Chapter 31
Chapter 31
A little bedtime story.
"You're really stubborn aren't you?" The very familiar voice said behind Y/n, he then sits beside her on the bench that is facing the sunrise.
Y/n chuckles "What did I do?" She said and turn her head to the side to face Taehyung.
"I told you to sleep, but you're here looking at the sunrise as if there are none tomorrow." Taehyung sigh.
"I did sleep, but it didn't last long." Y/n explained.
"Then why are you here? You're supposed to be on your bed."
"Relax Tae, I'm not paralyzed, I just want to move my body." Y/n said as closed her eyes and enjoys the morning air.
"We should get inside." Taehyung said, but Y/n ignores him and her eyes are still shut.
She was also here to remember everything that happened before she was unconscious, she remembers some parts but the rest are still blurry.
She remembered that she was with Hoseok three days ago, they were having dinner on a boat.
Y/n opens her eyes and finds Taehyung already staring at her, she wasn't surprised because she already felt him staring at her since she ignored him.
Taehyung stands up and offers his hand to Y/n and she accepts it.
"I don't want to stay in bed today, just in case you tell me to rest again." Y/n said as they both start walking toward the entrance.
"And what are you going to do?" Taehyung asked.
"Can I just start being your assistant today?" Y/n asked and hopes that Taehyung will let her, she is not looking forward to spending her entire day doing nothing or doing something useless.
Taehyung smiles, then he answers "Sure, but if you don't feel good you'll have to tell me."
"Alright, Your Majesty."
"I still feel weird when you call me by my title." Taehyung said and shakes his head.
"Well, you have to get used to it because when I'm on duty I will be calling you by your title."
"I-" Taehyung was about to say something but he was cut off by the sound of something falling.
Taehyung and Y/n turn their head toward the sound.
Their eyes met a single individual a little far from them, his eyes are wide open along with his mouth, his hands are shaking and he is struggling to say a word.
He stays frozen as he just stares at Y/n, his brain is telling him to run and hug her as tight as he could, but his body didn't cooperate with his brain.
"Are you alright King P-"
Jimin is finally able to control his body again after he heard Taehyung's voice, and without letting him finish he dashes to Y/n.
Taehyung should've known that this would happen, but he was too late to stop Jimin from hugging Y/n.
Y/n was too shocked when Jimin suddenly pulled her into his arms and gives her a bone-crushing hug, Y/n could feel Jimin's body trembling while her's are stiff as a statue due to the shock, but she soon relaxed and wraps her arms around Jimin, comforting him.
"Y-y-you're-" Jimin struggles to say the words as if they were stuck in his throat, he also tries to control his breathing after the sprint he had done.
"Shh...I'm here." Her hand starts to caress his messy hair as he cries harder on her shoulder.
Meanwhile, Taehyung just stands on the side while glaring at Jimin, he rolled his eyes before trying to separate Jimin from Y/n.
"Alright King Park, hold yourself together." Taehyung said and starts pulling Jimin from Y/n
But Jimin's grip on Y/n only gets tighter when Taehyung tries to separate them.
Seeing Taehyung's method didn't work
Y/n then decides to ask nicely.
"Jimin, could you let me go?" With those simple words of hers, Jimin quickly let go of her thinking he had done something, thinking he had hurt her with his hug earlier.
"W-why? Did I hurt you?!" His eyes began to search for the damage he thought he had done, but Y/n knows that his tight hug didn't leave a single bruise.
"I'm okay, you didn't hurt me." Y/n once again calmed Jimin.
"Sorry if I scared you, it's just...I've been waiting for you to wake up." Jimin look down at his feet as he said that, even though you can't really see his face now you recalled that he has large black circles under his eyes. That must mean he didn't get a proper rest because he was worried about you.
Y/n steps closer and closes her arms around Jimin in a gentle way, she puts her cheek on his shoulder and closes her eyes.
"You never scared me Jimin."
Jimin wants to cry after hearing her words, this is why he loves Y/n, she is a sweet and caring woman that is too good for anyone other than Jimin himself, only he can have her.
Jimin holds himself to not crying and returns your hug immediately.
But sadly, their moment doesn't last long when Taehyung loudly clears his throat.
"Sorry to break the moment but, Y/n and I need to go somewhere."
"Where?" Y/n and Jimin ask at the same time as they broke their hug.
