Running on their love track Kaede and Dominque found themselves swamped on Saturday as Dyan came early to bring the last marinated dishes.
The barbecue would start at one, and they had no end time.
Kaede stressed she had never met any boyfriend's family, and here she was about to meet one-third of the vast Miguens family.
The woman was unable to register all the names of the members who would be present. She tried to bail out; their relationship wasn't old. Meeting Dominque's family seemed a huge step even if his mother and father weren't there.
Thanks to Dyan and uncle Luis, everyone knew about Kaede. Dominque's mother even called and repeated what she heard, "apparently, you're dating a pretty black woman. Luis says she has freckles like your grand-aunt Francine?"
"It's true, and she's beautiful. I love her freckles."
His mother, Carla, was pleased to hear his enthusiasm. She, too, was worried about her thirty-year-old son. They were leaving for Puerto Rico when Dominque announced he and Hye Ju were splitting up. A little after, his apartment was up for rent.
Dominque gave little news about where he was and what he did. Those who met him told Carla he changed and seemed to be without life. Carla asked the family members who would be present at the barbecue to report everything they saw Kaede do or say.
Her overprotectiveness didn't falter despite the distance. Carla didn't want a Hye Ju reboot. To the woman, the girl pretended to be helpful and courteous during gatherings. All Hye Ju wanted was to hurry home and post her YouTube videos.
"Dominque, which swimsuit wear?"
Kaede displayed the four bikinis she would have under the see-through Djellaba.
The man took a close look at each one; the choice was crucial as this was how his family would meet her.
"The orange one."
"Are you sure?"
He nodded
At 1 pm, everyone began to arrive just like they announced the weather baked and steamed anyone overdressed. In contrast, those in shorts and bathing suits felt light. Kaede didn't expect such easygoingness; many were already calling her out within a few minutes of meeting her.
"Kaede, come and sit with us. Let the men cook."
"Que linda, qual é seu nome?"
Kaede looked at Dyan, who translated, "what's your name."
"Kaede ㅡes."
One of their aunts from Sao Paulo was visiting Paris, followed every one of Kaede's gestures. Aunt Ana kept calling her over and telling her to do things for her in Portuguese. Dyan translated, and Kaede did as the old lady asked.
Water, ice, a fan, Kaede kept going back and forth for the elderly lady's pleasure.
The kids, too, pursued Kaede. Mischievous Juan tried to lift her Djellaba while little Dasha wanted to play with her hair. Clement, who learned to walk, just wanted to be carried about by women with hefty bosom, and Kaede's seemed to the little boy's liking as he stretched his arms every time he saw her pass.
Kaede wasn't indifferent; Clement was adorable with his fair hair beautiful blue eyes. His mother, Sophia, married a consultant at the Swedish embassy in Paris. The man's genes came out victorious, giving his son many traits except for the tanned skin signed by his mother.
The teens Solange, Marina, and Maeva were interested to know how it was to be Dominque's girlfriend. Maeva clearly stated she would have tried her luck if there weren't any blood ties. The other inquiries concerned getting cheat codes for Da Stuff sneaker raffles and being on the party guest lists. Kaede politely laughed off the questions and eclipsed herself away.
The woman discovered her patience and tolerance rate were higher than she expected. Then again, meeting people wasn't an issue in her work; the difference was the stakes. The thought that perhaps the Miguens were not passerby like customers in her life created a little tension as Kaede wished to leave them a good impression.
"Dominque, I think you nailed it this time," Roberto, his cousin, said as he turned the pinchos. "Kaede is friendly, she seems real, unlike you former inflatable babes, and she has her way with kids."
"They weren't dolls; they were different." Dominque looked to see where Kaede was; she carried Clement in her arms. The picture of the boy and Kaede was endearing.
"At least she's a real one. Your mom will like her if ever they meet."
Dyan arrived laughing her head off, "aunt Ana will kill me. Here, Dominque, can you drink this for me?"
Dominque took the glass his sister handed, he hesitated, but he didn't see how he could refuse. He drank in her stead, "why, what's the pun?"
"She congratulates you for choosing a woman with wide hips. She says Kaede is extremely fertile and told me to keep all the chicken legs for her so her legs will be strong enough to bear you many sons. I'm dead."
"Dyan, I'm not laughing."
"It's a shame because it's damn funny. At least Etienne can rest now Kaede's here."
The banters and superstitions were for all the new people who came to the reunions.
Hye Ju and Etienne went through the same ritual.
Dominque saw clear in Dyan's ploy. Everyone went by their way to test Kaede. The kids annoyed her on purpose, just like the rest who bellowed her name.
Dominque left the grill and went to find Kaede. She was in the kitchen, taking more beers and sangria.
The man frowned, "are you okay? They're not bothering you too much, are they?"
"Oh no, the kids are adorable, and well, your aunt is like an aunt very demanding. I'm used to it, I have seven of them, and each has an attribute of Snow White's dwarfs. They put my patience to trial like never. So trust me, I'm cool," Kaede smiled.
"Are you sure?"
She winked, without knowing she mirrored his habits.
Dominque looked about before kissing her. His family was very traditional; intimacy before marriage was still something odd. Public demonstrations when kids were around were a no-no.
Dominque found himself getting carried away as he backed Kaede up against the fridge.
"Wow, it's hot," Kaede fanned herself to create a distance while Dominque did the same with his t-shirt.
The heat aroused both their senses, or did it?
"Yo, Dominque, the food is ready," Roberto called out from the kitchen door, making the man bump into the counter as he took a huge step back from Kaede.
"We're coming."
Dominque stared into Kaede's eyes; he read the desire, "don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
The more time they spent together, the more the man understood Kaede's expression and mimics. She wasn't talkative, but her eyes were like an endless stream of words.
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