Chapter 10: A Musical Beginning!
Hi guys! So sorry again for the late update. But my writer's block is done and over with, and there should be no problems with this chapter. Also, so happy with the feedback lately! Yay!!! (I seriously thought I was talking to myself for a moment there) thank you guys so much, PikaRisu will happen now! Competition for the Crystal X Cilan ship name is still going on, winner will receive a one shot of their favorite ship EVEN IF I DON'T SHIP IT MYSELF!!! Okay, to the story!
"And a one, and a two!" We are in Castelia City now, and Ash's gym battle is done and over with, so I have been training for my first ever Pokemon Super Show! Pachirisu and the others have been training super hard as well! "It seems to be getting better and better!" Iris encouraged. "Definitely ready for the PSS!" "You really think so?" I asked. "Well, those two are making it obvious!" I turned around to see Purrloin and Bagon working on a handshake like thing. A little strange, but very cool. Ash was training for his next gym battle (I swear that is all he thinks about sometimes), and Cilan was working on lunch. Since Iris did not have much to do, she decided to watch me train. "By the way, what outfit are you going to wear? That was the question that hit me like a bullet. What WAS I going to wear? Pachirisu gave me a questioning look while Purrloin gave me a scolding one. All of the Pokemon started chattering at once. "Guys! It's okay! We'll just throw something together! Come on!" And with that, we went to prepare.
(Iris' POV)
What. Just. Happened? "Well, that was interesting." I said, simply letting the thought out. "Ax ax, axew." Axew agreed with me. I petted his head a little bit. When we hang out together, it really helps us bond and calm down! "Axew ax?" Axew asked me, pointing over at Ash. "We'll let him know later, we don't want anybody to worry!" "Axew" He responded, giving me a happy smile. Crystal will be awesome! I know she will throw together a good outfit!
(Crystal's POV)
"No, no no! Oh, why do I have to be so forgetful?" I had been searching through outfits and concept ideas for a while now, but I could not find anything. My Pokemon had decided to pitch in and help, but it seemed like Pachirisu was more content on finding an outfit for HERSELF than actually helping me out. However, Purrloin and Bagon were both extremely helpful. "Purr?" Purrloin questioned really quick before looking at a specific area. "What is it, Purrloin?" Then i saw IT: a sparkling red dress with small flame designs on it. "It's awesome!" I went to grab the dress, but another hand touched it the same time I did. I looked to see a girl about my age. She had her hair in a black ponytail and focused brown eyes. Her outfit was full of fiery colors.
"What do you think you are doing? This is my dress!" She shrieked the minute she saw me. "What do you mean by YOUR dress? It was still on the shelf!" I replied skeptically. "I am performing music of flaming passion and that's the dress I am going to do it in! If you have a problem with it, then your just going to have to deal." "Fine. Wear it." I said shrugging. All of my Pokemon, who were instantly playing defense, looked at me in surprise. Even the black haired girl seemed shocked to hear this, and gave me a confused expression. "I can always find something else to wear. If it matches your performing style, don't let me stop you from using it!" After giving me a look to say she can't be serious, she grabbed the dress off the rack and began to walk away. "And just so you know, my name's Crystal!" "Azari." She simply said, without stopping or looking back at me. "And now, back to looking..." I said to myself, going through outfits on the rack.
I was just about to give up, when I heard Pachirisu call out to me from a small while away. She was running as fast as her tiny feet could carry her and holding a purple blob in her arms. "Hey, Pachirisu! What do you have there?" The little fuzzball tripped instantly, and one of the things she was holding spun straight to Purrloin. "PURR! Loin? Purrloin..." Purrloin said, picking up the item and examining it. It was a small bow with a cosmic pattern on the ribbon, with a navy blue gem in the center. Pachirisu grabbed the bow, lined it up with Purrloin's tail, and stuck it on. Purrloin gave Pachirisu a ace of pure confusion, and she showed that she had a bow just like it on her ear. "Pachirisu, those are beautiful!" I explained. "Chewpah pah pah poi!" Pachirisu explained, while putting a hat on Bagon. "May I ask, do you know where I can find a dress that will match with all of this?" Pachirisu instantly grinned and started chittering excitedly. "What are you trying to say?" AN: This next part took forever to type out because I was so busy fangirling XD ^-^ "I think I have the answer to that one." a familiar voice responded. I looked up to see- "What? Cilan?" Bagon was standing there in pure shock, Purrloin was slightly less in shock and a little more annoyed, and Pachirisu was obviously about to explode from the hype. "How? Why? Pachirisu?" I said, extremely confused."CHEWPAH!!!" She screamed, then came to jump up and hug me. "Pachirisu saw the dress, but when she was going to get you over you were arguing with that other girl, so she got me to help!" Cilan explained. "You did that for me?" "Chu poi!" I smiled down at my adorable partner." "You are so sweet!" I said, and hugged her. Cilan just smiled at the scene, waiting for when I could receive the special gift.
