Chapter 7
Chapter 7
"Which me do you want?"
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you our new King of Seoul King Jeon Jungkook!!"
The people cheer and clap for their new King, Jungkook smile widely and wave to his people yet his eyes are on this one girl.
She smiles for him, she clapped for him, each move she makes is only for him, she's his.
Only his.
He was about to walk to her, but his father stops him and says he has to enter his carriage to go around his Kingdom to greet and wave at his people, he thought it was useless but he obeys him.
While the new King is out greeting his people, the Royals and the nobles are having a party in the castle celebrating their new King.
Y/n's pov
"You're embarrassing me" I said as I watch Felix putting the desserts in his tupperware.
"Oh shut up we know you're going to eat this too when we get home" I raise my eyebrows and shrugs before putting some desserts in Felix's tupperware.
"Y/n" I turn around to meet with Namjoon, both of his hands are on his back and he gives me a sad smile.
"Hi, Joonie!"
"Can I talk to you alone for a moment?" I nod and he takes my hand to lead me outside the ballroom.
"You look sad, why?"
"I-i'm here to tell you that I have to go back to my Kindom..." He looks down to his feet.
"What? why so early? I thought you're leaving when the party's over"
"That was my original plan but some work came up and I have to go now"
I step closer and hug him, but I felt his body froze so I thought he's uncomfortable before I can let go of the hug he tightly hugs me back.
He rubs my back and rests his face on my shoulder, I shivered when his cold lip touches my bare shoulder (she's wearing an off-shoulder dress btw).
We stayed in that position for a few minutes until I decide to break the hug, he then poke my forehead.
"Don't you dare to forget me doll face"
"Will not muddy" I said and salute him.
"Is it because I fell on a mud?"
"What else?"
"Y-" he was about to say something but was interrupted by a man who I think is his assistant.
"Your Majesty your carriage is ready, we need to leave immediately" Namjoon sigh and looks back at you.
"Do you want me to-"
"Nope" he grabs my shoulders and turns me to face the ballroom door "You can go back inside"
"Okay, goodby-"
"Don't say that we're going to meet again, You can't get rid of me that easy Eve" He winks at me and was about to walk away but I grab his wrist and kiss his cheek.
"See you~"
A/n's pov
Namjoon just watches as you enter the ballroom and shut the door on his face, he stood there like a mannequin but then he heard his assistant cleared his throat and offer him his handkerchief.
"Your nose...Your Majesty, they're bleeding"
Namjoon took his handkerchief and wipe the blood off his nose as he walk towards the exit, he could feel his face and neck is getting hot, his mind only filled with you.
'What a dangerous game you play Eve'
Y/n's pov
The party was fun, people were dancing, drinking, eating, me and my friends are dancing together while Felix is busy stuffing his mouth with foods that's until we drag him to dance with us.
The heads in the room turn to look to the entrance of the room and there he stood, the new King of Seoul.
He steps into the room and began to walk to his throne, the people move to clear his way and bowed/curtsy, showing a sign of respect to the King, the King sits on his throne and raises his hand.
"Continue" after he says that, some people come to him to congratulate him, some went back to dancing, and the rest just went back to their businesses.
"I see you and the King are matching, you look gorgeous by the way" I look to the side to see my friend, her name is Aria.
"Thank you, the King pick it himself" she then widen her eyes.
"The King gave you a dress??"
"Yea, why do you look so shocked? Didn't you and the girls got a dress too?"
"What? no! our dress were sent to us this morning by our maids from home"
"But I thought..."
Aria sigh and shakes her head "Let's just continue dancing"
All of us continue to party until midnight sadly Jin and Yoongi have to go, both said goodbye to me and promise to go back. when the clock strikes twelve it was time for us to go home, some of us are out in front of the gate of the castle while the others decide to stay a bit more, I bid goodbye to my friends and was about to enter my carriage but a voice stopped me.
"Y/N!" I look back and see Jungkook running down the stairs and stood in front of me with his usual bunny smile, I smiled and do a curtsy.
"Yes? Your Majesty?"
He playfully rolled his eyes "Ugh, don't do that"
I giggled "Congratulation Jungkook, sorry I didn't say it sooner those people keep you busy"
"You should've come to me, I would've had ditch those people to be with you"
"Maybe next time, I have to go home now"
"How about tomorrow? Ten am?"
"Lovely, see you Kookie~" I step into my carriage and sit beside Felix, who's eating a chocolate muffin, the carriage starts to move and I wave at Jungkook from the window.
When were finally away from the castle I took Felix's chocolate muffin and eat it, then I put my head on his lap and lay my body on the seat.
"I hope you choke on that," He said as he glared at me.
"What did the King said to you earlier?"
"He told me to go to his castle tomorrow at ten, he wants to hang out" Felix nodded.
