Chapter 8: Family Dinner
•First find your family. Second, love them hard.•
I heard rather than saw Mrs. Pots coming into the house, which made me pause my slicing of the tomatoes. Which was good considering now I'm getting an earful.
"How could you not tell me you were a wolf?!" Her arms crossing over her chest as she scowls at me.
"Mrs. Pots I-" I try only to be interrupted again.
"No! I gave you plenty of opportunities to say 'hey! I'm a wolf!' But no, you had to keep it to yourself." As she continues to ramble I set the knife down completely, bracing myself against the counter. I can't decide whether or not to laugh or roll my eyes. Now I wait, patiently tapping my fingers lightly until finally, finally, she takes a minute to catch her breath.
"Finished?" I ask tilting my head and raising my eyebrows. I can hear snickers coming from the other room due to stupid werewolf senses. I focus back on Mrs. Pots as she nods her face stuck in a frown. "Look, I had only just met you, I wasn't just gonna blurt to a human, who I assumed had no clue about my species, that 'Surprise! I'm a werewolf. You know? Those mythical creatures that aren't supposed to exist?'" I'm using sarcasm, due to me really not wanting to have to tell her that I ended up in a psychiatric ward for telling my old foster parents.
"Well, once you figured out about Nightcresent you should've known! All werewolves know these snobby bastards!" She whisper yells.
"Heard that!" Shouts Rick, who is quickly shushed by the eavesdropping group.
"Mrs. Pots, even if I had known about the Nightcresent family, you knowing that they're secretive and creepy wouldn't have given me enough incentive to tell you." I say trying to reason with her. She opens and closes her mouth before giving up and pouting.
"I still don't like that you didn't tell me. I'm supposed to take care of you, and it's kinda hard when you keep huge secrets from me." She throws her hands up in the air. Man she has more energy than any other old woman usually would have.
"It's one secret! A secret I keep from everyone!" I argue back, finally rolling my eyes.
"Oh don't you dare roll your eyes at me little missy!" She says wagging her finger at me. "And how did these hooligans find out before me?" She says lifting her eyebrow. I almost laugh, instead I cover my face with my hands letting out huffs of air.
"They can smell me," I say raising my head back up to look at her, throwing my hair back over my head. When she opens her mouth to argue some more I throw my hands up in the air. "Nope! I'm out! Someone else come deal with her!" I say half laughing.
"Mom," comes a sweat voice from the living room. In walks who I assume to be Makenna; her stomach slightly swollen. "Hi, you're Enania right?" She asks grabbing my hands, her smile bright and white teeth flashing.
"Uh, yeah. And your Makenna?" I ask not completely sure even if she said mom.
"Sure am. You can call me Mak though." Her brown eyes, darker then my golden brown, shine happily as she looks to her mother. "Sorry about her. She's not a big fan of secrets; you see I kept all of this hidden from her for two years." She winces looking over my shoulder again. "Yeah, ever since then she doesn't tolerate secrets." Her smile reappearing, she squeezes my hands. "I'll talk to her. But you can go meet my husband, and the Beta Male and Beta Female." Mak then steps around me, her now unoccupied hands go to cradle her belly.
I step into the hallway and around the corner into the living room looking at all the faces red from holding their laughter in. "Whatever you do, do not go in there." Chuckles tumble out of everyone's mouth except for Tommy who looks mortified.
"But what about food?" He exclaims making more laughter leave everyone's lips.
"Mak's got it." A man says, standing from the couch sending me a friendly smile. "Hey I'm Robert." His eyes are a vibrant blue, and brown hair flops over to one side. His small beard frames his face making him look older than he probably is.
"I'm Enania." I say shaking his out stretched hand. "You're Makenna's husband." I state before looking to another older couple sitting next to Rick and Janet. "And you two are Beta Male and Female." The Beta stands making me gawk. The guy is huge; like muscle and height wise. "Jesus," I mutter, tilting my head to look up. His bald head reflects under the light as he approaches me a silly smile on his face.
"Nope. Just James." He teases as his incredibly smaller wife comes to stand next to him. I look between the two before setting on the woman.
"Connor clearly takes after you." I say eyes still wide from how huge the Beta is. James pouts his eyes however retain his teasing look.