"Great! Let's go." Jimin was about to grab Y/n's hand, but before he could, Taehyung already did.
"You might want to dress up first, King Park." Taehyung looks at him up and down, eyeing his silk blue robe and a pair of leopard slippers.
Jimin squints his eyes a little "It's just a breakfast."
"Yes, but I'm afraid it's going to be a bad reputation for you and your kingdom, imagine if news floats around Seoul about the King of Busan walking around the palace with inappropriate attire." Taehyung finished with a little wicked smile on his lips.
Jimin raises his eyebrows "Ahh, thank you for worrying about my reputation, King Kim." Taehyung could feel the heavy sarcasm in Jimin's tone, Jimin then turns to Y/n and give a cute little flirty smile.
"I'll see you at the dining table, swanie."
Jimin turns around and walks to where his room, once he's out of sight Taehyung smirks.
"Sorry to disappoint you little one, but you're not seeing him at the dining table today."
Jungkook's bloodshot eyes stare emptily at the ceiling above him, he knew that the sun is up by now as he hears some people walking past his bedroom doors, he hasn't been asleep since last week.
Something is wrong with his body, he could feel it.
It all started about a week ago when he suddenly woke up with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, along with a crucial pain in his body.
He couldn't place which part of his body was hurting, all he knew was everything hurts.
And that didn't stop until now. Every night, Jungkook will wake up and start feeling the same pain.
He locks himself inside his room for the past week, he only gets out if there is something really important, and he would just do his work in his room and not in his office.
Especially when he heard the news that Y/n fainted, no one saw him in the last three days.
Two knocks on his door made him annoyed and he groans before asking who was at the door.
"Your assistant, Your Majesty."
Jungkook groans again, this must be about work he thought.
"What do you want?" Jungkook asked with his eyes closed.
"It's about Miss Y/n."
Jungkook instantly opens his eyes after hearing the name of the woman he adores.
"Come in." Jungkook ordered, and his assistant enters his room but stays in front of the doors, not daring to come any closer since the King's mood has been awful for the past week.
"What's the news about my muse?"
The assistant shivers when he heard the word muse. His nickname for his one and only, Y/n.
Since he's the closest to His Majesty, he knew all of his dark sides, including his mad obsession with Y/n.
He was with His Majesty since His Majesty was a child, he always draws the same girl but with different clothes and hairstyles, the image of the girl is stuck in the assistant mind until now, and out of curiosity he decided to ask who is the girl that he always draws when His Majesty was thirteen years old.
"She, is my muse." The assistant still could feel the goosebump all over his body every time he remembered that cursed memory, he remembered the way Prince Jungkook said those words.
His eyes were full of lovesickness, and obsession.
"SPEAK!" Jungkook shouts at his assistant that was staying quiet the whole time.
His assistant clears his throat before announcing the news to him.
"Miss Y/n has awoken from her long nap, Your Majesty."
"Really?!" Jungkook immediately sat up from his laying position.
"Yes, but King Kim Taehyung is taking her outside-" the assistant panics when he sees Jungkook trying to get off his bed, he immediately runs to him and places his hands on Jungkook's shoulders as he tries to stop him.
"Your Majesty, you need to stay on your bed! You're not healthy enough to go after them!"
The room becomes silent and the assistant is surprised, he thought Jungkook would scream and fight back but he doesn't, he only looks down at his lap.
The assistant then notices he is stepping on something, he looks down and sees a piece of paper, what makes him shocked is that the paper has a sketch of a woman he is very familiar with.
When the assistant looks up he already finds Jungkook staring at him with dark eyes.
He smirks.
"You smell quite good."
"We could've just walked." Y/n said and stepped out of the carriage.
"You think I'll let you do that?" Taehyung said as he joins her.
Both are now standing in front of a fancy restaurant, one that is very famous and only the richest can made their way in.
"Come on." Taehyung places his hand on her lower back and guides her inside.
They are greeted by a butler and two waitresses that take off their coats, without asking for a reservation the butler tells both of them to follow him, and soon they arrive at their table.
Without a doubt, Taehyung booked the nicest table with the nicest view, it was only the two of them on the balcony.
"Why can't we just eat in the Palace with the others?" Y/n asked, she feels guilty about leaving Jimin, he must be confused when Y/n and Taehyung are not in the dining room.
"Because I heard this place serves the best breakfast in Seoul, you also haven't gone outside in a while hm?"