"Welcome everybody to the Pokemon Super Show! I am Harmony and I will be your host today!" I took a deep breath, ready to start my performance. The dress I was wearing had a small dark purple cut around it, but underneath was an elegant cosmic design. I had navy blue boots to top it off. I was ready to start performing. "We are going to win this! Right, guys?" "Chewpah!" "Purr Loin!" "Bagon!" "All right!" I said, and ten looked up to listen to Harmony's instructions. "Everybody in the audience, please look for the checking machines under your seats. If you enjoy the performance a contestant makes, you give the box a little tap. This will count as a vote for the contestant. After all the performances are over, the contestant with the most votes wins! A contestant must win five shows in an apprentice rank and obtain the melody charm for each. Once the 5 melody charms have been received, contestants will perform in the experienced rank. Once they do, they will have the opportunity to challenge the Pop Princess Melody, and become the next Pop Princess!" I ran the new info through my head. Obtain 5 melody charms. Move up to Experienced Rank. Challenge Melody. Become Pop Princess. I nodded confidently. I wasn't going to loose!
"Okay! First up, a trainer whose fiery Pokemon reflect her blazing spirit! This contestant has earned two melody charms so far. Forging a trail of burning passion, it's Azari!" The audience went wild as she came onstage. There were a male and female Pyroar accompanying her. The part I found strange was that she added something to the dress. There was now a large metallic ring around the bottom of the skirt, that had some black rocks embedded into it. "What are those rocks for? And how will they help her performance?" I said quietly. Purrloin's eyes scanned the stage, looking for an answer. "No matter now, we should get ready." I said, and headed backstage.
*Azari's POV*
It's time. My performance begins now. I can't lose! Our song started, and just like we practiced, the Pyroar were the first to move. "If you'r looking for devotion, don't you ever think of me. I know who I am and I got, my own personality!" I have to do this for you, Harmonica.
"Litleo! Lit!" I smiled as my Litleo bounded onto my side. I only had one back then, a female. "Okay, you did really well!" I said, giving her a tomato berry. "Harmoni will be pleased to know you got stronger!" We were in a small town in Hoenn, where Harmonica performed on her tambourine, Houndour dancing around her. But that was before that was a distant memory. "Hey! Azari! You made it!" Harmonica ran over to me, wearing her pretty but casual outfit, her long black hair bouncing behind her. "Hi Harmonica! I see you'r doing well." "Houndour!" Her little black dog responded. "Litleo!" Lion cub and guard dog: the two are a perfect pair! "How was your performance?" "The few people watching enjoyed it." "That's too bad." "Maybe tomorrow will be better." "Maybe you'r right." We had casual conversations until we got home, and as soon as we fell asleep, it all disappeared.
I woke up to the smell of... ashes? It took me awhile to comprehend what was going on. People were running, houses were burning, strange men in masks were carrying buckets full of Pokeballs. Is this an attempt at stealing Pokemon? I couldn't help but wonder. No time to worry, I have to get Litleo and get out of here. "Come on, Litleo." but I stopped short. Where IS Litleo? "Litleo! Where are you?" I called. I stepped outside to see hordes of Charizard burning everything. After a while of searching for everybody, I was able to find Litleo, extremely scared, huddled by Harmonica and Houndour. "Litleo! Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried." I said as I snuggled my best friend. "You guys can have your sentimental moment when we get out of here!" Harmonica cried. We ran to a quieter end of town, when we encountered a mob of Electrode. Right before I could ask what was going on, all of them decided to explode at once! It took me forever to recover. When I did, I was holding onto Litleo, and Harmonica and her Pokemon were nowhere to be found.
I won't forgive them for what they did to her! "Alright, now!" Both Pyroar used ember at the exact same time, setting the bottom of my skirt on fire. I was able to strap a metallic strap to the bottom, but the reason i could take it this far was that I embedded the strap with coal. This causes the strap to light on fire! The audience went wild. But that did not surprise me. It's only natural they would react like that. I finished off the performance with everything I had. Since Harmonica treasured it, this was the only way I was positive I could reach her. She is why I try. Only my other Pokemon matter as much. I am not going to quit until I have either found her or the thieves. That is what I try for.