"I'd argue that he has my smile and charming good looks." Connor snorts at his father. I ignore both and hold my hand out for the delicate blonde in front of me.
"Penny." She says smiling softly at me. "And I know." Penny winks, clearly letting me know she rubs it in James's face everyday. "I got the more dominant genes." Her voice was strong and challenging.
James lets out a growl before scooping up his giggling wife, before sitting on the couch and slaps her ass. Connor gags throwing a pillow at the pair. I smile at this making my way to where Damian motions me over. His hands reach up as if asking to be held making me laugh. I slide my smaller hands into his; he tugs me down onto his lap as I let out a surprised squeak.
I feel the blush crawling up my cheek as he places a kiss behind my ear. "That was adorable." He whispers so that only I can hear. I can't fight the smile that crawls into my face, especially as I look out at the room laughing and throwing insults back and forth with the small gathering. Even Mrs. Pots sends me smiles when she walks back in, followed by Makenna who snuggles into Roberts lap.
Minutes pass by as we enjoy each others company until we hear the timer in the kitchen go off, making Rick stand up, practically throwing his wife in the chair. She huffs but laughs as he runs into the kitchen.
"The lasagna's done! Kids, set the table. It's time for dinner!" Time for the first real family dinner I can remember.
Damian's POV
Tonight, right here and right now, is perfect. Having her in my arms, hair tickling my nose, body pressed against my own, her angelic laugh teasing my begging ears; everything is just as I want it. Even when my dad calls us to go help set the table it's perfect.
I feel her calming down, relaxing. Her personality besides the mask she shows is shining through, and that's more than I could've asked for. Her golden brown eyes find mine as we set the plates down around the table; she sends me a shy smile before looking down and continuing. If possible I would melt right now.
My smirk grows as I see her scoff and begin to throw insults back and forth between Ryan and Tommy. She fit so well into this family, and I can see her being happy here. I really can.
"Nia!" I call her head spins, hair flying out with the quick motion before settling down. "Sit with me?" I ask widening my eyes in an attempt to beg. She bites her bottom lip fighting back a smile.
"Sure I guess I'll let you sit next to me." She says off handedly winking over her shoulder as she sits down. I throw my head back laughing with everyone else who heard her comment, before settling into the seat next to her. I place my hand around her hand under the table. She jumps slightly before relaxing again sending me a small smile.
"Nia, if I find your hair in this I'll shave it!" Tommy says setting the bowl of salad with carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and all of that fun jazz, on it.
"Oh whatever Tommy, we're more likely to find your pubic hair in it." Coral retorts before Nia can making the two girls laugh.
"God not even two minutes into dinner and Tommy's pubes have already been mentioned." Ryan mutters, grinning as he falls into a seat.
"Again?!" James says throwing his hands into the air sending a scowl to his son who was currently whispering into Coral's ear making her blush. Behind him follow the rest of the adults, including Rick who places the lasagna on the table.
"What?" Connor asks pulling away. "I didn't do anything this time!" He defends, fighting a smile.
"I swear to god if we get into the topic of the male genitalia again I will personally cut off all your wolfie penises!" Makenna threats sitting next to her husband, who rightfully scoots away making her smirk.
"Damn right!" Mrs. Pots says cackling as she sits on the other side of Mak.
"Creepy." Enania teases Mrs. Pots.
"I am not!" She insists laughing. "I'm a-"
"Lady." Everyone else finishes causing her to pout. We all laugh as finally everyone sits down around the large dining table.
To Enania's side is my mom with my dad at the head. Across from my mom is Coral, then Connor, his parents, Ryan, and Tommy. To my left sits Robert, then Mak and finally Mrs. Pots. I smile, looking around the room at my family, before looking to Nia.
Her gaze turns to my own, eyes filling with tears. She fights them off before leaning in and whispering one tiny sentence that means the world to her.
"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family again."
•I look at you and I'm home.•
Cloris Leachman as Mrs. Pots
Natalie Portman as Makenna Venda
Travis Fimmel as Robert Venda
Dwayne Johnson as James Pomner
Elsa Pataky as Penny Pomner
Hey! Thanks for reading everyone. And sorry for these filler chapters. I just kinda want this book to last. I also want to give an idea into everyone's personalities. Also, almost all the characters are introduced. Woot woot! Anyways, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed these boring chapters lol.
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