Chapter 2: First Night of Many
•When will you finally start living for yourself?•
Ten minutes pass as we finally reach the town of Greenwood. Mrs. Pots immediately dives into the history of the town and the history of its people.
"So that airport you landed in is owned by the Nightcresent's." She starts off, her eyes stay on the road, fingers lightly tapping along to the quiet music playing through the old speakers. "They're the big shots here. The quite literally own this town and even more forestry beyond." Her eyes roll, as they come to stop at what seemed to be the only stop light in the town; I mainly see stop signs. "Well anyway, those guys are very closed off and only talk to certain families of the town."
"What families?" I ask, curious as to why they would only talk to only a few groups.
"Well the Nightcresent's best friend's are the Pomners." Mrs. Pots accelerates as the light turns green. I see her wave to the passing red Toyota truck. "Then after the Pomners I'd say the Vendas." And from there on she lists off more family names, eventually I stop listening until she says something that catches my attention.
"Wait wait. They all live together?" I turn towards her, my eyebrow lifted up in question.
"Well the first three families do, but the other families all live in like a small neighborhood by Nightcresent Manor. They have like a smaller version of Greenwood behind those damn gates." She mutters, her chin jerking to the left.
Sure enough when I looked to the left I see two towering gates with the letter 'N' formed in vine like spirals in the middle; the two gates formed the 'N' when closed, when opened splitting it in half. As we continue driving I twist in my seat to look on wondering how far the road went until it reached the Manor.
"Girly, don't even bother with those families. They don't let anyone into their inner circle." She says sighing dramatically. "No matter how good their gene pool is, resist the temptation of mysterious bad boys." She chides softly giving me a sidelong glance. I grin widely at her silly advice.
"Oh yes, I only go for the shy good boys." I say seriously, eyes shinning with mischief. Mrs. Pots barks out a laugh at my blatant lie.
"All you youngin's go for the bad boys," she muses with a quirk of her lips. "My ol' Henry was a shy good boy." As she takes a turn into a dirt road she sends me a flashy grin. "But I corrupted him."
It was my turn to laugh at her mini story. We drive for a bit longer in silence, both of us wearing a content smile. Mrs. Pots however decided she needs to reiterate about the Nightcresent family.
"I'm serious though honey. Over my 56 years of living here, I've only seen two be allowed into their little club." She says eyes searching my face as we pull to a stop in front of a cozy looking cabin with a baby blue door.
"Who were they?" I ask before climbing out and heading towards the back where I grab my duffle out. Mrs. Pots hobbles out before stretching and shutting her own door.
"The most recent, being 6 years ago when that darn Robert Venda stole the heart of my 17 year old daughter." Though her words could be seen as angry, her tone was light hearted. I can tell she had a soft spot for this Robert. "And other than Makenna, there was Janet. She moves to town barely 19 and is swept off her feet by Rick Nightcresent." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "She had a kid a year later."
My eyes widen at her words, "Dang they move fast." I comment before making my way to the door, following the chuckling woman. As she goes on to say that 'marriage is the only way in' to the Nightcresents, I feel the hairs on the back of my neck come to alert. I swing my head around to look at the woods all around. My heart picking up speed as I think of the wolf at the airport.
"Earth to Enania." Mrs. Pots snaps her fingers catching my attention. I feel my neck warm up as a light blush crawls up to dust across my cheeks. I turn back around smiling sheepishly at her. "You spooked by the woods or somethin'?" She inquired as I quickly scurry in.
"No." I answer honestly. I don't have a fear of the woods, I have a fear of what could happen in the woods though. "Sorry just thought I heard something."
"Nothing to be apologizing for. Now, how do you feel about pancakes for dinner?" At her wiggling eyebrows I crack another smile at the woman.
"That sounds great." I reply kindly as I slip of my shoes and place them neatly by the door.
"Sheesh, you're already better mannered then my Makenna." She murmurs making me laugh. "Well your room is upstairs. I hope you don't mind but it's kind of like an attic, loft thingy. Used to be Makenna's but since she ditched me for a dumb idiot, it's yours to do with as you wish." With that said she makes her way into the kitchen.
The cabin itself is very open, large floor to ceiling windows in and around the kitchen. In front of the kitchen towards me and the front door is the living room. A fire place with a TV on top, two grey couches, a wooden coffee table in the middle on a rug all consists of the living room. Between the living room and kitchen is a hallway that leads to what I assume to be Mrs. Pots' room. I turn and walk straight ahead to a set of stairs that lead to a wooden door.