"Piggy, piggy! Wake up" I slowly open my eyes and sit up.
"Someone is following us" Felix said and peek his head out of the window, gold dust appeared on his hand and he blows it not long after, we heard a loud thud behind us.
The carriage stopped, me and Felix get out of our carriage we look back and see an unconscious man and horse, Felix took a step closer and start to inspect the man.
"He brought nothing with him, he's also wearing regular clothes like everyone else, should we bring him with us to investigate more?"
"Nah, lets just leave him there"
"K, let's go back inside"
A/n's pov
"You had one job"
"P-please Your Majesty i-i don't know what happ-"
Jungkook sliced the man's head before he could finish.
Y/n's pov
Jungkook hugs me as soon as he saw me step out of my carriage, I hug him back and let go of the hug, he smiles widely and took my hand to intertwined it with his.
"Follow me!" I nodded and began to walk with him,
"Where are you taking me?"
"I'm taking you to my favorite garden in this castle, do you remember what you said when we were kids? I said if I find you, you will...?"
"I will grant you three wishes?"
"Bingo! So for my first wish, I want you to be my muse!"
"Muse? But what am I supposed to do?"
"Simple, you just need to pose for a couple of minutes while I paint you" I nodded and look back to check on Felix, but I saw him getting dragged away by two guards beside him.
I was about to turn around and stop those guards but Jungkook place his hand on my back.
"I prefer for us to be alone, so we could focus"
"Where are they taking him?"
"They're just going to show him where the living room is, he can wait there"
I hesitantly nodded and we entered the garden, aside from the flowers there's a big fancy blue chair, a canvas along with the wooden easel, and painting supplies.
"Now you go sit on this chair" he gently pushes my shoulders down to make me sit on the chair, Jungkook then takes a seat on a stool behind the canvas.
"You're just going to do a simple pose, rest your left hand on the armchair, and put your right hand on your upper chest" I do as he says.
(here is what the pose look like if you're confused)
"And now..look at my eyes"
A/n's pov
Her eyes met his and he began to grow nervous, he regrets wearing a turtleneck now, he breaks the eye contact and he began to paint her.
The atmosphere was calm as he paint her, only the sound of wind swooshed and a few birds chirping can only be heard Y/n notice that the King keeps avoiding eye contact with her, she can see a light blush painted his cheeks, sweat trickling down from his forehead even though the weather is normal, she smirks.
"Do I make you nervous, Your Majesty?"
His eyes stare at hers for a second before he looks back to the canvas in front of him, he then cleared his throat.
"No" Y/n smirks wider, she did make him nervous.
The comfortable silence is back again, Jungkook is concentrating on painting Y/n making sure he didn't miss a single detail of her beautiful features while Y/n is in her own world: daydreaming, but the silence didn't last long.
Both of them look where the source of the voice comes from, they saw Park Jimin smiling like a little kid in his hands he's holding a plain white canvas, a wooden easel, and painting supplies.
Jimin set his wooden easel and his canvas beside Jungkook's he then sit on a stool and began to prepare his painting supplies "I thought you're already back to your Kindom King Jimin, what are you still doing here? I thought you were busy"
"I already finished all my work before coming to Seoul, so I thought why not take a little break here"
"There are a lot of beautiful places in Seoul, you can go to one of them and leave us alone"
Jimin shook his head "Not interested I'm interested to paint this beautiful Lady, hi
Y/n~" he sends her a little wave, she smiled and waved back.
"Y/n, look at me."
Y/n gulps and looks back at Jungkook, Jungkook continues to paint Y/n and the silence is back, however it's not a comfortable silence this time Y/n could feel the thick tension between the two King.
Jimin took Jungkook's yellow paint but before he could use it Jungkook grab it but Jimin didn't let go of the paint.
"I need yellow" Jimin said through his teeth.
"Use yours, this one is mine" Jungkook pull the yellow paint but Jimin still didn't let it go.
"Give it to me before I snatch your hair" The tension was getting higher and Y/n is getting sick of it.
"Umm...why don't you two share it?" She suggests them, they look at her for a moment before nodding.
The silence is back again and after a couple of minutes, Jungkook is done with the painting.
"Done!" He runs and stands in front of Y/n "What do you think??" Jungkook asks with his adorable bunny smile, Y/n was amazed by his work, it's perfect Y/n felt like she has to pay to see this.
"'s beautiful, it's perfect!"
"Thank you Y/n!"
"I should be the one who says that! thank you for painting me"
"Y/n! What do you think of mine?" Jimin pushed Jungkook aside to show Y/n his painting.
His painting is a stick figure with noodle hair sitting on a chair and behind it is a giant sun, Y/n giggles when she sees his painting.
