Chapter 4: the journey begins
okay, so as you could tell his is from Crystal's POV. you mean you didn't know? ok fine... (Crystal's POV) happy now? fiiiiiiine to the story!
i finally woke up with two beady eyes staring down at me. "pachirisu? pachirisu you'r okay!" i said, embracing her in a hug. "chewpah!" she replied. "cheeeeeeeewpaaaaaaaah!" suddenly, purrloin and bagon came and scampered in the hug. "pikaa!" i turned over to see a small pikachu standing over by me. "oh? hi!" i replied. "wow! you are finally up!" i saw the pikachu's trainer was coming over as the pikachu ran over to his shoulder. "oh? what happened?" i asked. "once you were out, your pokemon went to find help! i am ash, and this is my partner pikachu!" "ash? let me see..." i said. where had i heard that name before? "oh! you were having that gym battle at the straiton gym! your strategy was impressive!" at that minute,two others came over. one was a girl with an axew, the other was a taller one, ash's opponent in battle? it was hard to tell. "i'm iris, and this is axew!" the girl stated. "ax! axew!" "and i'm cilan, a pokemon connoisseur." i found this cool, but i really had no idea what any of this meant. pachirisu started snickering. "what?" i asked to break the tension. she burst out laughing.
"anyway, i should probably get going." i said, but instantly regretted my words. things felt right here, why should i give that up? good going, dummy! i thought to myself. i remembered how sad i was back when i was younger instantly. "hold on..." ash said. "why don't you come with us? i heard you cheering for me during my gym battles, and i think all of us could use the inspiration!" "what?" i quicky said "man, its alot of pressure..." i wanted to go with them, but i wondered if maybe i should travel alone. i might need help against team rocket... "well, you coming?" ash asked once more. "yes. i would love to join you." i confirmed. i knew that an amazing journey would be ahead!
as we walked, i was mentioning why i came and basically about me. "so crystal, who do you live with at home?" iris asked out of the blue. "my mom." i bluntly replied. are we really getting to this already? my life felt like a mystery all of the sudden. "so, you just live with your mom?" ash clarified. "yeah, i used to live with my dad too but he-" i stopped short. "crystal? are you ok?" cilan asked" "oh... yeah... i just..." i looked at pachirisu, who gave me a reassuring nod. "my father disappeared 5 years ago. it was really painful for me because back then, he helped me feel a little more complete.... you know?" "you'r kidding!" ash said. i just nodded...
cliffhanger! didn't see that coming, did ya? sorry about the early publishing, i hit it and was like (ghasp) nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (a thousand more u) so yeah. i am NOT doing ANY spoilers whatsoever! plz comment i like to chat! i finally found time to write after soooo long and i decided to make Crystal have a dark past to make life interesting :3 . so yeah. until chapter 5! byyyyyyeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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