After saying that, Taehyung goes back to read the menu but his words are stuck in
Y/n's head.
He was right, she has never gone outside ever since they brought her into the Palace after that tragic day, she doesn't even think about going outside the Palace.
"Tae?" Y/n calls out his name to get his attention.
"Yes?" His eyes look up from the menu book to her eyes.
"Can we go somewhere after this?"
"Well, as you said, it's been a while since have gone outside."
"Sure then, but you're not allowed to get tired."
"But Your Majesty, I didn't tell you because I don't want the news to distract you from your rest!" The King's caretaker explained himself.
But before he can do further, Namjoon grabs his collar and look dangerously into his eyes.
"Do your job right, or you would not be in one piece."
The man drops himself to the floor as Namjoon angrily walks out of the room, his knees are too weak to support him from standing up, and his breathing gets heavier when he remembers what he seeing.
The King's eyes...were completely black.
It was as if he was staring at the demon himself.
"K-King Seok Jin..." The maid calls out his name quietly, but although her voice was quiet, he can still hear the fear in her voice.
"Speak." Jin said as the sound of him cutting the flowers echoed in the glass house.
"W-we just received a news..."
"From the doctor...that..." The maid pauses and tries to control her breath, she hides her shaking hands behind her and continues.
"Miss Y/n has awake."
Silence follows after he stopped cutting the flowers, the maid's uniform had already been drenched with cold sweats as she waits for the King's response.
The King slowly turns around, revealing his beauty in front of the maid, his eyebrows are slightly raised with his eyelids are low creating siren eyes, with blue flowers covering his exposed chest, he says.
"Promise me you won't go anywhere?"
"I won't Tae." Y/n calmly answered even though it's been three times he asked the same question.
Taehyung gets out of the carriage, two guards already on standby beside the carriage door.
"Make sure she stays inside." He ordered the guard without looking at them and walk inside the shop.
Y/n opens the carriage's window quietly and welcomes the air brushing past her, she then puts her elbows on the window and rests her chin in her hands.
Feeling peaceful, she closes her eyes and enjoys her time.
She opens her eyes after a moment, the view in front of her is like a sight for sore eyes, the thing that she needs after being in the Palace for too long.
Her attention then was caught by a female figure standing far away from where she is, but she could tell that woman is looking at her.
The woman wears a black cloak, the hood is preventing Y/n from seeing the woman's eyes and Y/n can only see her lips, that is smirking.
She then feels something, something that isn't a part of her, something that feels like it's hugging her, something that controls her.
Y/n's mind and body are no longer in her control, she turns to face the carriage door and opens them, and the guards that are standing look at her with straight faces.
"Miss Y/n, King Taehyung told you to stay inside."
Y/n didn't bother to listen to them, she steps out of the carriage with empty eyes, the guards were about to stop her but couldn't when they realized that their bodies are frozen like a statue.
"What's going-" The guard was about to ask his partner but his words were cut off by an unknown force.
Y/n walks, following the woman that went into the woods, the guards can't do anything but stare at her back as she began to disappear into the forest.
The sound of tree branches cracking under her footsteps is the only thing that she could hear in her ears, her eyes are still following the woman that's a little far from her, she walks deeper into the forest until she sees a river in front of her.
The river is calm, it wasn't that deep and she could easily cross it and continue to walk, but her feet stay glued to the ground.
A simple greeting breaks the spell that was controlling her, Y/n now has full control of herself and is completely unaware of how she got herself into an unknown forest.
She turns back to where the voice comes from, and a woman draped in black cloak steps outside the tree.
She has a smirk on her lips, her eyes are showing playful, mischief, and interest.
Y/n stood on her ground, she knows that this woman is not normal, and she had never seen someone with a very dark aura like the woman has.
"Long time no see." The woman spoke.
Y/n shows no emotion, but in her head, she tries to remember where did she meet the woman.
Never shows a single emotion to an enemy. Is one of the unspoken rules, especially fear.
"Do you recognize me, maid?" The woman asked with a sweet but unsettling smile that Y/n was familiar with.
She is the woman that Y/n met in the dungeon.
"What do you want?"
"Just a small talk." The woman said and take a few steps closer to Y/n.
"I haven't introduced myself in our first meeting. My name is-"
The woman looks a little surprised when Y/n said her name, but then her lips morph into a smirk again.
