Chapter 7: Darkened dawn (Crystal's and Pachirisu's POV)
Hello people! I was hesitant to update because YOU PEOPLE DO NOT GIVE FEEDBACK! I know one of you had good reasons, and one of you DID comment, but please, guys! Bad feedback gives me something to improve on! Anywho, I made this two people's POV in order to make the chapter longer! DEAL WITH IT! Good feedback gives me something to be proud of! All comments will be noticed and I will reply when I get the chance! And that is often! Ok, enough complaining. I think you guys want to see the reactions! >:3 I am so evil. Ok, here we go!
(Pachirisu's POV)
Nothing can be wrong right now, huh? I groaned, nearly forgetting to dodge an incoming shadow ball. "Pachirisu, stay calm!" Pikachu tried to help, but it had been worthless. I was not stopping. I saw Crystal's occasional glances his way all the time! I knew she felt... something... whatever something was... and that THING was not stopping us! "What is going on with him anyway?" Ash said. "Hello? It is obvious he is taken over by the angry spirit!" You catch on so fast... I glared at the thing. I was mad. No, I was furious. Nobody messes with my friends. "It may be because he doubted the angry spirit was real in the first place!" "I AM SO DONE!!!" I charged towards that thing and used scratch like crazy. "No! stop! you will get hurt!" Pikachu said, worried. AN: Should I make a shipping of Pikachu and Pachirisu? Tell me in the comments! "Die! Die! Die!" "What is it doing?" Ash asked. "Pachirisu, don't!" Iris said. I was knocked off like a tiny Joltic. "Okay, that was stupid. You don't know who you are messing with!" I started building up electricity. "If you do THAT, you will also hurt Cilan!" Iris said. "Yeah, even more stupid." "Alright angry spirit, listen to me! You must tell us why you are angry!" I was scared to hear the response. "You locked it away." Locked away? That was when it hit me. "Pikachu! I think something is up with one of the artifacts!" "WHICH ONE???" Axew screamed, STILL hiding in Iris' hair. The creepy possesed Cilan spoke again. "The mask is precious to me..." "Hmm... You lost me." Pikachu said "Heloooooo? It is clearly obvious that it is a real Yamask!" "And the haunting?" Axew said from Iris' hair. "Still a mystery." "Wooooow Pachirisu..." "I am not the smartest Pokemon in the world you know!"
"That Yamask mask is the real deal alright." "Who's there?" I screamed. "Pachirisu! You have to calm down!" "Hi dear! You couldn't have picked a better time to come home!" "Oh. That is Lenora!" I said, calmer. "You are smart, but you jump to conclusions way too fast..." Pikachu said. "Hi dear? That must be Lenora!" Wow Iris... I shuddered, thinking of how Cilan would react when the mask came off. He did look worried when Crystal was hurt on the floor. My thoughts returned to the current situation. "So Hans, where did you get that mask, anyway?" "When unloading the cargo, I found it on the floor.I only ordered a Cofegrigus replica, so I thought they sent it as a... thank you gift... but a replica as well." "You know better then that!" "Well I should have..." I began raging."My trainer's boyfrie-" "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????????" Pikachu screamed. "Whatever. But, they could be in trouble because you should have known better?!?!" "Grrrrrrrrrrr..." The... Yamask... said and then used psychic to resurrect the dead Dragonite. "Now stop that!" Lenora said. "That is more than enough punishment!" The Dragonite started walking again. "Woah woah woah, if that is psychic, then... AAAH! THE DEAD DRAGONITE IS WALKING!! RUN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs like a maniac and ran. "If that is the way you want it, then go Watchog!" Lenora said, throwing the pokeball. Watchog shined with a brilliant light, blinding the mask. Ash took out his Pokedex. 'Watchog, the lookout pokemon, and the evolved form of Patrat." "Yamask, show yourself." The mask finally Came off of Cilan's face and blinked. "What?" I sighed in relief and so did Pikachu. "Wait, where is Crystal?" Cilan asked. "HIDE ME PIKACHU!!!" I screamed and hid behind him. "Eh heh heh..." Pikachu attempted an 'I don't want to talk about it' in Pokemon language. "What happened to Crystal?" Cilan asked, a little worried. "He seems more worried than usual? what do you think? I am okay with what you say!" Pikachu asked. "Uhhhh.... if you say so..." I stammered. "But Crystal is... well, Cilan, you see..." Ash attempted to speak for Pikachu. "You too?" "Pachirisu? You decide." Iris said. "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!" I screamed and walked towards the unconscious Crystal."Huh? Crystal? Oh no..."