*Iris' POV*
"Wow, she's amazing!" Azari just finished performing, and she was incredible! "I know!" Ash responded. "I just wish I knew what Pokemon those were." Azari and her Pokemon bowed, and went backstage, with Harmony coming out. "And just like that, the Flame Empress dazzles the stage once again! And now, making her debut at the PSS, a girl whose eyes are always aimed towards the ocean's purity!" That sounds exactly like Crystal!" "Do you think she's coming up?" Ash asked. "We shall see!" Cilan responded. "This talented girl has done plenty of performances with her friends in her hometown. Sure to pull a cosmic performance tonight, here's Crystal!" The audience cheered as Crystal and her Pokemon came onstage. A vaguely familiar song came on as Crystal started singing. "I don't want to be left behind. Distance was a friend of mine. Catching breath in a web of lies. I've spent. Most of my life..." Oh! She's singing Catch My Breath! I have not heart that song in ages! Ash also seemed to have a smile on his face. Even though we argue a lot, and he is a little kid, he is a great person. I will not deny that. Crystal sang really well, Pachirisu made incredible lightning, Purrloin's shadow balls helped make beautiful fireworks, and Bagon's dragon pulse added cool backdrops and streams of light! When the song ended, I bet we were only 3 in a large crowd who voted for her. I also could not help but notice a smile on Cilan's face that I see very rarely. Maybe for him, it is a sort of battle as well as for Crystal. Or maybe he ha a sort of crush on her! No way. That's impossible, right? Harmonic returned to the stage as Crystal left. "Wow! What a performance! Bringing nostalgic vibes and a large variety of themes all in one performance! I'm impressed! Let's get on to our next competitor!"
*Crystal's POV*
After a lot of competitors, we all went to find out who won. "So we are back with all of our competitors!" Harmony explained. "These are why those votes of yours come in handy. We are now at the scoring stage of our show tonight! Your votes during the show determines our winner!" There were bars in the shape of a microphone up above all of us. "Now, let's see who our lucky winner will be!" I closed my eyes and thought about the journey I had gone on. It all comes up to this. I have decided. This is what I want to do! When performing, I could feel the joy I was giving everybody, as well as the joy I received from performing myself. Melody has done extremely amazing performances, and I am going to be like her! "The winner is Crystal!" I opened my eyes in a flash. I won? Azari looked dumbfounded but also happy, and I could tell Ash and the others were also happy. The only reason Azari was so angry was that I only got a few more votes than her! Harmony handed me a small case, which had a pin with a bunch of stars on it. "Congratulations Crystal. You deserve it."
We had finished the competition, and Ash was training as usual, so I was catching up with my friends back home! "You were amazing, Crystal! Azari looked hard to beat, and when she set her skirt on fire, I could have sworn you were done for, but you did it!" Shauna rambled, causing me to laugh a little bit. "Thanks, Shauna. And also, thanks for telling me about this. I never would have dreamed of something like this until you told me about it. You guys helped me get this far."m"Oh, stop! Any more and it might get to me a bit too much!" Tierno said. "Isn't that the point?" Trevor asked. "Maybe." Tierno responded. "So, where is the next competition?" "Dunno. They haven't announced it yet." "Oh that's too bad. If Calem were here, he would say It was amazing!" Shauna rambled again. "I can't help but notice that you have been talking a lot about Calem lately." Trevor pointed out. Shauna's face flared up as soon as he said that. "Oh. Really...?" Aw. "Someone has a crush!" I mused. Shauna blushed more. "What? Do not! I could say the same to you, you know!" "You need to work on your excuses." I said, laughing. Yep, I have some weird friends, both in Kalos and Unova. But without them, I would not be where I am today. And my Pokemon are also extremely helpful. Thanks to them, I am always looking forward, to the future!
Finally! Whew, that took a while. More talk about Azari and Harmonica will come up later in the book. Be patient! I don't know if you would call this a filler chapter or not, but if you do, sorry 'bout that! I will make the next chapter have some tie-in to the plot later on, but then again it may be hard. So in other news, Pokemon GO came out! (and I hate it!) Hope you guys can catch lots of Pokemon and take control of gyms! There is not much else to say so see you guys later! ^-^
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