Night Market
Night Market
"Leave me alone!" Said the little Prince as he try his best to fastly walk away from his two annoying guards.
"I'm sorry but we can't Prince J-" The first guard got interrupted by the Prince stopped walking and turn around to face them, he then stomps his foot on the floor then proceeds to shout at their faces.
"I want to have some time by myself! why can't you just leave me alone!! I don't need protection!!" He said with his fists balled together.
"The King o-order us to always stay by your s-side my Prince." his other guard said.
"B-besides it's time for you to go to b-"
"No!" He insisted.
The little Prince quickly bolt out from the palace gate, despite his young age and small legs the guards couldn't keep up with him.
The Prince still hears the sound of his guards calling out for him, so he turns and heads towards a big crowd so they can't see him.
He keeps running and running until he thinks that he's far enough from his guards.
he scoffs "Why can't they understand that I wanna be alone, I want to find some inspiration and I don't like it when someone is watching me while I draw," he said while clutching the small notebook that he used to pour his creativity.
The Prince then widened his eyes, this is his first time out from the palace, there are no guards to protect him, he doesn't know how to go back to his home, he doesn't even know where he is right now.
He looks around the unfamiliar place and feels himself getting scared and regretting not listening to his guards.
'w-what if I got kidnapped, what if I would be here forever, what if mom and dad never find me, where am I?!'
"Why are you crying?"
A soft angelic voice snaps him out of his thoughts, he looks up and sees an (e/c) eyes staring back at him with worry.
He starts to examine her features, she has (long/medium/short) (h/c) and (e/c) eyes she's wearing a simple, short white dress, white slip-on shoes, and a red cloak.
"E-excuse me..." her warm hands touch his cheeks and wipe his tears off, when she's done she offered him her hand then proceeds to introduce herself.
"I'm Y/n, I'm ten years old, what's your name?"
His mouth drops.
'She's ten? then why is she taller than me? we're literally at the same age'
He quickly closes his mouth and grabs her hand before shaking it.
"I-m pr- I'm Jungkook."
'Damn it why did I stutter'
She smiled.
'God, that smile.'
"Why are you here all alone Jungkook?" She asked.
"I-I could ask the s-same thing about you." Jungkook stutters as he is busy ogling her.
"I was heading to the market, would you like to join me?"
"Y-yeah." He said while ignoring his parents' words about stranger danger.
She nods and grabs his hand and they start to walk to the market.
Jungkook is a blushing mess, he looks down and sees her fingers intertwined with his which causes him to blush even more, but then he remembered what if the people in the market recognize him as the prince? what if his guards found him there?
He was thinking about telling the girl to go somewhere else but then he suddenly feel something draped over him, it was her red cloak, he look up at the girl with confused eyes.
"You're shivering." was the only response he got.
"We're finally here! I'm hungry!" she pulls him to one of the booths.
"Do you like corn dogs?" Jungkook nods "Two corn dogs please!" She then gives her money to the corn dogs maker and gives Jungkook one of the corn dogs.
"Where did you get your money?" Jungkook asked
"An old lady give me her money because I help her carry her groceries".
"Thank you," Jungkook said and takes a bite of the corn dog.
"You're welcome, anyway let's play that game!" Y/n said and point at the booth not far from them.
"Uhh, how am I supposed to play the game?"Jungkook asked as he eyed the plastic gun.
"All you have to do is grab the gun-it's a toy gun don't worry, and then you have to shoot the three cans on that table and if you shoot the three cans without a single miss you win and you choose your prize!" Y/n excitedly explained.
Jungkook grabs the gun and holds it up before aiming it at the first can, he pulls the trigger and the bullet perfectly hits the can.
Jungkook grins while Y/n squeals and claps her hands, her reaction gives Jungkook confidence and he continues to shoot the second and third can.
"Yay!" they both cheered "Now go pick your prize!" Y/n said
Jungkook nods and goes to pick his prize, after looking at the prizes Jungkook decides to pick a rose gold headband.