"You did introduce yourself."
"You have a good memory, beauty."
"And you're Y/n, the Kings favorite." The woman continued.
"The Kings? You mean-"
"The seven Kings that live with you in the Palace, correct."
"To them, you are their everything." The woman began to circle her as she continues.
"To them, you are their oxygen."
"To them, you are the little porcelain doll that they want to keep with them for their entire lives."
"Your point?" Y/n asked as her eyes follows the woman's figure.
The woman stops in front of her and laughs at her question like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard in her life.
"Honey, there are obsessed with you!"
"They are crazy for you! They only want you for themselves! And they would do anything to keep you!"
The word obsessed doesn't sit right with the Kings, the Kings were all nice to her.
They indeed treat her more special than others but it doesn't mean that they are obsessed with her.
Although there is some questionable behavior that they did that sometimes makes her think that they are a little obsessed with her.
"No, they didn't. they are good people."
Y/n's words make Mara laughs even more.
"I wish you know what they did behind your back, what they did to innocent people...and what they did to me and my sisters." Her face turns bitter saying the last sentences and the look in her eyes became dangerous.
Her aura gets darker as she just stood in front of Y/n, Y/n suddenly feel the urge to run away from her, but she knows she won't make it.
"What do you mean?"
Mara looks up with the previous expression she had, the mischief is back and Y/n no longer feels the dangerous aura around her but she won't let her guard down.
"How about if I tell you a bedtime story, of how this catastrophe started."
The last thing Y/n heard is the sound of Mara's fingers snapping before her vision turns black.
It was like something like a blindfold covering her vision, slowly, her vision came back and Y/n see a beautiful view that is very familiar to her.
The moonlight helps the beautiful flowers to bloom and stands out even more than the sun, Y/n is amazed but also confused as to how did she get here, her body feels so light.
She began to look around to find something, but instead, she found someone.
Y/n couldn't see the person's face as their back is facing her, Y/n then walks up to the person.
"Excuse me-"
Chills run down Y/n's spine when her hand which was supposed to touch the person's shoulder, goes through it.
Y/n stares at her hand in horror and covers her gaping mouth, as if that wasn't enough a hand goes through her stomach.
Y/n screams in terror and quickly gets away from the hand, she looks back to see who's the owner of the hand and when she does, the sight in front of her shocks her even more.
It's Jin.
But it's not the Jin she knows now, and it didn't take Y/n long to realize that the person she's looking at now is the younger version of Jin.
The situation in front of her feels too familiar for her, the weather, the garden, and the younger Jin in front of her.
That's when Y/n realize, that what she is seeing in front of her, was her memory.
So that means, the person that she approached...was the younger version of herself.
Y/n watches as Jin grabs her younger self's little hand to prevent her from picking his precious flower.
His calm but powerful voice spoke, Y/n feel chills run down her spine once again, watching these scenes of her memory made her a bit uncomfortable.
The little girl looks up to face the person who stops her from picking the flower and her face goes pale, she realizes she was caught.
Her blood ran cold as she stares at the boy in front of her, from Y/n's point of view, Jin was checking out her younger self but her younger self was too nervous to realize that the boy is checking her out.
But soon, the little girl stands up and looks away from the boy, she was too scared and nervous to lock her eyes with the boy again.
Y/n sees Jin's eyebrow twitch, he doesn't like it when the little girl is avoiding his stare.
"How did you get in here?"
Jin asked, but the little girl said nothing.
"Did someone send you here?"
Jin once again asked, but the little girl remains quiet.
"Who are you?"
Jin waited for a moment, but the little girl still didn't say anything, then he had enough of her being mute, so he place his index finger under her chin and gently tilt it up to make her face him.
The little girl is scared, everyone would know that if they sees her face.
But then she suddenly pulls her hand from the boy's grip and starts running away.
Because she pulled her hand from Jin's grip with force, her pearl bracelet falls onto the ground but it was her least problem at the time and she couldn't care less.
Jin picks up her bracelet before running after her, Y/n also runs after them to watch what is going to happen next.
Y/n runs out of the rose garden seconds after Jin ran out, she sees her younger self already far away from Jin and she feels proud.
But when she looks at Jin, he doesn't look happy, his fingers are wrapped tightly around her bracelet.
"Next time, you won't be able to run away from me."