"It's adorable King Jimin, I love it" Jimin then gives her a black marker.
"Can you sign your signature on the corner, please?"
"Sure" she then signs her signature in the corner of the canvas like he said.
Behind Jimin, Jungkook was fuming with anger and jealousy, he snatches Jimin's painting along with the marker from Y/n and sign his signature beside Y/ns and give it back to Jimin.
"done, now leave"
"You ruined it"
"You ruined my time with Y/n"
Jimin scoffed "You don't even worth her time Jeon"
Jungkook hands turned into fists "say that again"
"You deaf? You're not worth her t-" before he could finish Jungkook grab Jimin's collar, Y/n stood up and was about to stop him but someone holds Y/n back by grabbing her waist.
Felix clears his throat catching the Kings attention Jungkook then let go of Jimin's collar "Excuse me, but I had to remind Lady Y/n that she has an appointment at noon, it's now eleven thirty and we have to go" Felix send her the look and Y/n quickly understood the assignment she looks back at the Kings.
"He's right, I'm sorry but I have to go right now Your Majesties"
Jungkook nods "That's okay Y/n, thank you for your time" Y/n smiles at him and does a curtsy before leaving the palace with Felix.
When she already leaves Jungkook punched Jimin's jaw, Jimin falls on the ground holding his jaw in pain but he quickly stands up and grabs his canvas before smashing it on Jungkook's head, their guards quickly tried to separate them.
The carriage slowly stopped, Jin look at Jason for an explanation.
"Due to the heavy rain, we couldn't continue our journey back to our Kindom Your Highness, so we have to stay at a hotel for the night" He sighs and open the carriage door to step out and let the guards opened the hotel's door for him.
Jin asks where the bar is and went straight to it while Jason took care of checking him in.
He sits on the barstool and ordered a drink, the bartender served him his drink, he thanked the bartender and sips the glass of liquor in his hand.
He suddenly heard a loud crash and he look to where the source of the voice comes, he didn't expect to see two drunk Kings fighting each other, their guards were trying to separate them but failed miserably.
They were talking about his queen.
His flower.
He grips the glass in his hand so hard that it shattered into pieces.
Just hearing these animals claiming his flower is making his blood boil in anger, he stood up and get out of the bar and approaches Jason.
"Your Maj-"
"We're going back to Seoul" Jason widen his eyes hearing the King's statement.
"But what about your Kindom? Your work your-"
"I DON'T CARE! I WANT US BACK TO SEOUL THIS MORNING!" Jin took his room key from Jason and stomps to his room.
Y/n's pov
I couldn't sleep so I throw my red cloak over me and walkout from the forest to take a night stroll.
The atmosphere of the cold night was calm, some people are already sleeping while some of them just got back from work and are heading back to their homes, the people in the Kingdom just had prepared for the upcoming winter season.
Suddenly a white owl land on my shoulder, I stare at it and pat its head the owl shows me what's on his leg, I found a piece of paper tied to it's leg I took it and unfold the paper.
Dear Eve
Hi! How are you? I know it's only been a day but I already missed you:(
I've been doing great but I had to stop my journey because of the heavy rain right now I'm staying at a hotel.
Please write back as soon as you get this letter and give it to the owl, his name is crabs by the way.
"Your name is crabs?" The owl nods, I grab a piece of paper and a pen from my bag and start writing a letter for Namjoon, after I'm done I tied the letter to the owl's leg, the owl spread his wings and fly to who knows where.
"Bye crabs!" I wave at the flying white owl.
"Who are you waving to?"
I got startled by a voice behind me,I turn around and see King Hoseok.
"You scared me, Your Majesty"
"Answer me"
"I'm waving to crabs he's an owl, what are you doing at this hour?" I ask him as I continue to walk, he followed me and walk beside me.
"Can't sleep, what about you?"
"Does that mean we're soulmates?" He ask while moving his eyebrows, I laughs and shook my head.
"Of course not"
"Well do you want us to be?"
"No, I barely know you Your Majesty"
King Hoseok shrugs "your loss"
"Where are you heading to, Your Majesty?"
"I don't know and please just call me by my name, what about you? Where are you heading to?"
"I'll just let my legs carried me to wherever it goes"
"Hmm wait what's that?" He snatches Namjoon's letter from my hand and reads it.
"Give it back" I tried to grab it but he held his hand high, making it difficult for me to reach it.
"Give it back!"
"Who's Joon?"
"None of your business, give it back!!" I start to jump to reach the letter but he held it higher.
"Answer me, who's Joon?"
"Just give it back!"
"You're not going to tell me? Okay" He suddenly run away from me I groaned and start to chase him.
"Bleh bleh bleh" he mocks and keeps running, after a few minutes he eventually stopped running and stood on the edge of a lake.
