
Dominque grinned with the relief of not hearing the usual Mojito, Bloody Mary, Martini, and other alcohols without originality, "I'll have a San Pellegrino," he added.
The man's choice surprised Kaede as she expected him to have a beer or another alcoholized beverage.
They turned to look at the big screens that displayed each table's matches, "I can't believe you're BoyScout."
"I'm more shocked than you. I didn't know you played."
Every day, Dominque discovered a feature about the woman he liked. From the beauty marks to the games, they matched perfectly. The bartender slid their drinks on the counter. Kaede turned to drink Dominque observed how she took little sips with the straw and recalled when they danced. One could call it chemistry, but there was a certain magnetism between them.
"How long have you been playing?"
Kaede laughed, "I feel like it's been since forever. I started as a teen, and you?"
"Same, I just love it."
Kaede nodded; she correctly understood where he was coming from when he expressed his love for gaming.
Dominque played with his bottle," you really know how to whoop on the battlefield."
Kaede swiped her hand on her forehead, which she imagined released more sebum than usual in the multiple computer stations' closed space.
"Want to play?"
Kaede nodded; they took their drinks and went to one of the tables. They were two but none the less efficient. Like kids, they fought against others, and they made it to the quarter-finals even though they were two. They talked with other players, and Dominque saw the woman laugh to her heart's contempt more than once.
Seeing Kaede like this procured the man a warm feeling of having done something right for once.
Around 11 pm, they left the event," thank you, Dominque."
The man frowned, "for what?"
"For inviting me tonight."
Kaede wanted to added she appreciated the fact he didn't hit on her the whole night, but she held back.
"How are you going home?" Dominque asked as they stood on the pavement.
"I came in my car. I didn't know how long the event will last."
"I see."
Kaede watched him take out his phone, "and how are you getting home?"
"I'm calling in my faithful Uber buddy."
"Where do you live?"
Dominque lifted his gaze, "Aubervilliers."
Sounds of passing cars played in the background before Kaede added, "do you want a ride?"
This time, she captured all the man's attention, who gave a single nod before following in the woman's lead.
Dominque waited for a manifestation or sign; perhaps this was it. Or maybe she was just polite, thought the man as they arrived in front of a black Honda civic.
"Is this your car?"
"Yes, why?"
"Yeah, you're a real one."
"A real what?" Kaede asked.
"A chick that no one should let loose in GTA Las Santos."
Kaede smiled and realized she was a little tipsy, though she was still in her right state of mind. She did not want to take a risk. She calculated if Dominque drove, she could sober up during the drive.
"Kaede, are you okay?"
"Eh, I think I might have gone overboard on the drinks, eh, Dominque, sorry, do you mind drivㅡ."
"I can drive."
Kaede hated giving over her car keys, but she didn't want to blow in an ethylotest and fail.
They switched sides and climbed inside; the car smelled brand new. The man wondered how many times Kaede took out her car.
Kaede clipped her seatbelt as the man maneuvered out of the space.
"Do you mind if I turn on the music?"
Kaede faced him, "make yourself comfortable."
Dominque pressed play, and Chris Brown's voice boomed from the chorus:
Oh, baby, everything you do is amazing
Ain't nobody watching, go crazy
I got what you need
Everybody thinks you shy, but I know you a freak
Lil' baby (oh), everything you do is amazing (yeah)
Ain't nobody watching, go crazy (yeah)
I got what you need (yeah)
Everybody thinks you shy, but I know you a...
Dominque took a glance at Kaede, who looked in front of her. They played online and offline; could this night be a decisive final?
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