"Should I feel regret right now? Because I am." I asked Pikachu. "I feel your pain." Lenora reasoned with the Yamask, but I paid close to no attention, and neither did Cilan. He just looked really guilty. Hmm... I walked over. "HI!!!!!!!" I screamed, flashing an adorable smile. "Huh? Oh. Sorry. Hello." Cilan said. "Hmmmmm....." I tried to stand on one leg while lifting my tail and head in the air, but collapsed onto the floor instantly. "STUPID GRAVITY!!!!" Cilan laughed a bit, I could not tell if it was my attempt at an acrobatic trick or landing flat on my face. "Calm down!" Pikachu attempted to reason. "I will be right back." Cilan said, but then walked away quickly. "Yeesh. Crystal will not like this one bit." "Oh dear. I am very very sorry for this predicament." Yamask said. "Predicament? Were you raised in a mansion or something?" Pikachu asked skeptically. Before I could respond, I heard a slight moaning in the background, and I gasped. "What is it Pachirisu?" Iris asked. "Wait, what is that?" Ash asked. I darted towards Crystal, who was slowly opening her eyes, and moved her finger slightly.
*Crystal's POV*
"W-where am I? What happened?" I asked in confusion. "Well, other than the fact that the Yamask mask was haunting us, you went unconscious after bumping into the Dragonite, AND the fact that Cilan ran off barely saying a word, things are ok." someone who sounded alot like Iris said. My vision cleared and saw that Iris, Ash, Pikachu, and Pachirisu all were practically on top of me. "What? Why?" I asked. Pachirisu flashed a look of guilt while Pikachu just jumped on Ash's shoulder. "I think hee was really sad when you wound up unconscious." Ash pointed out. "Pika. Pikachu." Pikachu said while glaring at Pachirisu. "Chew pah chew PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" she screamed while hiding behind Yamask. "Yam. Yammask yam." it said in apology. "It is ok. I will go find him." I said without thinking. "Wait, how?" Ash asked. Before i could answer, I had turned the corner.
After I found the exit, I saw Cilan sitting at the table we were at when meeting Hans, eyes closed, sadness clearly showing. The guilt I felt was really deep. Like Shauna had attempted to put into words when my father died. Just unable to be explained. "Um, you okay?" Cilan opened his eyes a little. "Huh? Oh, your awake." he said. Even his voice sounds shaken... I shuddered the thought away. "Okay, what's wrong?" I said, pretty confident again. No response. I felt even more guilt suddenly. This was worse than I thought! Without thinking, I walked to the table and sat down. "You can tell me. Don't worry!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Nothing, I'm okay." was the only response. Ow. Just ow. I stopped and thought for a moment. Suddenly, I put my hands on his. "When I was younger, and my father disappeared, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, and Calem were the only people I can trust. I mean, everybody followed this mean girl Alana because she was oh so popular, heh." I began rambling. Cilan opened his eyes a little more and actually looked at me. Unfortunatley, fter that second, his eyes became glued to the floor. "It's all my fault..." "Wait, what?" "I put you and your Pokemon in danger. Pachirisu tried to cheer me up after seeing hw bad I felt. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. FREEZE!!!" I said, not able to stand the negativity. I got up from my seat. "Who is this coming from? This is not the Cilan I know. Besides, it was not your fault! It was that Yamask!" I said before finally calming down. "Besides, nobody knew what they were doing. So technically, nobody is to blame." My eyes closed for a split second remembering my wise words to Alana. It was a hug that opened my eyes and snapped me back to reality. "Thank you Crystal. You really do have a way of making people feel better." I froe like it was a freeze frame and thought about what to say. "Anytime." was all that came out of my mouth before accepting he hug completely.
Shippedy shippedy shipy shipy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! Wait what? Oh. Sorry. I was on a shipping train of eternal shipness :P :3 . Anywho, I will find a picture to put up soon, and we are on a roll! Now you see why I was gonna pull a spoiler? Sorry it took so long with such a short chapter. My dad was on a business trip for a week and had to take the laptop with him -_- . So yeah. Please comment, blah, blah, blah, you know the drill. Bye!
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