'This would look so good on her.' Jungkook thought about giving it to her, but he's too shy to do it.
Luckily Y/n didn't question him when she saw him picking the headband, they spend the rest of the evening with joy and happiness, Jungkook was never been this happy before, sure he's a Prince with parents who happily spoil him anything, but the things that his parents had given him never made him this happy before.
He learns and feels the feeling of euphoria that he never felt before, whoever this girl is, he wants to be with her all the time and never let her go.
"Come on Y/n! you can do it!! shoot it at the center!"
Y/n is concentrating with a bow and arrow in her hands, while Jungkook is cheering for her.
She finally let go of the arrow and it hit straight to the center.
"YAY!" Jungkook began Jumping up and down while Y/n is busy looking at the prizes.
Y/n then spotted a cute pink bunny plushie, it reminds her of Jungkook's bunny smile so she decide to take that one as her prize.
"Jk, let's go, the sun is about to rise."
They didn't even realize they had spent the entire night with each other and Jungkook's mood instantly went down when she said that.
Jungkook pouts. he doesn't want to go home yet he wants to spend more time with her.
"Come on don't give me that look, where do you live?"
"At the castle," Jungkook said still pouting.
They're now in front of the palace gate, Jungkook didn't want to get inside he wanted to stay with her, he just has these warm feelings when she's around he feels safe, he feels happy, he feels alive when he's around her as if you are his oxygen.
He even asked himself how did he get so attached to someone in a short time after just getting to know them.
"Go inside, your parents must be worried." on the walk to the castle Jungkook had explained to Y/n why is he living inside the palace, he said that he's the son of a royal guard and a maid and Y/n believed that lie.
He sighs "Do you have to go?"
"I have to, or else my mum would scold me and would probably send a flying shoe to my face." however Jungkook is still sad that she has to leave and she notices it.
"Here, you can have it" Y/n placed the plushie in Jungkook's hands.
"But you're the one who won the game?"
"It's okay, I give it to you so you can remember me."
"Then you have this-" Jungkook stands on his tiptoes since she's a few inches taller than him and puts the headband he got from the game earlier on Y/n's head.
"-So you can remember me" Jungkook takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around the girl.
"Thank you for tonight," Jungkook said.
"You're welcome," Y/n said and hugs him back.
"Will we meet again?" Jungkook asked after they broke the hug, he hopes she'll say yes but instead she only shrugs.
"I don't know if you'll be able to find me Kookie, bye-bye." She sent a wink at him and turns around and walk away from him, he stared at her figure until she's out of his sight.
He was about to turn around and enter the Palace but before he could, he hears her voice telling him to stop.
'She's not going to leave! yay!' Jungkook giggles and turn around and face the panting Y/n.
"M-my cloak, my mum would never let me out again if I lose another stuff."Jungkook takes off the cloak and hands it to her.
"It's a challenge."
"What?" Y/n tilts her head to the side with confusion visible on her face.
"I will find you, but if do, what's my prize?"
"hmm...I will grant you 3 wishes!"
Jungkook laughs "You sound like Genie."
"Well you better find me Aladdin" she then turns around and walks away from him and this time she didn't come back.
Jungkook stood there for ten minutes hoping that she forgets something and come running back to him but she's not and eventually, he gives up and gets inside the palace and went straight to his room.
He grabbed some pencils, paints, brushes, and a canvas, he began to draw the fascinating girl with her red cloak.
Once he was done he was shocked and amused by his work, he never once felt this proud about something he draws, he always felt something is missing but he finally found the missing piece.
"I'll find you, my Muse"
3/7:Prince Jeon Jungkook of Seoul
Y/n:10 y.o
Jungkook:10 y.o
The headband and the plushie::
Thank you Thank you sooooo much for reading this story, I hope it was good
sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes English is not my first language,byeeeee love you all so much💜
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