Opening the door is a small loft type space. At the end there is a window, the bed takes up the whole end of the space, with blankets and pillows in an unruly mess that looks enticing. On the left side of the door is a huge closet like dresser, and to my right is a floor to ceiling mirror with a folding changing wall in front of it and to the side. All around the room fairy lights shine, giving the space a cute aesthetic feel. I place my duffle by the closet dresser before opening up the two doors. I begin to hang up my shirts and dresses before moving on to the three bottom shelves. Top one I place my under garments, second one I put my pj's, and third I place my jeans, shorts, skirts, and leggings.
I stand up satisfied with my work and make a move to go lie down in the amazing looking bed only to be lured down by the smell of bacon and pancakes.
I skip down the stairs and spin on my heel heading to the kitchen. Mrs. Pots looks up smiling kindly, she wears a white frilly apron.
"Everything all okay up there?" She inquires flipping the bacon. My eyes zero in on the sizzling goodness before moving on to the pile of pancakes to her left.
"Uh, yeah yeah. Everything's great thanks." I say slightly distracted. She bellows out a laugh before placing the now perfectly crispy bacon on a plate covered in paper towels.
"Enania, go on and set the coffee table." She says before turning off the griddle.
"Coffee table?" I question, pointing to the one in the living room.
"Yep. I feel like some Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns will be a great way to end the night." Mrs. Pots says easily, wiping down the counters and placing the already used dishes into the sink. I make my way to the cabinets and begin digging through them grabbing two plates, two cups, two forks and knives, then lastly grab two napkins.
As I bring these over to set the coffee table she brings a over two plates; one stacked high with pancakes and the other piled with steaming bacon. She smiles at me before going back to grab syrup.
"Now do you want orange juice, milk, or water?" She asks sticking her head into her fridge. I chuckle lightly.
"I'll take some milk." At my reply she pops her head out of the fridge grinning.
"Good cause that was the only one I was gonna bring." She teases, making me laugh again. She waddles back over and plops down on the couch next to me. After serving ourselves she turns on the TV and finds her Buffy the Vampire Slayer recorded reruns.
That's how I spend my night, which honest to god wasn't a bad way to end it. After we both clean up she points me to the bathroom which was under the stairs, I brush and floss my teeth before heading upstairs.
I lay in bed, the fairy lights off but replaced with the natural light of the moon. Tonight was the first night of many where I'll finally live for me.
Damian's POV
I watch her get out of her car, smiling and laughing with Mrs. Pots as she complains about Robert Venda. This specific conversation has me laughing on the inside, while I lie in wait.
After running to tell my father that Enania wasn't exactly human, he tasked me with watching her and protecting Mrs. Pots. This was no big deal for me considering she was my mate; not that I told him that. I made Connor promise not to say anything until I figure it out myself.
I pace around the house hearing her laugh and bicker with Mrs. Pots while they watch TV. When they finally split ways to go to bed I slink to the side where her room faces. I watch as she crawls into bed after changing behind her walls. I'm not some pervert, I turned around when she was changing.
As she lay, slowly falling asleep I decided that I needed to figure out what she was soon because I desperately wanted to be around her, hold her, talk with her.
I let out a frustrated growl before spinning around and running back to my house. Once there I shift back into my human form. I grab the clothes I left behind, quickly changing, before walking up to the Manor I shared with my family, Connors family, and Robert and Makenna's soon to be family of three.
I walk in to see Connor laying passed out on the couch, an empty bowl of popcorn almost falling off the end. The TV plays quietly as I walk towards him to see what he was watching. I crack a smile seeing The Fault in Our Stars playing; the dude is a sucker for chick flicks.
I lean over him and flick him on the forehead until he wakes up with an annoyed grunt.
"Go away." He grumbles turning around, in the process knocking off the metal popcorn bowl. It falls with a moderately loud clatter causing him to jerk up eyes wide. "Wha-?"
"Freaking idiot." I say laughing before standing up again and making my way upstairs, ignoring him as he scrambled to follow me. His hair sticks up in random places, and his eyes droop tiredly, the green iris's barely able to be seen.
"Anything new on what's-her-face?" He asks, yawning at the end.
"Nope." The 'p' popping. "Now to go to sleep." I leave him at his room before going up to the top floor where the Alpha's family lives. I get ready for the night before finally crawling into the black covers of my king size bed. Yawning I roll over to look out the open window shining the moons light on me.
Tomorrow is Monday, tomorrow I'll see her, and tomorrow I'll make her mine.
•I'm finally smiling for me again.•
Ian Somerhalder as Damian
Damian's wolf^
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