The way he said those words, was like a promise, he then turns around and stomps back into his rose garden.
Y/n stood in her spot as she watch the garden doors loudly close due to Jin slamming the doors hard.
And like a blink of an eye, everything changes in front of Y/n just seconds after Jin slammed the garden's doors, the once tall garden doors turn into an empty playground.
Well, it is empty if Y/n didn't see a boy on a swing with his head low looking at his drenched shoes.
"This..." Y/n muttered as she steps closer to the boy, she remember clearly who is the boy.
Just then Y/n hear footsteps behind her, without turning to look at the owner of the sound she knows who is behind her.
Y/n moves to the side and watch the scene.
It pains her to remember this moment, Y/n didn't realize back then, but now she knows that Yoongi had so many bruises and scars on his body, even some on his face.
By looking at Yoongi's body, Y/n knows that he was abused back then.
Y/n is glad that she helped him before, the way his eyes look at the younger version of herself is like a shivering cat getting offered a warm blanket.
Y/n watch them as they talk, Y/n smiles when she sees the little her giving long encouraging words to him.
She remembers telling him that he, deserves better.
Even though they just met, Y/n felt like they were already close, like old friends.
Y/n watch as the little her runs away to go home, Yoongi watch her as she is slowly gone to the dark of night, her purple umbrella still shielding him from the rain and the warmth of the little girl was still all over him.
Y/n then sees something, something that isn't in her memory.
Yoongi's innocent eyes turns into dark look, Y/n begins to feel uneasy about him, no child should be having that look.
His eyes were full of love, sick love.
Obsession. That's what Y/n sees.
Yoongi's mouth begins to slowly curve up, creating a small smirk.
Then Y/n hears something that she didn't believe could come out of the fourteen's years old mouth.
"We'll meet again, Babydoll."
Y/n feels the same shiver she felt when Jin said his last words before she disappeared, scared and confused, Y/n could only watch as Yoongi also begin to walk away, with the smirk still attached to his lips.
And that was the last scene she sees before everything changed again, now in front of her is a giant lake.
Just like in the previous scenes, there's always the moon on the set. their glow reflects on the calm lake water, making them look sparkling.
With the help of the moonlight, Y/n can see a teenage boy, standing on a boat as his eyes study the water beneath him, shirtless.
The boy looks scared, but there's also bravery in his eyes, he is determined to prove something.
He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and jumping into the water.
Y/n waited patiently to see the boy coming back to the surface, but after three minutes Y/n starts to panic, no humans could stay in the water for that long.
Y/n wants to save the boy but she could since this is just her memory, but thankfully someone has already done it.
The little Y/n tossed her red cloak and jumps into the water then swims deeper into the water to find the stupid boy.
Not long after that, Y/n sees the little her dragging the boy's body on the ground, both are drenched with cold lake water and the boy is unconscious while his savior is doing the best she can to save the stupid boy.
The little Y/n starts doing CPR and it helped the boy to throw all of the water in his lungs out.
The boy's expression is a mixture of scared, tired, and relief, his eyes stay on his savior that starts blabbering that he is loved by many and how important he is, the boy doesn't know who this girl is, but he is thankful that she saved him.
Y/n sees the change of expression on the little girl's face when the boy told his real reason why he is there, the girls start smacking his head and telling him that he is stupid.
The little girl finally stopped insulting him and grabs two towels from her bag, she gives one of them to the boy to dry his body while she uses the other one to dry his hair.
As the girl is bust drying the boy's hair, the boy's curious eyes begin to study the girl's feature, Y/n sees Hoseok's eyes going from the little girl's eyes, and down to her lips.
He is fascinated by her features. to him, she is one in a billions, a ruby that was buried in the deepest part of the earth, a light in the deepest and darkest ocean, he never imagined that he will find someone so perfect.
"what?" Hoseok snap out of his thoughts and realizes what he said, his face turn into a deep shade of red.
Thankfully the girl didn't pay much attention to what was happening, and when she is done drying his hair, she takes out another towel from her bag and dries herself with it.
Hoseok is shivering by the cold weather, he hugs himself and rubs his arms with his hands up and down but his action didn't help to warmth his body, the girl notice the shivering boy and grabs her coat before wrapping him with it.
Hoseok looks up to the girl who's only wearing a cheap medium dress, he is confused of how she doesn't get cold from the weather around them.
"How about you? you must be cold too."