I stopped in front of him to catch my breath "G-give it back"
"Aww, you want this?" I nodded and reach my hand up to grab it "Oops!" Hoseok 'accidentally' let the letter slip from his hand and it falls on the lake water.
"Urgh!" I stomped on the ground and found a stick I grab it and walk to the edge of the lake and get down on my knees then I try to reach the letter with the stick I found.
"Hey, carefu-"
I fell.
I stood with half of my body in the water, glaring at Hoseok who's laughing on the ground I keep glaring at him until he stop laughing.
"Oh, you're still there?" Hoseok laughs and squats down in front of me then he reaches out his hand for me "Come, I'll help you" he said with a gentle smile on his face.
I grab his hand and pull him to the water, I watch him as he quickly stood up and brushes his hair back "Yah! Wha-" before he could finish I throw a splash of water to his face.
"Don't you dar-" and I do it again, he glares at me with his mouth hanging open.
"Come here!" He began to swim towards me, I turn around and start to run from him but because half of my body is in the water it's hard to do so.
"Gotcha!" Hoseok wrapped his arms around my waist and pull me back to fall in the water with him I push his hands off me and swam up.
"It gets in my nose" Hoseok laughs as I tried to get the water out of my nose, once I was done I throw a big splash of water at him, he gasped and starts to repeatedly hit his hands on the water making the water splashed everywhere.
I grab a seaweed from under the water and throw it at his face, I laugh when I successfully did it but as in revenge he threw a starfish and it hit my nose.
I gasps and grab more seaweed under the water and throw it at him it hits him and covered his face I laugh again but it didn't last long because he found a fishnet and threw it at me now he's the one who's laughing while I struggle to remove the fishnet from me, once I finally get rid of it and repeatedly throw him a big splash of water.
We continue our water fight until we decide to play hide and seek I covered my eyes with my hands and count to ten, once I was done I open my eyes and look around.
"Where are you hobi~" I said with a sing-song voice however before I could start looking for him a pair of hands wrapped under my arms and pull me out of the water I turn to look who is it.
"King Taehyung? What are you doing here?"
"To take you away from him" he grabs a towel from his bag and wrapped it on my body.
"What's going on here" Hoseok asks as he gets out from his hiding place and pulls himself out from the water and approaches us.
"Found you!" I said and point my index finger at him, but he just ignores me and keep looking at Taehyung for an answer.
"She isn't supposed to be here at this hour, especially with you Hoseok" he spat his name with disgust "Let's go" Taehyung grab my wrist and pulls me to walk but before we can take a step, Hoseok grab my other wrist "she's not going anywhere with you" they both glared at each other and I could feel Taehyung's grip is getting tighter and tighter to the point it starts to hurt me so pull my wrist off from him, his eyes look back at me and smirks.
I was shocked when he says her name, how does he know her, or is it just a coincidence? But the way he smirks wider tells me otherwise, he does know about her he then tilts his head and gives me an innocent smile.
"Let's go, shall we?" I hesitantly nod and pull my wrist off Hoseok "Bu-" "Bye Hoseok" I let Taehyung take my hand and pull me away from there, I refuse to look back because I can't handle seeing Hoseok's hurt expression Taehyung help me to sit on his horse before he sits behind me and command his horse to start running.
A/n's pov
Once they were away from there Y/n look at Taehyung and began to question him.
"How did you know about her? did you see her flying around the sky? Or did y-" Taehyung rolled his eyes and put his palm on her head.
Her eyes instantly closed and her head fell on his chest, he can hear soft snores coming out from her mouth, it didn't take them long to reach to Taehyung's mansion in Seoul Taehyung hop off from his horse with Y/n in his arms Taehyung entered his house and kick his bedroom door open and lay Y/n on his bed.
Taehyung grab a chair and take a seat beside his bed and just stares at her.
She looks so ethereal that Taehyung couldn't keep his eyes off her sleeping figure his eyes slowly travel down to her lips, they look so soft, so desirable.
Taehyung's hand went to caress her soft lips with his thumb but before he could do anything further a black cloud of smoke started to appear across from his bed, soon it fades and reveals a tall male figure.
"I see you've been following her around wherever she went, what exactly do you want from her?" The male asks as he sent Taehyung a hard glare.
Taehyung sickly smiled "Her, I want her."
The male gritted his teeth and scoop Y/n in his arms.
"Stay away from her" he said he disappear along with Y/n.
"Next time, you won't be able to take her away from me, Felix"
Hey gorgeous📸
I have an exam that will start on 20 and it'll finished on 27 september so idk if I'll be able to post a new chapter during the exam week.
also,here's what Felix looks like in this book:
Black long hair with purple eyes
(Credits to the owner,i got them from pinterest)
Lob u<3
periods suck.
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