The little girl simply just shake her head as a no, Hoseok then thanking the girl who just saved him.
He was curious about the girl in front of him, them he realized that he still doesn't know her name.
"What's you're n-"
"Prince Hoseok!"
before he was about to finish his sentence a loud voice had interrupted him and the sound of horses footsteps are coming in their way, the little girl looks scared and immediately ran off, leaving the boy speechless and confused.
"Wait!" the young prince was about to ran after her but he's too late, she is already far away from him.
"There he is!" His guard spotted him and immediately goes to him.
"There you are my Prince! What are you doing here?! we're very worried for you!"
Hoseok is still looking at the direction where his savior ran off to, now she is not in his sight anymore and he wonders how could she ran that fast.
The look in his eyes...
"Let's go." Hoseok didn't reply to his question and hops himself on to his guard's horse, before running of with it leaving him confused.
The guard sighs and signals him team mates to go after the young prince.
Suddenly someone's hands covered Y/n's vision and she is back to the reality.
"Now beauty...I can't show you all of them, or you'll loose a lot of blood and we don't want that"
Y/n blinked for a few times before groaning in pain as the ache in her head is killing her.
"W-what did you do to me..." her voice was barely a whisper, Y/n looks around and found herself and M ara still in the woods, except now she wasn't standing, she is sitting on the ground and her body is resting against a tree, and Mara sitting in front of her.
She doesn't look dangerous this time...she looks friendlier.
"Traveling you back to your past, isn't that fun?"
Y/n sees that the witch has a napkin in her hand, she then swipes the napkin under her nose.
"My point is, did you see the look they gave you?"
Y/n simply humms, scrunching her nose as the pain in her head still doesn't go away.
"I would love to tell you what they do to your family, but we don't have much time. I could feel them coming."
"My family...? what did they have anything to do with my family?" Y/n asked weakly with her eyes barely open.
She expected Mara to explain it to her, but all she got was a sympathetic look from her.
"I promise, I'll explain everything. but not all at once, now wipe yourself."
Mara said before tossing her the napkin in her hand to Y/n's, she then stands up from the ground before dusting the dirt on her black dress. Y/n then wipes her nose again and sees her blood that is covering the napkin.
When Y/n looks up at Mara she finds her already watching her with a smirk on her lips.
"See you soon, beauty."
And just like that, Mara's gone.
Y/n could only sighs when she realized she is all alone in the dark forest. She turns her head slightly to the right, then to left, looking for a hope. But all she could see are trees, and the darkness.
"Pathetic..." Y/n mumbled to herself.
Y/n closes her eyes and make herself more comfortable while still leaning against the tree, she misses this, the atmosphere of the forest, her home that was gone, reduce to ashes.
tears starting to fall of her closed eyes one by one, and she starts having flashbacks of her mother, her friends, her dragon, and her memory back in the woods.
She misses them, very much.
She is still wandering where is Felix, has he succeeded or did he face the same fate as her family?
She hasn't seen or interacted him for months, she needs him to comfort her, calling her stupid nicknames, annoys her, and stays with her.
Y/n could only hope, that when she opens her eyes everything were just a nightmare and she would wake up in her room and smells her mother's horrible cooking in the kitchen, she hopes that Felix would barge into her room and wake her up, she hopes that when she opens her eyes, Felix would be standing in front of her.
Suddenly, there is a bright light that hurts Y/n's eyes which makes her shut her eyes firmly.
'Could it be...'
"Your Majesty! We found her!!"
Y/n didn't even bother to open her eyes and act's like she's unconscious, she hears some footsteps then feel someone scooping her body in their arms and lift her off the ground.
"Let's go back to the castle."
She heard a deep voice spoke, she doesn't need to open her eyes to know who's the owner of the voice or who's the one that is carrying her in their arms.
Kim Taehyung.
*Waving nervously*👋🏻 y'all doing...😀
The last time I uploaded a chapter is on 12th September 2022.
So...happy new year?
No, I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long for an update😔😔
Anyway I'm here to explain something.
So some of you may know that i posted this on my conversation:
And some of you are confused because the last thing i posted was my announcement, but technically the last thing i posted was chapter 30.
I wrote chapter 30 first before writting and publishing important announcement.
And I want to say thank you to everyone who had sent me all of the supportive messages, love you all🥹🫶🏻
Hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Published: 23/3/23
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